
What’s New
From Pastor Bruce
Hi, First Presbyterian Family.
Thank you for so warmly welcoming me last week. You all are a lively bunch; I love it.
I am looking forward to my time with you, getting to know you, serving with you and, of course, drinking coffee and eating cookies with you. (My kryptonite). 😊
Pastor Bruce’s first sermon at FPCF
Obviously, I’ll be with you all on Sundays. Also, every week I plan to be in the office on Tuesday and Wednesdays from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. (The exception will be the third week of each month when Session meets when I plan to be around on Wednesdays and Thursdays).
Feel free to connect with me at: [email protected] or call me or text me at 616-485-4340.
Bruce D. Mulder, Transitional Pastor
First Presbyterian Church of Farmington’s 70th Anniversary (May 19-25)
Spring Clean-up Day – Saturday, May 4
Join us on Saturday, May 4 between 9:00 a.m. and 12 Noon for our annual Spring Clean-up Day. Our focus will be on trimming, raking, and planting flowers to beautify our property.
Please bring your work gloves and tools for pruning, planting, and general clean-up that day.
Coffee, juice, and donuts will be provided. Any questions? Contact Jeff Ely.
2024 CROP WALK – Sunday, May 5, 2024
As a congregation who participates in the local CROP Walk, we have a way to help neighbors in our community and around the world. CROP Walks are community-led interfaith events that raise funds to end hunger locally and around the world.
Our participation impacts individuals and families in more than 35 countries. Across the U.S. there are 500 walks and more than 100,000 hunger fighters, all with one goal – building a world where there is enough for all.
Through our gifts, we are fulfilling the commission of having a generous heart as a follower of Christ. We walk to provide local partners including 1,600 local food banks and soup kitchens in our own communities to end hunger and poverty. We walk to show solidarity with the millions who walk miles every day in search of food and water. We walk to bring awareness while raising funds for permanent change.
To donate online or to sign up to walk: Register at crophungerwalk.org and invite others to support an end to hunger. To donate in-person: Sign-up forms will be available in the Narthex through Sunday, May 5, which is the day of the walk in Downtown Farmington. Our church has taken part in the CROP Walk for many years and collected a generous $1,565.00 for the 2023 CROP Walk. Everyone is welcome to participate. We hope to have more walkers this year. Please join us!
June 2024 FYI Deadline: Friday, May 17
Upcoming Events and Mission Opportunities
Mission Opportunity: Serving Lunch to 500
Please consider joining us as we prepare and serve lunch at Crossroads of Michigan on Sunday, May 19. The Sign up Genius link is: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/4090A4EAAAF23A2FB6-49128880-crossroads or feel free to contact Nancy or Ron Prieskorn to get signed up. We also need bakers and choppers on Friday, May 17 at First Presbyterian Church of Northville. Please join us!
We will take clean, men’s summer or lightweight clothing and shoes to Crossroads. They are also in need of packages of undergarments and socks. Items must be at the church by Thursday, May 16. Please label everything “Crossroads”. Thank you!
Youth United Enters 6th Year
Like the proverbial mustard seed, Karen Linnell’s 2018 spark of an idea for a camp where diverse kids could give back to their community while learning more about each other continues to flower.
This year, with the help of our interfaith partners (adults, teens, laypeople, staff, and clergy from 11 churches, mosques, and synagogues), it will bloom early:
Wednesday, June 26 and Thursday, June 27, 2024
Our funding will come from contributions from our partner faith communities, friends, and — fingers crossed — two grants.
Proposed 2024 teen projects include assembling snack packs and birthday celebration kits for area youth; compiling activity bags tailored to support summer learning and memory retention for kids and seniors, who are respective CARES clients; creating art canvases for children in the Oakland County Foster Care system; and miscellaneous beautification and minor building projects for the CARES campus.
We’ll also have a new format for faith discussions where teens can interact with representatives from Christianity, Judaism, and Islam.
How you can help:
Spread the word to any youth who might be interested in taking part in this meaningful experience.
- Teens entering 6th grade (fall of 2024) to 2024 graduating seniors
- No faith affiliation needed
Teens can register at https://bit.ly/youthunited24 or use this QR code in the image to the right.
Keep Youth United in your prayers. We pray the witness of interfaith teens working together and reaching out to their neighbors help mend our divided world.
Youth United does touch intergenerational and interfaith hearts. However, the planning takes a toll on the small group of lay and staff members of our faith organizations. We pray new people will become invested and involved, ensuring the longevity of this unique program.
