Note: The web version of First Presbyterian Church of Farmington’s January 2023 News and Information has been edited to protect our members’ privacy.


News from the Transitional Pastor Nominating Committee (TPNC)

The month of December was a busy one for the Transitional Pastor Nomination Committee. We met five times and have updated the position description for the Transitional Pastor per the template provided by the Presbytery of Detroit. The document has been reviewed by Michelle James, our Committee on Ministry Liaison, and it is now ready to be passed on to the full Committee on Ministry (COM). Once reviewed and approved by COM, the committee will begin to receive resumes of candidates interested in the Transitional Pastor position and we will begin the interview process.

Some changes have taken place in the committee. MJ Floreno has left the committee and we are pleased that Marc Hemmye has joined. As a reminder, our committee is now made up of: Colleen Tavor (Chair), Dorothy Tait (Secretary), Sally Kirsten, and Marc Hemmye.

The first of 3 leadership trainings with Susan Czolgosz of Holy Cow Consulting took place on December 3, attended by 31 FPCF leaders, elders, and deacons. The consensus was that the training was informative and enlightening. The next training will take place on February 4; with the third session TBD.

To keep you informed on what is happening, watch for updates to be posted on the Caregiving bulletin board in Mission Cove near the Kiosk. We will post updates there as well as in the bulletin and FYI.

Please pray for your church leaders as we go through the trainings and ask for God’s wisdom in decisions related to the future of FPCF. Please pray for the TPNC as we search for our Transitional Pastor, who will play an important role in our church as we move toward healing, a new pastor, and a new future.

At the Annual Meeting on February 5, we look forward to addressing any questions you may have.

February 2023 FYI Deadline: Friday, January 20


Annual Meeting Scheduled

The Annual Meeting of the Congregation/Corporation of First Presbyterian Church of Farmington, The Church of the Open Hands, will be held in person in Knox Hall and virtually via Zoom on Sunday, Feb. 5, at 11:00 a.m. following worship.

The purpose of this meeting is to review the annual reports of the boards, committees, and staff of the church, review the 2022 financial reports and the 2023 budget, and conduct any other business which might come before the congregation. The 2022 Annual Report will be emailed to members who have signed up through the church website to electronically receive the FYI newsletter, the annual report and other important church information (to sign up for the newsletter and electronic communications, simply go to

A limited number of print copies of the 2022 Annual Report will be available on Sunday, Jan. 29 in the narthex or call the church office and we’ll arrange to get a copy to you.

Annual reports due January 10

The Annual Congregational Meeting will be held on Sunday, Feb. 5, 2023, in Knox Hall or via Zoom following worship at approximately 11:15 a.m. Reports to be included in the 2022 Annual Report should be emailed to the church office by no later than Tuesday, Jan. 10, 2023.

The 2022 Annual Report will be emailed to members who have signed up through the church website to receive the FYI newsletter, the annual report and other important church information via email ( to sign up for the newsletter and electronic communications, please go to ). A few printed copies of the 2022 Annual Report will be available at the welcome center on Sunday, Jan. 29, 2023. Or contact the church office to arrange for one to be provided to you.

The Preschool celebrates Christmas!

Farmington Presbyterian Preschool’s annual Christmas event was a joy for all ages! After the nativity play, Santa dropped in with special treats for each of the students.

Farmington Presbyterian Preschool Christmas Play cast

Presbyterian Women Christmas Play “I Carry the King” – a Big Hit!

The Presbyterian Players received two standing ovations for their two performances of “I Carry the King” by Karen Jones on Monday, December 5, and Sunday, December 11.

I carry the king cast


The costumes were amazing and the performances exceptional. Alvine Cooper, as the innkeeper, expertly shepherded the animals to the corral. The three camels, played by Kari Gorman, Tom Neal, and Jeff DeGrasse, groaned and complained flawlessly and Linda Clew as the dog nipping and yapping at their heels and scratching her fleas was priceless. Sue Carlson and Calvin Malisow played Ewe and Lamb with tenderness and Sally Kirsten as the Owl played her part with just the right amount of wisdom. Laura Hedgecock as Ox commanded the corral and Vicki Najjar as the Goat kept everyone in stitches laughing at her well-delivered one-liners. Manny Sharpe’s performance as the humble Donkey was poignant and moving.

