Topping our September 2023 News information is FallFest!
FallFest 2023 is Sunday, September 10!
Come enjoy the end of summer and the beginning of autumn at First Presbyterian’s Fall Fest, scheduled to follow worship on Sunday, Sept. 10 at 11:00 a.m. Scout Troop 179 will be offering a delicious barbecue lunch and fun outside games. There’s going to be a cake walk, a firetruck and police vehicles, face painting, table games, ring toss, curling, and even a therapy dog! Several activities for all ages are in the works. Tell your family, friends, and neighbors to join the fun in this great start to fall!
The Jazz band will be returning for the Fall Fest so get your toe-tapping shoes on for another joyous and fun-filled morning at First Pres!
So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God. (I Corinthians 10:31)
October 2023 FYI Deadline: Friday, September 22
News from the Transitional Pastor Search Committee (TPSC)
Members: Dorothy Tait (Secretary), Sally Kirsten, Bob Van Hamme, Marc Hemmye, Colleen Tavor (Chair), Michelle James (COM Liaison)
We are all moved over to the new CLC system and have begun receiving automatic referrals from Transitional Pastor (TP) candidates. The system is set up so that whenever we have a matched profile to review, the committee convenes to review and discuss whether to invite the candidate to apply. If we invite a candidate to apply, we then wait for the candidate’s response. Once a candidate responds positively, then we can set up an interview. We are currently waiting to hear back from two candidates that we have invited to apply for the position.
The Healing and Transformation Workshops are set to begin in September. A contract has been approved by Session and will be signed by Dorothy Tait. The various workshops will be held September – November. More details to come soon.
Stay tuned also for a Pray-A-Thon focused on finding a Transitional Pastor that is currently being planned. Let’s join our voices together and call on God to send us the next person to accompany us on our faith journey! If you would like to help plan the Pray-A-Thon, contact Dorothy Tait or Colleen Tavor.
Leadership Training – Elders and Deacons
A leadership training session was held on July 19, 2023, for Elders and Deacons led by the Presbytery Commission on Ministry Representative Rev. Michelle James and the Session Moderator Ken Kaibal. There were 19 individuals in attendance. This training covered the topics of: Who are we as Ruling Elders/Deacons, what strengths do we bring to the role and in what areas can we grow (i.e., faith, knowledge, prayer)? There were short videos about being leaders in the church as well as on the principles of order in the government of the church followed by discussions after each video. We learned that the Deacons are defined as the ministry of compassion and service and the Ruling Elders are defined as the ministry of discernment and governance. For those Elders and Deacons who were unable to attend this training or who are looking for more information, here is a link to the videos:
August 2023 Session Highlights
The Session monthly meeting was on August 23, 2023. Highlights from this meeting are:
- The contract for the Healing and Visioning Sessions was approved. This is the next step following the CAT Study and leader development workshops. Sessions will be scheduled during the 3rd quarter of the year and will consist of small group meetings, a leadership retreat, congregational workshops, and a final wrap-up. Desired outcomes of these sessions are:
To meet the expectations of the Presbytery of Detroit by addressing communication and leadership challenges building on the work previously done by Holy Cow!
To support FPCF moving into a future rooted in transparency, accountability, good relationships, and trust, be positioned for a successful search for a permanent pastor, and to continue the good work of the church in the community.
To provide meaningful tools, feedback, and ideas that the leadership and congregation can utilize to create the culture of trust desired.
- The Treasurer reported that the YTD revenue versus expenses remains positive. This is, in part, a result of: 1) offerings being on target for the year; 2) ministries managing their expenses to the budget and; 3) the financial market being positive at this time.
- Session approved a quote to remove four trees from the property.
- Mission Ministry Team is reaching out to the congregation with a survey to obtain feedback on what mission projects there is interest in continuing or not. This could be existing projects or new ones.
- Nurture Ministry Team gave an update on the upcoming Fall Fest and is hoping for a good crowd.
- A discussion was held on how to find volunteers for the various positions around the church such as Ushers and Greeters. Position descriptions will be shared in future communications.
