This is the second notice of a stated Congregational Meeting of the First Presbyterian Church of Farmington
The meeting will be held on Sunday, May 2, 2021 at 12 noon (after the Sunday worship and livestream) and will be conducted virtually via Zoom technology.
The purpose of the meeting will be to elect Elders and Deacons for the Class of 2024 and to elect three (3) At-Large Members to serve on the 2022-2023 Nominating Committee.
The 2021-2022 Nominating Committee offers the following slate of candidates:
Board of Deacons, Class of 2024: Leslie Black, Deb Hemmye, Pam Jusino and June Lymperis
Session, Class of 2023: (vacancy)
Session, Class of 2024: Karl Cressman, Mark Hemmye, Deb Lum
The meeting will be accessible via Zoom technology through a PC (with video and voice) or by calling in via telephone. The documentation for the meeting along with instructions on how to participate in the meeting via Zoom are being provided in the May 2 bulletin and May FYI / FYI eNews distributed this week.
June 2021 FYI Deadline: Friday, May 21
View our printable calendar for May 2021.
Personnel Committee News
In the March FYI, you were notified Session had taken decisive and painful action in an attempt to right the church’s financial ship. Those actions included significant reductions to the church’s staffing budget. Session had tasked the Personnel Committee to reduce payroll expenses by $50,000 this calendar year.
The Personnel Committee proposed an across-the-board reduction plan which included hourly (non-exempt) staff being either temporarily work furloughed; or reducing their scheduled weekly work hours (please note, there was no adjustment to the staff member’s hourly pay rate). For salaried (exempt) staff, their salary was reduced a certain percentage with no change in job duties and responsibilities.
Session accepted the proposed plan but adjusted the impact of the reduction to $38,000. The reduction plan was implemented in February after individual discussions with each staff member was held.
Pastor Eddie, Rick Fuller (Treasurer) and I are pleased to report the church’s application to the Federal Governments Payroll Protection Program (PPP, which helps small businesses and charities by paying employee expenses for ten weeks to avoid layoffs) was approved; and we were able to return staff to their original weekly scheduled hours (for hourly staff) or salary (for salary staff) effective April 15th.
We are all very thankful in the way our staff dealt with these financial burdens placed on them during these difficult times. And, how each of them have shown their support and commitment to First Presbyterian Church of Farmington Hills.
Matt Mataya, Personnel Chair
Audio-Visual Technical Intern
To support the church’s live-streaming and video services on Sundays, Maia Porter, a North Farmington High School student, was hired on March 19, 2021 as the Audio-Visual Technical Intern. This is a temporary part-time (internship) position which is expected to last from March 19, 2021 through June 1, 2022 working up to 2.5 hours per week. Please welcome Maia to the Worship team.
Volunteer Opportunity
The Personnel Committee is seeking a volunteer(s) to assist our Treasurer, Rick Fuller, with the preparation of payroll, processing Ministry vouchers and inputting data into QuickBooks. These tasks require about a total of eight (8) hours per week. Individual tasks may be assigned to more than one volunteer. If you are interested or have any questions, please contact Matt Mataya, Personnel Chair.
CROP Hunger Walk is Sunday, May 2
Walk, Give, Change the World. The 2021 Farmington Area CROP Hunger Walk is this Sunday, May 2, marking 36 years of helping to end hunger one step at a time. Our 2021 team members are Mitchell Cressman, Don Schwartz and Dorothy Tait. Mitchell and Don have a friendly competition going again – who will raise the most this year? It’s up to you!
Donations can still be sent to the church (make checks payable to CWS CROP Hunger Walk), directly to a specific walker or may be made online using the link: and then searching for our team, “First Presbyterian of Farmington”. If donating online, you will need to register first and then select a specific walker or the team. Please contact Dorothy Tait if you are interested in being a walker (actual or virtual) or have questions. Thank you for your support!
In-Person Worship Service Has Resumed
The church has now reopened for in-person Sunday worship, at the traditional time of 10 a.m. COVID-19 protocols approved by Session last summer (requirements for mask wearing, social distancing and handwashing/sanitizing) remains in effect until further notice. Reservations are not required.