Special thanks to Anne Sebesta, Leslie Moyna, Marcia Van Hamme, Siobhan Moyna, Laurel Scott, Sharon Cressman, Jim Scott, Rob Kirsten, and Lorrie McVey. And a very special thanks to Pam Jusino for her expertise and time in directing the play and bringing out the best in everyone.

Did Pastor Craig Aue win Ugliest Sweater at Jan. 1 Carol Sing Service?


Getting to Know Deacon Leslie Black

I’m a long-time member of First Presbyterian Church of Farmington. I came to our church in 1979, was warmly welcomed, and we raised our 3 children with the help and support of First Farmington. During those first years I took my turn as nursery attendant and then progressed on to Sunday school teacher as well as Vacation Bible School teacher. A fond memory is when I brought a goat, rabbits, & ducks to VBS so the kids could get the experience of animals from Jesus’ time!

I have served in a variety of positions in our Presbyterian Women (PW) organization including Vice-Moderator of Justice & Peace, Treasurer, Vice-Moderator and Moderator. I believe in the value of PW for our congregation; the women that comprise this group have been the worker bees that keep us on track through tough times.

I’ve served a couple times as an Elder and as a Deacon in my 40+ years here. I’ve been on the mission committee for several years and find it to be a good fit for my interests.

As a long-time member I have so many good memories of activities and all the people that have made First Presbyterian of Farmington a wonderful part of my life.

Now, it’s time to look to the future of our church and figure out how to adapt our organization to the cultural changes in our location, at this point in time. I hope to be a part of the move forward.

Get to Know Our New Members

We’re so happy to welcome our new members.  Please see the email or print version of the FYI for names and contact information.  For privacy reasons, this article will not be posted online.

Nominating Committee Begins Its Work

The Nominating Committee begins its search for the next class of Elders and Deacons in January. This year, more than ever, new church leaders are needed to help guide us through the transition between pastors.

We want to follow last year’s protocol of asking our members to nominate congregation members (seeking the nominee’s permission) or nominating yourself, if you feel called to serve.

Please consider lay leaders, who can discern God’s voice and see where God is at work in our church and our community, and to lead us into the future God is creating for us and through us. To help you recognize spiritual gifts in yourself and others, the Nominating Committee would like to encourage you to please read and reflect on the following Scripture passages: Romans 12:9-21 1 Corinthians 12: 1-11.

Nomination forms and descriptions of the roles of Elder and Deacon will be available in the Narthex and in the church office. Or they may be sent to you electronically, if requested. If you have questions, you may contact Nominating Committee Co-Chairs Sally Kirsten or Colleen Tavor.

A New Church Partnership!

First Presbyterian Church of Farmington is the new home of Detroit Chin Baptist Church. The congregation has decided to enter into a long-term agreement with First Pres and is using the Sanctuary, Knox Fellowship Hall and various classrooms on Friday and Sunday evenings from 6:00 – 10:00 p.m. Detroit Chin was founded by several refugees from Myanmar and was previously using rented space at another Farmington-area church before setting sights on First Pres.

You can learn more about Detroit Chin on its Facebook page ( Please welcome our new guests and partners to the Church of The Open Hands.

Room Reservations at FPCF

We are pleased that there is a lot of activity at FPCF, but that means if you need a room for your activity, it is important that you request a room reservation in plenty of time and not assume that it will be available.

If you would like to reserve a room at FPCF:

  • Contact the office ([email protected])
  • Provide the date, time, duration of meeting and which room you desire
  • Copy Chris Ely ([email protected]) on the message so he will know to adjust heating or AC

We are thankful that our building is being put to good use!