- The next Session meeting is Wednesday, September 20, 2023.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you
In early 2020, the Property Committee compiled a list of projects that needed to be completed around the church, but there were no extra funds in the budget. This list included upgrading equipment in the kitchen, fixing some of the more pressing issues with the HVAC system, replacing an area of the roofing, upgrading lighting inside and outside, among other items. Session proposed a three-year Capital Campaign to raise the required funds, which was approved by the congregation.
Fast forward to today. The 2020-2023 Capital Campaign officially ends on August 31, 2023, and we are happy to report that the designated projects were completed. In addition, the outstanding church loan was able to be renewed at a lower interest rate, reducing the monthly loan payment.
The response to this campaign by the congregation was very quick and generous, especially during the uncertain time of the COVID pandemic. Sixty-seven pledging units signed up for a total pledged amount of $160,574. As of August 28, 2023, $144,784 has been received, which is 90% of the pledged amount. The individual mid-year statements will be out soon and will show the status of those with pledges.
The monthly ACH payments ended with the August 15, 2023 run. However, the Capital Campaign will stay open until the end of the year for any additional contributions, which will be designated to new projects or used to help pay off the loan principal.
Again – Thank you!
‘Town Halls’ with Bells and Whistles
On Sunday, July 30 we received a short report from Colleen Tavor concerning the progress being made on our Transitional Pastor search (see TPSC report in this FYI) and then it was game time!
Fueled by an expanded coffee hour, 25 members stayed for a variety of games including a large group trying their luck at Bingo! And there were fun prizes!
After the town hall held on Sunday, August 27, Deacon Sue Andrews organized a craft table so we could make cards and write heartwarming notes to homebound or out of town church members.
We hope they feel our love as they receive our cards and notes and receive a warm outreach from The Church of the Open Hands.
Deacon’s Wellness Seminar – Anger Management – Sept 17
We’re hosting a free special session at FPCF on Sunday, September 17, as part of the Deacon’s Wellness Seminars. Colleen Tavor is a Licensed Professional Counselor with a private practice in Southfield. She has been teaching anger management for 17 years and will be sharing her expertise with us.
You’ll get a better understanding of anger, why certain situations make you angry, learn a few quick techniques to calm yourself (and others) down, and some simple communication skills that can change your relationships.
A six-session workshop condensed to one hour! Join us in Knox Hall for this enlightening session following worship.
Flu Shots are Coming!
On Sunday, September 24, you’ll be able to get your flu shot right at the church immediately following the service. The Michigan Community VNA will bring both regular flu vaccines and the high dosage vaccines especially recommended for those 65 years and up. No need to make a reservation, just head to Knox Hall after worship.
Meet Sue Cooper, Our New Treasurer
Hello, my name is Susan Wiens Cooper. I grew up attending First Presbyterian and I have many happy memories of the church. My parents were Dave and Ruth Wiens, who were very active members from 1962 until their deaths in 1989 and 2017. I attended Sunday school every Sunday, rain or shine, and every activity of the Junior and Senior High School youth groups.
We had the good fortune of having Homer Nye as the Assistant Pastor in charge of youth groups back then, and he and his wife Ann would take the group on backpacking trips to Isle Royale, Rocky Mountain Nat. Park, and other fun locations. He also taught Bible Studies and Ann formed a cooking club. It was a fun time to be in a youth group, and it helped me get through high school unscathed.
I graduated from North Farmington High School and went off to college in Ann Arbor, majoring in Biology. There I joined several Christian groups on campus and met my husband Ken at one of them. We married in 1980, and have since lived in Ann Arbor and Dexter, MI, then Naperville, IL, and Orlando, FL, before moving back to my parents’ house here in Farmington Hills. We have three grown children and two grandchildren (who live near Montreal, Quebec). We also have a granddog named Quincy.
For my working life, I became an Enrolled Agent (tax accountant) and a Master Tax Advisor for H & R Block for about 18 years. I am now retired from H&R Block and I spend my time teaching Needle Felting at a local craft store, visiting my grandchildren in Canada, and cheering for the Wolverines.