Want to help out as an adult mentor? Let co-leaders Karen Linnell or Laura Hedgecock know. We’ll get you a registration link!
You can contact Karen Linnell or Laura Hedgecock with any questions, or you can email us at [email protected].
Additionally, we could use some experienced members to help plan and oversee construction projects. (Adult volunteers, please use bit.ly/yuadult2019 to register).
Brochures are available in the narthex and a PDF flyer can be found at http://bit.ly/YA2019-Flyer. More questions? See Laura Hedgecock or Karen Linnell.
FPCF’s Shopping List for CARES
Have you picked up your copy of the “FPCF’s 2024 CARES Shopping List”? It’s a handy list of the most needed items at CARES. You’ll find paper copies of the list in the pew backs and in a pocket attached to the Mission bulletin board. Help yourself to a list or take more to share with friends and family.
Choose something from each category or pick your favorites. Place your items for donation in the CARES plastic bin in the Narthex or leave them in the Mission Cove. Anything helps. Everything is appreciated.
Happy shopping and sharing in 2024!
Charity Collection Update – Presbytery of Detroit’s TP Collection
Through you God has provided for the people we serve.
Toilet Paper Drive Goal: 3,900
Received so far: 3,938
Remaining: +38!
The Presbytery of Detroit made its goal with 38 to spare thanks to your help!
Reserve the Date: Saturday May 4 @ 7 p.m. for a bit of musical self-care
Please join us for a relaxing uplifting evening of music at a spring choral concert by Cantata Academy Chorale featuring a variety of pieces including Broadway favorites (Do You Hear the People Sing, Masquerade, Another Op’n’n, Another Show; Impossible Dream and Lullaby of Broadway) and deeply inspirational selections (Oh Love, Sing me to Heaven, Earth Song, Afternoon on a Hill, and a particularly haunting piece – Even When God is Silent).
Advance purchase tickets available at https://cantata-academy-chorale.square.site for a reduced price of $18 for Adults and $15 for Seniors/Students. At the door, the prices are $20 for Adults and $15 for Seniors/Students. Children under 10 free.
You are Welcome to Join First Pres Sailors Prayer Group
The First Pres Sailors Prayer Group is all about praying for the future of FPCF. We meet every Wednesday, at noon, in person, at the church in the Garden Room / Parlor (or another room that is heated). As we prepare ourselves to step into the future, we have much to pray for: our new transitional pastor, a permanent pastor, the focus of our mission, God’s plan for us as a church at this time and place, and more. If you are interested in joining us, please contact Colleen Tavor ([email protected]) to stay informed via email of any changes that may be needed. When it’s warm enough, we meet outside by the fire pit.
Presbyterian Women Hopes to See You This Month
Our church has a strong, active Presbyterian Women organization that focuses on bible study, fellowship, and outreach. We would love to see you at a May Circle meeting. No obligation; just come or contact PW Moderator Deborah Draper with any questions.
- Deborah Circle meets Thursday, May 9 at 10:00 a.m. in room 207. (This Circle is especially in need of new members.)
- ACTS Circle meets Tuesday, May 14 at 9:30 a.m. in the Garden Room / Parlor. (Optional lunch out to follow.)
- Phoenix Circle meets Tuesday, May 21 at 10:30 in the Garden Room / Parlor. (Optional lunch out to follow.)
PW Spring Gathering is May 20th
Did you know that Farmington was founded in 1824?
We will celebrate the city’s 200th birthday on Monday, May 20th at 7:00 p.m. during the Spring Gathering in Knox Fellowship Hall. The event will feature desserts and beverages and a special speaker, a historian who is an expert on Farmington’s past.
Tickets ($5.00) will be on sale in May. Your hosts, Presbyterian Women, invite all men and women, including guests, to attend.
An Invitation to Potential Thespians from Presbyterian Players
The calendar says April, but Presbyterian Players are thinking about December. We are currently searching for a script for our annual Christmas play. Before choosing one, we would like to know how many performers are interested in taking part. Are you someone who might like to flex your acting skills on stage? Can you project your voice? Would you enjoy working with a small group of dedicated, cheerful “hams”? Are you free on Monday evenings from late September through mid-December? If you might be interested in taking a role, or being an assistant play coordinator, please contact Sue Carlson.
Congregational News
Candles Along the Way – Sharing Our God Moments
By Mike Rogers
Witnessing God’s Glory in the April 8 Total Eclipse of the Sun
Leslie Black and I on April 8 had the amazing experience of seeing the total solar eclipse during a special astronomy-themed cruise off the Pacific coast of Mexico.