Lighthouse “Returns”

Lightouse of Oakland County LogoTraditionally, January has been the month that First Presbyterian of Farmington has hosted Lighthouse — a Pontiac-based social services organization that provided emergency shelter, meals and related assistance on a rotational basis across a number of Oakland County places of worship. We squeezed in hosting in January 2020, just before the COVID pandemic forced Lighthouse directors to end the rotational model. Lighthouse has still not returned to that setup, but the FPCF Mission Ministry Team knows how important Lighthouse is to many of our members.

To that end, for the third year in a row, since we can no longer volunteer for Lighthouse as we once did, if you’d like to make a financial contribution to Lighthouse, please send your payments to the church by Jan. 29. (Make checks payable to First Presbyterian Church of Farmington and include a memo indicating it’s for Lighthouse.) Thank you for your support of this incredible community outreach opportunity.

1st Quarter Collection for Mission: Hygiene Products

Knowing that people are having a very difficult time stretching their budgets to cover living costs and knowing that many necessary items cannot be purchased with a Bridge card, your Mission group will be accepting donations of regular-sized hygiene items during the months of January, February and March. We are using this extended period of three months so that you may look for items on sale or use coupons to help with cost effectiveness.

Any non-expired hygiene item is accepted but items most in need include body wash, shampoo, deodorant, shaving lotion, diapers (large sizes), pull-ups, body lotion, etc. Look for the plastic bin labeled: 1st Quarter Mission Collection through the end of March. Thank you for supporting Mission and helping those in need!

Mission Ministry Support of CARES All Year

CARES of Farmigton hills LogoCost for food CARES buys for their pantry is increasing for them just as it is for your own grocery cart while the number of guests they serve is growing daily. Your Mission Group invites you to participate with us in a yearlong project to help CARES feed our hungry neighbors. We will have the plastic CARES bin out and available (in the Narthex or the Mission Cove) for all of 2023. At the beginning of each month, we will publish in the bulletin a “suggested item” that would be particularly appreciated at CARES. You may challenge yourself to participate each month, once a quarter or as the spirit moves you. Please know any contributions (even those not on the suggested list) are appreciated.

**Remember, CARES can not use any food that has expired.

In January we “suggest” a protein item such as: tuna or other fish, chicken, cooked bacon, canned stew, crunchy peanut butter, beans, nuts, etc. Thank you for joining us in this new endeavor!

Lunch Servers Needed

Last year the Mission Ministry joined with members of Northville 1st Presbyterian and Faith Community of Novi to make and serve lunch at Crossroads of Detroit. This year we will have four opportunities to do this worthwhile project. The first date is Sunday, January 29.

Join us! It is rewarding to feed 350 people! Contact Nancy Prieskorn for further information.

The Social Justice Book Club is Starting a New Book!

The Social Justice Book Club is starting up again in January and we’re starting a new book – The 1619 Project by Nikole Hannah-Jones. The #1 NY Times best seller is comprised of 18 essays and 36 poems. The essays show how the inheritance of 1619, the arrival of the first enslaved people to Virginia, reaches into every part of contemporary American society, from politics, music, diet, traffic, and citizenship to capitalism, religion, and our democracy itself.

Please join us for this significant reading. Contact Deb Hemmye or Colleen Tavor for more information. We meet via Zoom on the last Monday of each month. Next meeting: Monday, January 30, 7:00 pm.

You may also be interested in viewing a six-part series on The 1619 Project that will premiere on Hulu on Thursday, January 26.


The JOY Study Group Will Study the Gospel of Mark

The JOY study group, Jesus, Others and You, will begin a 10-week session on the Gospel of Mark. We will be meeting on Tuesday evenings on Zoom, from 7:00 p.m. to about 8:15 each week. We will be using a study guide written by N. T. Wright, a well-known Biblical scholar–Mark: N.T. Wright for Everyone Bible Study Guide,

Each week we’ll prepare for the discussion with about 1 hour of self-study ahead of the gathering. The study guide provides a set of thoughtful questions to understand the text and the context in our time.