Sometime last fall I was in Petco, shopping for some dog treats for our beloved goldendoodle, Quincy. I took them to the register and the young man there looks at me and says, “I know you!” I looked at his nametag and realized that he might be Mitchell Cressman, from church. I said, “You might remember me from First Presbyterian Church, although I haven’t been there in a long time, due to the Pandemic.”
He said, “That’s it! And you should come again because everyone would love to see you and it is such a great place. I know they would be very happy to see you again!”
Well, that was just the push I needed to start attending again on an occasional basis. I would sit in the back where I figured no one would notice me, and usually leave right away since I am not much of a talker.
One Sunday in late July, there was an announcement that the church was looking for a new Treasurer because Rick Fuller needed to step down. My first thought was “Well, that’s interesting, but it couldn’t possibly be for me because I have not been very involved in the church lately.” Later that week, I received an email from Sally Kirsten, who had indeed noticed me, and my husband, Ken, sitting in the back of the church. She asked if I might be interested in the Treasurer position, knowing that I had inherited some accounting ability from my father, David Wiens, who had been the church treasurer back in the ‘80s. I immediately spoke to Ken, who was very supportive. I knew right then that I should accept. I strongly felt like it was God, and my father, reaching down from heaven, tapping me on the shoulder, and saying “It’s your turn now.” It was a very easy decision, and I just hope I can live up to the standards set by all the previous Treasurers at First Presbyterian. It will be a new adventure, and I look forward to working with all the other dedicated members of the church.
Youth United 2023 Program: Diverse and Energetic
Sometimes, chaos is good.
Positive chaos reigned at Youth United 2023. Aug 1-3, at CARES of Farmington Hills. Ninety interfaith teens packed snack, soup, and hygiene kits; helped CARES with the rubber duck race fundraiser; pulled weeds and mulched; created custom art grocery bags for clients and art for foster kids; built benches (always a favorite project under Ev Randlett and Rob Kirsten); sorted canned goods; and stocked shelves in the pantry store. Teens came from houses of worship ranging from Jewish to Muslim to Pentecostal to Hindu to no faith at all. They also took part in faith discussions, made a lot of new friends, and consumed an untold number of popsicles from the CARES market.
Their energy was impressive. In a couple of hours of assembling soup kits with Metro Food Rescue, teens supplied 1,200 meals. They nearly filled a bus with hygiene kits for Another Day Resource to distribute in Detroit and Pontiac. Kids also took their time designing meaningful art canvases destined for Oakland County Foster Closet. As children come to shop for the first time, they’ll get to choose a piece of art for their room in their new foster home.
This year we operated on a comparatively tiny budget and a small group of planners. Funding came via gifts from Adat Shalom Synagogue, Muslim Community Mosque, First Presbyterian Church of Farmington and Trinity in the Woods Episcopal, St. Gerald Catholic Church, and Dawoodi Bohras, as well as a $250 grant from Thrivent Financial (Lutheran ELCA). Supplies were also donated by Home Depot (Southfield Store), Farmington Sherwin Williams, Z’s Painting, Another Day Resource, and Metro Food Rescue. (Each organization also received a thank-you canvas created by the teens.) Looking at the numbers, we feel proud of the project that started with Karen Linnell’s idea and bloomed with the support of FPCF’s Mission Ministry and a grant from the Presbytery. We thank all of you for your support and your prayers.
If you’d like to look through all our photos (Of course you do!) you can do so at or you can scan the QR code:
New Membership Class Coming Soon
Is it time for you to become a FPCF member? Plans are underway for our next New Member Orientation Class (date to be determined soon – watch the bulletin for details). If you’d like to learn more about membership in First Pres, this is the perfect opportunity to hear the FPCF story and to tell us yours. Please contact the church office (248-474-6170 or [email protected]) for details.
Presbyterian Women Events
PW Annual Spiritual Retreat – September 13, 2023, 9 am to 12:30 pm
Where: At the shelter in Dearborn’s Ford Field Park on Monroe Street, just North of Morley Ave
Cost: $30 – includes a Continental Breakfast, Meet & Greet and a Box Lunch
PW Circles Meet Soon
Presbyterian Women invites all women to visit one of our Circles for a September meeting. Our three Circles – ACTS, Deborah/Lydia, and Phoenix – are small groups that offer fellowship, friendship, support, and bible and book study. We would love to have you join us. No reservation or commitment required; just come when you can.