I had two big takeaways from this incredible trip.
First, there was an overwhelming sense of God’s power manifested through a glorious natural event. In ancient times, humans feared that the sun was being consumed by demons, and made lamentations and sacrifices to unknown powers, hoping to coerce the return of the sun’s light and warmth. Modern people understand the science behind an eclipse. But that knowledge makes the spectacle even more amazing! How wonderful is a God who gave us the logic and brainpower to comprehend and appreciate the wonders of the universe He created? How incredible is it that we, the creatures created in His image, are able to understand His handiwork?
Second, seeing a spectacle like the eclipse was made even more meaningful by it being a communal activity. When the sun’s glowing corona burst forth, the simultaneous gasps of 2,000 cruise boat passengers and crew made my spine tingle. Sure, the eclipse would have been cool if Leslie and I had seen it by ourselves. But to share and experience it with so many of our new friends raised it to a higher level of meaning.
It helped me better understand the value of why we worship Sundays at First Presbyterian. It’s not to see a one-off splashy event like a total eclipse. It’s to have the opportunity for all of us to glory together in the day-to-day wonder of the world that God has blessed us with.
Leslie and I won’t have a chance to see another total eclipse until Aug. 12, 2026. But we plan to see all of you at church on Sunday!
2024 Craft Show was a Great Success
Master Gardener in the House
Did you know that plants have a pH level? Did you know that plants like certain spots and don’t like other spots? Well, we are happy to say that our own Laurel Scott, Master Gardener extraordinaire, has taken over caring for all the plants in the building (as well as new plants that will be appearing here and there). We ask that you please NOT water or relocate any of the plants no matter how tempted you may be. However, Laurel encourages all of us to talk lovingly to all of the plants at any time. Research shows that makes them thrive even more. And, hey, that goes for the rest of us too!
Who Moved My Chair?
Don’t be surprised if you start seeing some changes soon in the narthex, kiosk area, and Knox Hall! While we love our church, it needs some updating, and like all of us at times, could use a makeover. A newly formed committee, with several enthusiastic members, will be working on sprucing up our shared spaces to make them warmer and more welcoming to us and newcomers. We hope you look forward to and enjoy the updates.
JOY! Study will Open to New Members after Summer Hiatus
The JOY! Study meets via Zoom on Tuesdays from 7:00-8:00 p.m. and May 14 will be on summer hiatus. Watch for details of the fall session to be announced later. If you would like to join the group, please contact Sharon Cressman to receive the Zoom information.
Adult Bible Discussion – The Wired Word
All are welcome to join our Bible study Sundays at 9:00 a.m. The class meets in the library and ends in time to join in Worship at 10:00 a.m. Every week there is a new topic selected by The Wired Word staff based on current events and ideas. An advance copy of the weekly lesson is sent via email to each of the class members and friends requesting a copy. These meaningful discussions are a great way to share and get to know church members. Sign up by contacting Tom Neal.
Congregational Information and Concerns
Session Highlights: April 2024
The FPCF Session met on Wednesday, April 17, 2024. The financial reports were reviewed and the YTD revenue versus expenses continues to be positive. The outstanding loan balance is $87,464.34.
The following motions were approved by Session:
- The Membership Committee’s proposal to update the Narthex furnishings and add a technology display, not to exceed $4,000.
- Mission Ministry/Social Justice Book Club’s request to host a meet-the-author event at the church for the congregation and community on a date to be determined.
- The Worship Ministry’s request to hold the PW Christmas Play during the Sunday Service on December 15, 2024.
- The Worship Ministry/Deborah Draper’s request to hold a Fall Craft Show and Bake Sale on November 8 & 9, 2024, with the proceeds going to the Worship/Creative Arts Fund.
Session wants to thank Ken Kaibel, who moderated the monthly Session meetings since October 2022. Going forward Pastor Bruce Mulder will take over meeting moderation.
The next Session meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, May 15, 2024, 7:00 p.m. All materials for the meeting are due by Thursday, May 9, 2024.
Please pay your 2024 Per Capita Apportionment
The Presbyterian Church is a “connectional” church where we interact through the Presbytery of Detroit, the Synod of the Covenant and the General Assembly. These councils are funded by the “Per Capita” on each of our active members. For 2024, the Per Capita amount is $36.00. We ask that you contribute $36.00 for each member of your household confirmation age and above to help offset this amount. Checks may be made payable to the First Presbyterian Church of Farmington; please note “Per Capita” on the memo line.
Save the Date: Sunday, May 19 for Congregational Meeting
Plan to join us after worship on Sunday, May 19 for the Congregational Meeting. This will be for the election of elders and deacons based on the slate now being assembled by the Nominating Committee. If you are approached by a member of the committee, we ask that you prayerfully consider offering your much-needed service to one of these vital leadership positions.
Preschool Open Enrollment
The Preschool is now open for enrollment for the upcoming 2024-25 school year. Please spread the word about our Preschool to friends and family who may be interested in enrolling. The program offers 2.5s, 3s and Pre-K (4s) classes.
Please visit the website: https://farmingtonprespreschool.org/enroll/ or call the preschool: (248) 474-9752 to schedule a tour and/or pick up your enrollment forms.
Join us for Coffee and Treats after In-Person Worship
We’d love to have you join us for Hospitality Time after our worship service in Knox Hall!
Stick around for a few minutes and chat.
If you can’t join us in person, watch our livestream
1. Go to our Worship Services page at: https://Farmington-Pres.org/worship/sermons.
2. Click on the image that says “Watch our Livestream”
Congregational Concerns
We Keep In Our Prayers
We pray for members and friends who are sick, homebound, in nursing homes and assisted living facilities, those who are grieving or heavy at heart, and those serving in the military or as first responders.
To protect individuals’ privacy, we do not list them on the online version of our newsletter.
Thank Yous
A big thank you to all for your prayers, cards, phone calls, and food as I recover from my hip replacement surgery. It’s been such a comfort. But now I’m totally so bored and can’t wait to see you soon! ~Colleen Tavor
My goodness, what a party we had! I hope you all ate enough birthday cake and ice cream to go joyously home — I certainly did! Thanks to you church friends and my family who made this “old lady” (it’s official!) very happy to be 95! ~Love, Alvine Cooper
Freedom House Detroit: On behalf of all the lives changed by Freedom House Detroit, thank you for your generous gift. You are part of a community of supporters who ensure that every survivor who crosses our threshold receives comprehensive services. You, through your generosity, enable us to provide those who are yearning to breathe free with everything they need to begin building their lives. Freedom House isn’t just a place. It is a place of the heart, a place of renewal, support, family, and strength – not only for our clients but for our supporters too At our House, you are home.
News from the Church Office
It is with regret that we inform you that Amanda Schreiber, part of our office administrative team, is leaving us effective May 1st. Amanda’s last day in the office will be April 30th. We wish Amanda the best. She’ll be missed.
If you or someone you know has administrative background and would be interested in working in the office for six hours per week, please let Sally Kirsten or Bob Van Hamme know.
As a reminder, please contact the church office via telephone at (248) 474-6170 or email at [email protected]. It will be a very good idea to call ahead if you need to come into the building.
Office hours are as follows: Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays 9 a.m.-4 p.m.; Wednesdays: 9 a.m.-2 p.m. The office is closed on Fridays.
Upcoming Church Office Closure
The church office will be closed on Monday, May 27th in observance of Memorial Day.
On-Call List for Personnel
The Personnel Committee is putting together an on-call list of people who could be available to volunteer to staff the office in the event that all office staff are sick or simultaneously out of the office. Please email Bob Van Hamme and/or Sally Kirsten for more information or to sign up to volunteer.
Need to make a bulletin announcement?
If you need to make a bulletin announcement, it MUST be submitted in writing via email to [email protected] no later than Tuesday before the given Sunday worship. If the announcement or correction is submitted after Tuesday it will not be printed in the given bulletin and will be printed in the following week’s bulletin. Please check spelling, dates, times, etc. and the timeline in which you would like the announcement to run. before submitting. Bulletin announcements should be three sentences or less.
Additionally, as a reminder, you will need prior approval for inclusion of an activity in the church calendar. Any questions? Contact the church office at [email protected] with any questions and/or submissions.
Construction on 11 Mile Road continues to affect church entry
The City of Farmington Hills Department of Public Services continues its reconstruction of Eleven Mile Road between Orchard Lake Road and Farmington Road. This section of Eleven Mile Road will be closed to through traffic for the duration of the road construction, which is anticipated to conclude in September.
For safety, consider exiting through the driveway to access the light at Brittney Drive. Visitors to the City Hall Campus (FH Police Dept., FH Fire Dept. Station #5, 47th District Court) must enter from the driveway on Orchard Lake Road.