Give this a try! If you are new to Bible study, or would like to return to Bible study, this is a great entry point. Mark is thought to be the first gospel written and is known for moving quickly through many aspects of Jesus’ life and His interactions with many different people. There is much to discover in these pages together!

The study guides are $12 or less, and Sharon Cressman can order you a book if you let us know you would like to participate. If you have any questions, please contact: Karl Cressman.

Free Yoga for Absolute Beginners

Event by Soul Stretch Christian Yoga at First Presbyterian Church of Farmington on Monday, January 2 from 7:15-8:00 p.m.

Come try yoga for your first time in a low-key, no pressure environment. Learn the basics and see what yoga with Christian meditation is like. This event is free! Find us in Knox Fellowship Hall on the main floor of the church, tucked in the alcove just past the drinking fountains. Alternatively, join on Zoom with code: 824 8318 5737 password: PRAY

When is the next “Games Gathering” at First Pres?

Watch Sunday bulletins in January for specifics

The Wired Word

An Adult Curriculum – Join our Bible study Sundays at 9:00 a.m. An advance copy of the weekly lesson is sent to each of the class members and friends requesting a copy. The class meets in Room 208/210. Every week there is a new topic selected by The Wired Word staff based on current events and ideas. These meaningful discussions are a great way to share and get to know church members. Sign up by sending your name and email to Tom Neal.

Life Hacks’ First Car Care Basics Class a Success

The first Car Care Basics class was offered on three Sunday afternoons in November. This is the first offering in the “Life Hacks” series, where we aim to bring new and younger people to the church to share life-skills by experienced adults. Our first offering had six participants, five of whom were already church members and one from outside the congregation. My thanks go out to others supporting the lessons, including Larry Kneisel and Paul Spica.

Each of the lessons had a basic theme, which included “Under-hood orientation”, “Understanding tires and handling flats”, while the third session was about “Seeing and being seen”. Upon completion of the class, participants grew in their self-confidence in learning the basics of what a vehicle needs and how to take care of or prevent bigger problems.

The class is aimed particularly at young drivers, although it works well for anyone who would like to enjoy the benefit of experience without the pain that often comes by “learning the hard way”. We will offer the class again once the weather warms up. Previous participants are always welcome to repeat a session or catch up on a session they missed.

I’m looking for participants to create the next course in the Life Hacks series. From previous discussion, teaching young people more about financial literacy has great potential. If you would like to participate in building that curriculum, we’ll be gathering in January and February. Creating these courses is a lot of fun, so jump in! ~Karl Cressman

Calling All Ringers and Singers

Have you had a burning desire to ring a handbell or sing somewhere other than just in the shower? Well, we have a place for you, and no experience is necessary! On Thursday evenings starting January 5, 2023, the Choral Bell Handbell Choir and Chancel choir will resume their weekly Thursday evening rehearsals. For our first year, the handbell choir did an outstanding job of ringing for the church (and we had a lot of fun doing it). They will meet at 6:00-7:00 p.m. in Room 209. And the anchor of the church, our Chancel Choir, meets from 7:30-9:00 p.m. in the sanctuary Hope to see you there!

Ad Join our Choir at First Presbyterian

2nd Leadership Development Workshop Rescheduled

The 2nd Leadership Development Workshop originally scheduled for Saturday, January 7 has been rescheduled to Saturday, February 4. The time and location will remain the same. Please plan to arrive between 9:00-9:15 a.m. for a bit of fellowship time before we settle down for a 9:30 a.m. start. The workshop is scheduled to end at 1:30 p.m. The 3rd workshop date is yet to be confirmed.

Our Church Directory is on the Universal Church Directory App

Keep in mind that our directory is available online. You can put the church directory on your smart phone and laptop using the Universal Church directory app.

Contact Karen Spica or Tom Neal for assistance.

2023 offering envelopes

Those who have used numbered weekly envelopes in 2022 are automatically receiving envelopes for 2023, unless you inform us otherwise. They are being distributed in the narthex prior to and after Sunday worship throughout January or can be delivered to you, if you make a request to the church office, If you did NOT use envelopes in 2022, but DO wish to have them for 2023, please contact the church office at 248-474-6170 to make your request known.