ACTS meets the second Tuesday (Sept. 12) at 9:30 a.m. in the Garden Room/Parlor. Deborah/Lydia meets the second Thursday (Sept. 14) at 10:00 a.m. in Room 207. Phoenix meets the third Tuesday (Sept. 19) in the Garden Room/Parlor and then goes to lunch. Contact Deborah Draper, Anne Sebesta, Sue Carlson, or any PW leader, or just come. There is more info on the PW bulletin board in Knox Hall.
Save the Date for PW Christmas Gathering Wed, Dec 6, at 10 am
Mark your calendar for Wednesday, December 6 at 10:00 a.m. for the PW Christmas Gathering and play, open to all. This is a change from our usual evening event. This year’s daytime Gathering, “It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year,” will include a catered lunch in Knox Hall after the play and music in the sanctuary. Tickets will be $10 for the program and lunch.
Mission, Outreach, and Giving Opportunities
Planning, Making, Serving Lunch at Crossroads of Michigan
How do you put together 470 lunches in 2-3 hours? With planning, kettles the size of a small bathtub, 21 pairs of hands, and a lot of heart! Turkey sausage with peppers and onions served over a bed of brown rice, honey glazed carrots, an orange, roll, and cookies were on the menu for the Sunday lunch crowd at Crossroads of Michigan on Sunday, August 20. Members of FPCF, Faith Community of Novi, and First Presbyterian Church of Northville collaborated on this endeavor. If you know how to chop, bake, stir, wash, or serve, mark your calendars to join us next time on Sunday, November 5.
Many thanks to our FPCF volunteers: Ron & Nancy Prieskorn, Leslie Black, Emily & Chris Davis, Ginny & Jim Hubble, and MJ & Paul Floreno! What a team! Thank you for representing FPCF!
Support CARES
A reminder that the September “suggested” donation for CARES is: “Something for a lunch box”.
This may include fruit cups, tuna pouches, peanut butter, granola bars, nuts, raisins, or anything else you’d like to find packed in your lunch box! Another need is dishwashing liquid. Household items are always appreciated by our guests!
Thank you for your generous support of our neighbors.
3rd Quarter (July/Aug/Sept) Mission Collection: Money for Sneakers
The Mission Ministry Team decided that our 3rd Quarter collection would be “Money for Sneakers” for Farmington Public School children in elementary grades. One pair of sneakers needs to be left at school for gym class and this extra pair of shoes can be a hardship for some families.
Checks can be made out to FPCF, with a notation “Mission Sneaker Collection” in the note area, and dropped off in the Sunday collection basket or mailed to FPCF, 26165 Farmington Road, Farmington Hills, MI 48334.
The Mission Ministry will match all donations up to $1,000.
Let’s help out the kids for the next school year!
Growing Hands Gardening & Nutrition Class
The Growing Hands Gardening and Nutrition Class that is being provided at our church in partnership with Danika Community Development Inc. (DCDI) will be meeting for the last class time on Labor Day weekend. Even though the class will be officially over, the church gardens will continue to produce abundant, healthy, and beautiful vegetables and herbs for class members to harvest until the first frost. There have been several students in the class, with two families consistently attending. Each of these families includes an elementary student who is very engaged. It is fun to watch their wonder at gardening!
The families that attended continue to learn new things about food and gardening, and are enjoying the fruits of their labors. Thank you FPCF for your contributions to this effort. Thanks, too, to those who helped with the class: Tom and Cathy Neal, who also rehabbed the garden enclosures; Leslie Black; Mary Carson; Larry Kneisel; Marcia Van Hamme; and Manny Sharpe.
Come One! Come All! To Our Mission Round Up!
Have you ever wondered how your FPCF Mission Ministry Team decides to support the places it supports? Have you thought that this is the year you want to get a little more involved in the life of our church?
Have you ever thought about the words in Matthew 25:35-40?
35 for I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, 36 I was naked and you gave me clothing, I was sick and you took care of me, I was in prison and you visited me.’ 37 Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when was it that we saw you hungry and gave you food or thirsty and gave you something to drink? 38 And when was it that we saw you a stranger and welcomed you or naked and gave you clothing? 39 And when was it that we saw you sick or in prison and visited you?’ 40 And the king will answer them, ‘Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did it to me.’)
What did those words meant to you?
You are cordially invited to participate in our upcoming Mission meeting. Join us as we discern our plans for the coming year. When: Monday, September 11 at 7:00 p.m. Where: Room 208-210. Questions? Talk to Rick Fuller, Colleen Tavor, or Nancy Prieskorn.
2nd Car Care Clinic Planned
Would you like to have a better relationship with your car? Would you like to better understand what it needs? Are you worried about high auto repair prices? Learn the basics of caring for your car at this community clinic sponsored by First Pres. Cost: $30 includes all three sessions held on Sunday, Sept 17, Sept. 24, and Oct 1, from 2:00-4:00 p.m. at FPCF. Invite your neighbors and friends! Questions? See or call Karl Cressman. Or register at:
Know someone who might be interested? Share the link above or the image below:
Social Justice Book Club – Starting our 4th Year and 7th Book
The Social Justice Book Club is starting up again in September after our summer break. The book we will be reading is called “Demystifying Disability: What to Know, What to Say, and How to Be an Ally” by Emily Landau. The book is described as “an approachable guide to being a thoughtful, informed ally to disabled people, with actionable steps for what to say and do (and what not to do) and how you can help make the world a more inclusive place.”
Led by Deb Hemmye and Colleen Tavor, we meet by Zoom on the last Monday of each month, 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. Our first meeting will be on Monday, September 25. We have about 12-15 regular attendees, most from First Presbyterian Church Farmington, but from other parts of the country as well, and even India! Please join us! Contact Deb Hemmye or Colleen Tavor for details.
Arts and Crafts Show – Crafters and Bakers Wanted!
Returning by popular demand is the First Pres Arts and Crafts Show, a fundraiser for our worship and music ministry.
Mark your calendar now for the Arts and Crafts Show on Saturday, October 28 from 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. and Sunday, October 29 after worship from 11:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. in Knox Hall.
The Mission Ministry Team will host a bake sale to raise funds for a Mission project. FPCF bakers are welcome to contribute all types of baked goods or jams/jellies.
To exhibit, request an application to reserve an 8’x8’ booth for both days for $45; $5 more for to add electricity. The attendance fee is $2.00 per day for visitors.
For additional information, contact Deborah Dunne Draper and MJ Floreno.
Don’t miss out of these programs!
The Wired Word – An Adult Curriculum
All are welcome to join our Bible study Sundays at 9:00 a.m. The class meets in the library and ends in time to join in Worship at 10:00 a.m. Every week there is a new topic selected by The Wired Word staff based on current events and ideas. An advance copy of the weekly lesson is sent via email to each of the class members and friends requesting a copy. These meaningful discussions are a great way to share and get to know church members. Sign up by contacting Tom Neal.
All Hail Ringers and Singers
The official start of the fall season will begin on Sunday, September 10. To ready the choirs, we will begin rehearsals on Thursday, August 31. Bells will rehearse at 6:00 p.m. and the chancel choir will rehearse at 7:30 p.m. There’s always room for more members! If you’ve been thinking of ringing or singing, please contact Minister of Music Shari Fiore-Bloom at 586-215-2255 or [email protected].
Join us for Coffee and Treats after In-Person Worship
We love seeing you back in church! And we love it when you join us after our worship service for Hospitality Time in Knox Hall!
But if you can’t join us in person, watch our livestream.
- 1. Go to our Worship Services page at:
- Click on the image that looks like this:
Congregational Concerns
We keep in our Prayers
Due to member privacy concerns we do not publish prayer concerns on the web-version of the FYI.
Thank Yous
CARES: “We thank you for your generous support and thank you for seeing our vision through your eyes. Please know the contribution will be used to further our mission to meet the needs of our community. As we continue to expand and build our Campus of Hope here on the grounds of CARES, we welcome everyone to come and tour CARES in Farmington Hills so that you can begin to experience our vision and our dream.”
Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA): “Thank you to you and your church for your donation and support of the work of PDA. We’re blessed to be able to be ambassadors of your love and care through our work with communities affected by disasters. May God continue to bless your ministry.”
Marion Medical Mission: “Thank you for your gift of $450. MMM will use 100% of your donation as designated. 3,855 wells were built in 2022, providing an estimated 385,000 of the extreme poor with a sustainable source of safe drinking water … Thank you for being part of the solution.”
Fort Street Presbyterian Church: “We thank you for your financial support, donations, volunteer time, and your generosity of spirit. The Open Door ministry is committed to serving individuals who are struggling with various challenges, such as criminal records, substance abuse, and mental health disorders. We work tirelessly to stabilize their lives and offer them hope for a better tomorrow. We are incredibly grateful for your donations, which allow us to serve individuals in need of basic services that we often take for granted. Your generosity is a testament to your commitment to making a difference in the lives of others. Thank you again for your support and kindness.”
Lighthouse: “Our team at Lighthouse wants to thank you for being a partner with our family shelter! With your help, Lighthouse provided 30,943 nights of emergency shelter, daily meals, and services. Thank you for supporting our clients and mission!”
Presbyterian Church, Ministry Engagement and Support: “On behalf of Presbyterian Ministry Engagement and Support, please convey our appreciation to your mission committee, pastor, session, and congregation for your gracious and faithful support for Shared Mission, One Great Hour of Sharing, Christmas Joy Offering, and Peace & Global Witness Offering.”
Meet our new AV Tech Intern Jaiden Thomas

Jaiden Thomas (L), Hank Burns-Pavlik & Chris Ely (R)
A warm introduction to Jaiden Thomas, our new AV Tech Intern replacing Henry “Hank” Burns-Pavlik, who has started college.
Jaiden is a senior at North Farmington, where he is NFHS Auditorium Stage and Tech Manager, and 2024 Class President. He has received the American Legion Leadership Award for the past three years and plans to attend Michigan State University to study medicine, specializing in Neurology. He’s a terrific addition to our AV Tech Team, staffing our sound board for Sunday worship. Be sure to stop by and say hello.
Church-Wide Prayer
A powerful tool in a church is not necessarily a program, a special service, a booklet, or a flashy presentation. It’s a group of people who live what they say they believe. It’s worshiping Jesus, loving each other, and caring for the community. In other words, a healthy church.
The following prayer has been suggested to be used as a church-wide prayer for groups, committees, meetings, or any gathering of church members. The Session is suggesting that First Presbyterian Church of Farmington members and friends unite in prayer often as we review, reflect, and revitalize our church life. There is power when a church gathers together to pray.
Dear Lord,
We ask for your blessings on the congregation of the First Presbyterian Church of Farmington. We ask that you expand our opportunities to minister to our neighbors, both known and unknown, and to spread the good news of your Son our Savior Jesus Christ. We ask that your hand be on us as we go forth on the path that you would have us be on, that you protect us and keep us from evil and that we, in turn, do no harm to anyone. Bless us, Lord, bless us indeed! Help us to remember that nothing can happen here without you and without our willing hearts and our open hands. Guide us through this time of reflection and revitalization of our church. We thank you for your loving presence with us each day. Amen.
Adapted for First Presbyterian Church of Farmington from a prayer used by Orchard Lake Methodist Church, provided by Ginny Hubble.
A Prayer for Labor Day Weekend
O God, through human labors you continually perfect the immense work of your creation. Listen to the prayers of your people, and grant to everyone employment that calls us to our best and unites us with each other, so that we can serve our brothers and sisters, and your world, through our work.
News from the Church Office
Summer hours are in effect through September 10. The church office is currently open on Tuesdays through Thursdays from 9:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. and closed on Mondays and Fridays. The office hours will change as of September 11 to Monday through Thursdays and but remain closed on Fridays; hours are yet to be determined. As a reminder, it is always agood idea to call ahead if you need to come into the building. Please contact our devoted Office Administrative Assistant Carly Vivio in the church office via telephone at 248-474-6170 or email at [email protected].