We understand that it is wonderful to see everyone again and we all want to chat and catch up. We ask that you please refrain from talking to the audio-video folks at the back of the sanctuary. They are busy working and attending to adjustments to mics, video equipment for our livestreaming service. Thank you for understanding.
Our services also are being livestreamed instead of pre-recorded. Does this mean you have to learn something new to watch our livestream? No.
Here’s all you need to do:
1. Go to our Worship Services page at:
2. Click on the image right under the Livestream heading that looks like this:
If the service has started, this will take you to the embedded livestream. Because our livestream will play though YouTube, you will be able to find it that way too.
Watching the Worship Service on Sunday from Home
What time can you view our worship service on Sundays?
There are two options:
1) Watch the service live at 10:00 am. (If you’re a little late, no worries, you can rewind it and still watch it in its entirety.) However, once it is over, you’ll have to wait for the system to transfer the recording to YouTube and for YouTube to process and post the video before you can view the service.
2) Watch the video on demand as early as Sunday afternoon. Typically, it takes a few hours for the video to process and appear on our YouTube channel and in our playlist. Remember, this isn’t something we do, but rather the livestream system sending data to YouTube. (This is something we can not control. YouTube’s processing has nothing to do with our system. YouTube’s processing includes converting the video to different formats, scanning for copyright issues, and adding to their database. Once the stream ends, it is all in YouTube’s hands.)
If you miss the live service, your best bet is to keep checking our YouTube channel at (This is because it takes even longer for YouTube’s playlist to sync with our website.) Side tip: If you don’t have our long YouTube channel link handy, go to YouTube and type “First Presbyterian Church of Farmington” in the search bar for a quick connection.
Session Meeting Highlights
The April Session Meeting was held on April 21, 2021. There were many topics and action items on the agenda.
In preparation for the upcoming May 2, 2021 Congregational Meeting, Session approved the motion to adopt the following size and composition of the 2021-2022 Nominating Committee, continuing the structure as it has been in past years: 2-3 Members at Large, 1 Board of Deacons representative, 1 Presbyterian Women representative and 1-2 Session members, one of who will serve as Moderator of the committee.
The Reopen Team (aka Team C-19) will be disbanded as their duties have been completed in accordance with Presbytery recommendations. A big thanks goes to this team for all the work they did. Unfortunately, the pandemic is not over, so Session will take over with a standing agenda item for COVID-19 each month.
The church will accept a gracious donation of a “Meeting Owl Pro” 360-degree camera, mic, and speaker for hybrid in-person/virtual meetings, valued at approximately $1,000.
Session approved a motion to cover the cost of Pastor Eddie’s emergency flight home to Puerto Rico to be with his Mother Gloria in the time of her failing health and subsequent passing to More Life. Our prayers to Pastor Eddie, Pam and their family. Any Memorial donations can be mailed to the office or dropped off in the Offering Basket.
The church and Preschool received a second Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) Loan to cover 10 weeks of lost expenses caused by COVID-19. This loan was quickly forgiven, thankfully.
A discussion was held on increasing the number of choir members during worship. After careful deliberation, it was decided that this should wait until the COVID-19 numbers decrease in the state.
There was a discussion on the challenges of filling open leadership positions. Further discussion will be held on this to see what can be done to help this. Keep in mind that there are always opportunities to serve on any of the committees or Session for those who are interested!
A special thank you goes to Pastor Aue for filling in as the Moderator in Pastor Eddie’s absence.
Think Stephen Ministry
Did you know that while some Stephen Ministry relationships can last for a year or more, others last only for a few weeks? For example, a Stephen Minister can meet with you while you are going through medical tests, waiting for the results, adjusting to a new job or facing retirement.
While our ministry is available to all our members, you do not have to be a member of our church to have a Stephen Minister. In fact, you are the front lines of this caring ministry in our congregation. Throughout the week, as you meet and greet those around you, think Stephen Ministry. If you see people who are downcast or struggling through difficult times, think Stephen Ministry. Tell them about this special ministry in our congregation where they can receive the extra love and care they need to make it through the challenge or crisis they are facing.
If you have any questions, please contact Pastor Eddie, Pastor Craig, Lois Caito or Helen Thomas.
A Joint “Rebuilding Together” Project – FPCF and FPCN
Two homes in Southfield were a joint Rebuilding Together project with First Presbyterian of Farmington and First Presbyterian of Northville. Volunteers worked hard prepping a shed for painting, dug and installed fence posts, added a section to fence, and cleared lots and lots and lots of overgrown small trees, vines, and brush. From the smiles on their faces, it looks like they had a great time!
Save the Date!
Our friends at 1st AME Church in Farmington Hills will hold their 2nd Annual JH Burns Beloved Community Conference on May 14-16. Multiple sessions will be held throughout the conference along with outstanding keynote speakers. Don’t miss it!
Youth United’s 2021 Summer Service Experience – August 3-5
Save the date and share the good news with your friends. Youth United’s 4th annual interfaith youth summer service experience will be a virtual/in-person hybrid. Youth (entering 6th grade – current high school seniors) will meet together in the morning via Zoom and they’ll work on service projects in the afternoon, either independently OR in-person at CARES of Farmington Hills.
Contact Laura Hedgecock or Karen Linnell for more info or email [email protected].
Cereal for Summer
Our snap! crackle! and pop! is back for the summer! Once again, we will collect cereal for hungry children. Can we collect 150 boxes for this summer? Bring your donation to church from May 1 thru 25 and look for the “Cereal” bin in the Narthex. *OR* Come to the drive-thru drop off on Saturday May 15, 10am-noon and we will take your boxes right out of your trunk for you!
Thank you for helping children get off to a Grrrreat! start every morning!
The Wired Word – Applying the Bible to the Headlines – Join us!
Consider joining our Adult Discussion Class as we apply the Bible to stories in the headlines. It makes for some lively, interesting, and insightful discussions among friends. The class is led by Tom Neal and Rev. Craig Aue. We meet on Sunday mornings from 9:00 – 10:00 am. Contact Tom Neal at [email protected] for more details and the Zoom link. Many of us join early just to chat and catch up. Join us via Zoom or meet us at Church in 208/210. All are welcome!
Help Us Reach 100 YouTube Subscribers. We are at 35 now!
Ever notice how all our YouTube links are long and incomprehensible?
If we reach 100 subscribers on our YouTube Channel, we will be able to generate custom links. Having a more easily remembered link will help us spread the word about our live-stream worship. Think “Farmington-PresWorship” instead of “UCJHfBQ4tq2zTkokIkNiqQvw”
Here’s how to help the ministry of the church in a few clicks:
Go to
Click the red “SUBSCRIBE” button.
Currently, we have 35 subscribers. If you’re one of them, thank you. If you’re not, please help us reach that goal.
Connect & Chat – Zoom Coffee Hour on Wednesday, May 19
It’s an enjoyable hour! Join in the fun and catch up with your fellow First Pres friends on Wednesday, May 19 at 4:00 p.m. It’s an enjoyable hour!
Call the church office at 248 474-1670 to sign up and receive Zoom connection details.
Mark your calendar now for the remaining Connect & Chat sessions on June 16.
Worship Flower sign-up available
Please consider giving flowers in memory of a loved one or to recognize a special occasion such as a birthday or anniversary or to the glory of God. An arrangement is $24 and enhances our in-person and livestreamed worship services. More than one arrangement may be ordered for any Sunday and will be displayed on plant stands on the chancel during the videocasts.
Please order through the church office at least one week in advance. You may ask to have the flowers delivered to you after the worship service is recorded or request to have them delivered to one of our homebound members.
Congregational Concerns
We keep in our prayers
We do not list names in the online version of our newsletter. We pray for those who are grieving, are sick or suffering, remember members who are homebound, in nursing homes, and assisted living and those serving in the military or as first responders.
Where’s Pastor Eddie? Pastor Eddie departed on Friday, April 16 for an emergency trip to Puerto Rico, to tend to his ailing, 94-year-old mother, Gloria. She passed from life to More Life on April 19; Pam joined him there but has now returned home. When he originally left for Puerto Rico, Pastor Eddie anticipated returning to the office on Wednesday, May 12 but please check with the office to confirm his availability if you wish to see him at the office. Also please pass along prayer concerns and pastoral needs to the church office. We ask that you please keep the Jusino family in your prayers.
Holiday Office Closure: The church office and building will be closed on Monday, May 31 in observance of Memorial Day.