Numbered envelopes facilitate the speed and accuracy of the data entry process for our offering counters, so we do encourage you to use envelopes if you contribute manually on a regular basis.

We also encourage the use of electronic debit. If you wish to automatically submit your pledge electronically from your bank account monthly, please call the church office to have the forms mailed to you. If you have any questions, please call the church office at (248) 474-6170.

2023 Worship Flower sign-up available

Please consider giving flowers in memory of a loved one or to recognize a special occasion such as a birthday or anniversary or to the glory of God. An arrangement is $24.50 and enhances our in-person and live-streamed worship services. More than one arrangement may be ordered for any Sunday and will be displayed on plant stands near the pulpit during the service. Your donation will also be acknowledged in that Sunday’s worship bulletin. Please sign up on the flower calendar on the kiosk or order through the church office at least one week in advance. You may take home the flowers after the service, ask to have the flowers delivered to you or request to have them delivered to one of our home-bound members.

Congregational Concerns

We keep in our prayers

Please check your email for details of our prayer requests. For privacy reasons they are withheld from the web-version of this newsletter.

News on and from Members and Friends

First Pres Lighthouse Leaders Applauded

A huge “THANK YOU!” goes out to Chris and Emily Davis for their leadership in FPCF’s hosting of Lighthouse (formerly SOS) in our building for 10+ years. No other project undertaken by our members has been more impactful on our members than our housing 30-40 guests for a week each year during January. Chris and Emily gave up vacation time, hours of sleep and put many miles on their vehicles to ensure all aspects of our guest’s experience were taken care of. This was done in a way that showed their care, good humor and organizational skill. Chris’s humor helped diffuse the occasional tense situations and he was always ready to hop in his car to get people to the Y for showers. Emily was proficient at being the ‘calm in a storm’, and her resourcefulness was useful in many ways. One time, in responding to a guest’s need for jeans, she checked out the size of the pair a volunteer was wearing. Yep! They were the right size, and the man was in possession of the needed jeans the next day.

In 2020 when hosting people in individual houses of worship was no longer possible, Chris and Emily, kept in contact with the staff at Lighthouse in an effort to see how we as a congregation could continue to help this organization. It was determined that gifts of money are the most useful way we can contribute. Currently it looks like we will no longer be able to adequately host Lighthouse at FPCF and it is not yet known if Lighthouse will even return to that model.
We want to take this opportunity to show our gratitude for the many hours of servant leadership Chris and Emily have selflessly given to this premiere yearly event in the life of our church. Their innate sense of Mission has also been adopted by their pup, Bella, who picks up empty water bottles while out walking – keeping an eye and a nose out for ways to keep our community litter free!

Thank you, both for your hours of leadership and sacrifice in our church’s response to the needs of Lighthouse. From small details like untangling those darn volunteer nametags to big things like finding room for an additional guest in the middle of the week, you showed us how it is done with grace.

Soul Stretch Yoga supports First Pres

A “Thank you” goes out to Jessica Beaubien, owner/instructor of Soul Stretch Yoga held at 6:00pm on Monday nights at the church. She offered up a free class for her students on December 19 in exchange for a donation of Bath & Body Works soaps for use in our church bathrooms and/or cash for one of our Mission projects. This resulted in a gift of 30 bottles of soap and $100! Thank you, Jessica and friends!

Are you interested in trying yoga? Talk to Mary Carson or Nancy Prieskorn about Soul Stretch or go to the website The classes are also available on Zoom.

COVID 19 or Flu Symptoms

Please be extra mindful of any symptoms that may be associated with sickness. Fever, sore throat, cough, shortness of breath, congestion, and fatigue are some of the early symptoms associated with many viruses spread in the community. Please be extra cautious and stay home if you are feeling under the weather or feeling any of the symptoms mentioned above. Thank you.