Starting with Palm Sunday and continuing through Easter day, follow the path of Jesus through a series of church services, each unique, and each an opportunity to go deeper in faith.
We are requiring advance registration via SignUp Genius to attend Palm Sunday and/or Easter Sunday in-person worship services to ensure compliance with capacity limits. Palm Sunday service is nearing capacity. Call the church office starting March 29 for assistance in registering for Easter or to be wait listed, as that service is currently at capacity. No registration is required for the Maundy Thursday service or for Sunday services starting with April 11. Please use this link to register for Palm Sunday: and this link for Easter Sunday:
Sunday, March 28 – Passion / Palm Sunday Drama at 10:00 a.m. Music, dramatic scripture readings, to enrich and enhance the reception of Scripture, story pageantry are interwoven. The beginning of Holy Week and Jesus’ final journey to the cross. This 10:00 a.m. worship service will be both in-person and livestreamed.
Maundy Thursday, April 1 Tenebrae-Service of the Shadows and the celebration of the Sacrament of Holy Communion at 7:00 p.m. Tenebrae is a prolonged meditation on Christ’s anguish. Readings trace the story of Christ’s passion, and the power of silence and darkness suggests the drama of this momentous day. Through word and music, this service dramatizes the suffering, death, and burial of Jesus Christ. As lights are extinguished, we ponder the depth of Christ’s suffering and death. This 7:00 p.m. worship service will be both in-person and livestreamed.
Friday, April 2 – Good Friday – Pre-recorded worship on our church’s website available anytime from 12 Noon Friday to 12 Noon Saturday. This moving service is coordinated by First Pres Birmingham and features participants from throughout the Presbytery of Detroit including our own Pastor Eddie. Here is the link to the Good Friday video:
Sunday, April 4 – Easter / Resurrection Day and the celebration of the Sacrament of Holy Communion at 10:00 a.m. Easter gives us the ability to keep our feet amid the tremors and enables us not just to persevere but even to flourish when life is difficult. Courage is precisely what Easter is about. This 10:00 a.m. worship service will be both in-person and livestreamed.
Reminder: In-Person Worship Resumes
Session has approved Team C-19’s recommendation to reopen the church for in-person worship at the traditional time of 10 a.m. Following Holy Week services, First Pres will remain open for in-person worship each Sunday until further notice and reservations will not be required. COVID-19 protocols approved by Session last summer will be in effect until further notice.
Please review the COVID Protocols to refresh your memory (copy of protocols is at the end of the FYI). As a reminder:
• Masks are required at all times (limited exemption for podcast team during service).
• Social distancing will be practiced.
• Hand washing and hand sanitizer should be used regularly.
If you are unable to wear a mask during the time you are in the church building and maintain a 6’ distance between you and others who are not members of your immediate family, we suggest you consider continuing to worship with us virtually via live-stream until you are comfortable following the protocols or at such time as the protocols are no longer needed.
Windows in the sanctuary will be opened to provide necessary air circulation and the service will last approximately 45 minutes in order to respect air circulation protocols. You will want to dress warmly – wear scarves, hats, gloves and perhaps bring a blanket to help you stay warm.
How To Watch Our Livestreamed Services
Spoiler alert: It’s basically the same as watching pre-recorded services.
As of March 28 (Palm Sunday), our services will be livestreamed instead of pre-recorded.
Does this mean you have to learn something new to watch our livestream? No. Here’s all you need to do:
- Go to our Worship Services page at
- Click on the big blue button that says “Watch out Livestream”
If the service has started, this will take you to the embedded livestream. If we are not streaming, this will take you to our YouTube Channel.
~Your Comm/Tech Team
The Wired Word – Applying the Bible to the Headlines – Join us!
2021 Easter Flowers Order Form
All orders are due by Wed., March 31
Place your order for Easter lilies, tulips, and/or azaleas (all in 6-inch pots with foil cover) by completing this form and returning it to the Church Office along with your payment. Plants may be taken after the 10:00 a.m. Easter worship service or left for delivery to a homebound member or friend of the church.I / We wish to donate the following plant(s) for decorating the church on Easter Sunday, April 4. Please use the following recognition in the Easter bulletin:
____ In honor of _______________________________________________________________
name of person(s)
____ In memory of _____________________________________________________________
name of person(s)
Ordered by ___________________________________________________________________
I / We would like to order the following number of plants:
____ Red Tulip plant – $10 each _____ Pink Azalea plant – $21 each
____ Easter Lily plant – $11 each Total due $ _______ ___ Payment included with order
Name: _______________________________________ Phone: (_____)__________________
____ Please deliver the following item(s) from my order to a home-bound member or friend of the church: