Video/Podcast Worship Services

Due to the fact the COVID-19 cases are undergoing a significant rise in our area, we are no longer holding in-person worship service in the sanctuary until further notice. These restrictions are in effect until further notice.

Watch videocasts instead of podcasts You’ll find that videocasts of our worship services are accessible through the same page of our website ( as you access podcasts. These are ’embedded’ on our Worship Services page, meaning that you don’t have to go to YouTube to search for them. Just click and watch any of the services dating back to December 6.

Any member who has been able to access the podcasts will be able to view our videos. The audio for these services are exactly the same as the audio of podcasts. For this reason, we will phase out the uploading of podcasts by March 1, 2021.

Our website also offers additional spiritual enrichment through the posting of our daily lectionary readings.

Annual Meeting scheduled for Feb 7 via Zoom

The Annual Meeting of the Congregation/Corporation of First Presbyterian Church of Farmington, The Church of the Open Hands, will be held via Zoom on Sunday, Feb. 7, at 11:00 a.m. following worship.

The purpose of this meeting is to review the annual reports of the boards, committees and staff of the church, review the 2020 financial reports and the 2021 budget, vote on the terms of the pastor’s call, and conduct any other business which might come before the congregation. The 2020 Annual Report will be emailed to members who have signed up through the church website to receive the FYI newsletter, the annual report and other important church information (to sign up for the newsletter and electronic communications, simply go to A limited number of print copies of the 2020 Annual Report will be available on Sunday, Jan. 31 in the narthex or call the church office and we’ll arrange to get a copy to you.

Feb. 2021 FYI Deadline: Fri., Jan. 22

Capital Campaign update

As 2020 ends and we embark on the new year, here is an update on our Capital Campaign Fund. The three-year fund drive is to make necessary improvements to our building and grounds; it runs through September 2023. We appreciate so much that members came through pledging a total of $164,983.36 even during this difficult, unsettling year.  With the successful capital campaign, we qualified for a $125,000 loan through Presbytery Investment Loan Program (PILP). Because of delays in the whole process, the PILP loan was not received until late this December; but the interest rate is now another ¼ percent lower, at 3%. Pledges received to-date total $76,678.80. Those funds were used to repair and re-shingle the main north/south roof, as we wanted it to be completed before fall.

We have also done the LED light conversion in the parking lot and are working on LED light installation in the sanctuary. Pledge money received to-date plus $10,000 of our own funds have completed these projects. New HVAC systems for north side of the second floor and the kitchen exhaust fan are projects yet to do in 2021. The digital sign project is underway and fully funded thanks to an anonymous donor and many members’ contributions. It is not part of the PILP loan request. Please notice when you drive by the church that the base is built and the trenching is done.

It is our plan to use the new PILP loan money to pay off the current mortgage, which has a remaining balance of approximately $117,200. Removing the old mortgage from the 2021 budget will save about $2000/month. As members pay their Capital Campaign pledges, that will replenish our own funds spent on the roof and other improvements.

Again, we thank you for your generosity and commitment to the Church of the Open Hands.  ~Your Capital Campaign Committee

2021 Per Capita Apportionment

The Presbyterian Church is a “connectional” church where we interact through the Presbytery of Detroit, the Synod of the Covenant and the General Assembly. These councils are funded by the “Per Capita” on each of our active members. For 2021, the Per Capita amount is $30.55, the same as last year. (Of that, $8.95 supports the General Assembly; $3.25 supports the Synod of the Covenant; and $18.35 is for the Presbytery of Detroit.) As a church, we will be paying a total of $8,279.05. We ask that you contribute $31 for each member of your household confirmation age and above to help offset this amount. Checks may be made payable to the First Presbyterian Church of Farmington; please note “Per Capita on the memo line.” If you have a box of 2021 offering envelopes, it includes an envelope for your Per Capita payment.

Session meeting highlights

The end of the year is always very busy for session members, and this year is even busier with the issues brought on by COVID-19. Highlights from the December 16, 2020 Session Meeting include:
•     The development of the 2021 budget is underway with the goal to be wrapped up by the end of the year. There are existing budget challenges which are being worked on by the various committees and the session itself.
•     Session voted to hold a virtual Annual Congregational Meeting following the Worship Service on February 7, 2021. Meeting details will be published at a later date.
•     The loan from the Presbytery Investment Loan Program (PILP) was approved. Along with the 2020-2023 Capital Campaign funds from the congregation, this will go toward funding the ongoing capital projects, such as the new roof, and paying off the outstanding building mortgage.
•     Irene Sharpe is stepping down on December 31, 2020 after several years as Treasurer. Irene did an excellent job during her term and will be missed. Rick Fuller was elected as the new Treasurer. He was our Treasurer in the past and will be able to jump right in without missing a beat.

Welcome to our new treasurer, Rick Fuller

Here’s a bit of information about Rick Fuller: After retiring from IBM after 31 years, Anne and Rick moved back to Michigan from New York and joined the church in 2001. They both joined the choir that year and continue to enjoy singing. Rick served as Treasurer from May 2004 to Dec 2011. He also served as Property Chair for eight years and was an Elder from 2012 to 2018.

Wanted: Audio Visual Technical Intern

First Presbyterian Church of Farmington is looking for a part-time Audio Visual Technical Intern to work, in collaboration with the Worship Team, to prepare for and oversee the execution of all technical elements for the Sunday worship service and other special services during church year.

Duties: This person would provide operational support for a range of audio-visual equipment including operating cameras and managing switching from one camera to another, controlling microphones and sound mixers in order to produce high-quality videos that take into consideration the point-of-view of the average attendee. Audio duties include the mixing and editing for web distribution. No standing. No tripods involved. Cameras are pre-positioned. He/she must have a clear working knowledge of the operating control surface, ability to check and “save shots”. At times, special holyday services will require adjustments of lighting. Responsible for capturing the musical and speaking portions of the service.  They would also possibly provide support in the training of additional personnel for the future.

Time Commitment: Two to 2-1/2 hours per week.  Recording sessions are currently taking place Thursday afternoon at 5:00 p.m.

Sample videotaped services and audio podcasts, as well as their accompanying bulletin programs, can be accessed at To indicate interest please submit a brief cover letter and resume to the church office at [email protected].

Sign O’ the Times … at last!
At long last, First Presbyterian’s new digital sign went live on Jan. 13. The dual-panel sign faces traffic on Farmington Roads and will serve as a replacement for the black-and-white First Presbyterian Church sign that has graced the property for nearly 50 years. The new sign is a quantum leap forward for us — it has a high-resolution display, renders color images and is programmable to carry specific messages on a specific schedule. We are learning about the sign management software and stockpiling content that will be used in the weeks and months to come. Thanks to all those who have supported this important upgrade for First Presbyterian to tell the community about the Church Of The Open Hands. Slow down a bit when you drive past the church and take in this wonderful addition to our property.

Ash Wednesday video service Feb. 17

We’ll observe Ash Wednesday with a video worship service on Wednesday, Feb. 17 at 7:00 p.m. Please join us on the website for a service to launch this Season of Lent.


Connect & Chat – Zoom Coffee Hour

It’s an enjoyable hour! Join in the fun and catch up with your fellow First Pres friends on Wednesday, January 20 – you’ll be glad you did! Call the church office at 248 474-1670 to sign up and receive Zoom connection details. Mark your calendar now for this Wednesday’s and the upcoming Connect & Chat sessions: February 17, March 17, April 21, May 19 and June 16.

JOY! Study group resumes January 14

JOY! Study group will resume meeting on Zoom on Thursday, January 14 at 7:00 p.m. We will start reading and discussing Grateful: The Subversive Practice of Giving Thanks by Diana Butler Bass. We usually discuss about one chapter a week, so the pace is relaxed. Now is a great time to try out the JOY! Study group. Please join us! Contact Sharon Cressman for more information and to request the Zoom link.

Social Justice Book Discussion

The Social Justice Book Discussion Group will meet bi-weekly on Thursday evenings from 7:00 – 8:30 pm, beginning January 28 and meet on the second and fourth Thursdays of the month thereafter. Our book selection is How to Be an Antiracist by Ibram X. Kendi.  A #1 New York Times Bestseller, Kendi takes readers through a widening circle of antiracist ideas – from the most basic concepts to visionary possibility – that will help readers see all forms of racism, clearly understand their poisonous consequences, and work to oppose them in our systems and in ourselves.

If you’re interested in joining this book discussion group, please contact the church office at [email protected] or 248-474-6170.


Community Service News

Lighthouse 2021 update
First Presbyterian’s dedicated week of hosting Lighthouse is nearly upon us, running Jan. 24-31, though “hosting” will take on a very different look this time. Due to COVID concerns, Lighthouse clients have been housed at a northern Oakland County hotel and meals provided by commercial kitchens. The pandemic has tripled the number of clients normally assisted by Lighthouse.


So how can First Presbyterian members and friends help this year? There are several ways …

Four individuals are needed each evening from 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. to deliver prepackaged meals to guests at their Auburn Hills hotel. (For client security, the specific address will be shared directly with those who sign up. Lighthouse kindly asks that this information not be shared publicly.) Signups are needed ASAP so Lighthouse management can plan accordingly. There’s a link to Lighthouse on the church website, or you can sign up at:

Send a check to the church office with the memo “Lighthouse 2021.” Any amount helps! (In case you’re wondering — the cost of housing and feeding one Lighthouse client is around $250 per week….and there are about 100 clients currently in the program.)
• MAKE A MATERIAL DONATION: See details below.

Questions? Contact Chris Davis or the church office.

  Lighthouse Drive-Thru Donations

The needs of Lighthouse clients have changed and we at First Presbyterian are ready to change our role. We will not be serving as a host site this year because, due to the pandemic, the clients will be housed in, and provided for in an Auburn Hills motel, they will not be rotated from one host location to another.  Many of us look forward to our interactions with our Lighthouse (SOS) guests. We have donated in one way or another for years. We will still step up and contribute. One way to do that is to participate in our drive through donation event.


When: Saturday, January 23, 2021, from 10 am to 2 pm
Where: Parking Lot at First Presbyterian Church of Farmington
Who: YOU and anyone else who is interested
How: Drive up and you will be greeted by a masked volunteer. Pop open the trunk or hatchback. The volunteer will remove the items you wish to donate and place them in vehicles waiting to go to the Lighthouse office. The volunteer will close your vehicle, no need for you to get out at all. Go about your day with our sincere thanks. What:  The following items are suggestions. Give one item or a few – your choice: full-size container of shampoo, conditioner, body wash, toothpaste, moisturizer (body or face) or shaving supplies; woman’s underpants; feminine hygiene products; diapers.

Donations sought for Marian Medical Mission wells in Africa


The First Presbyterian Men’s Group (along with a contribution from Mission) is really proud to have been able to fund two community fresh-water wells in Africa through the wonderful organization The Marian Medical Mission. They sent us the pictures of the wells we funded (at just $450 each), one in Malawi and the other in Tanzania. As we celebrated those, Larry Gage proposed that we should do more of this, and, typical for this group, Larry jumped in with Jerry Scheel and others to build another fund for the upcoming year. Others in the congregation have also indicated their desire to contribute to this, so we would like to open the invitation for anyone who wishes to join this good cause, please contact Karen Spica at the church office (248-474-6170), or Rob Kirsten. With God’s good guidance, we would love to be able to cover two more wells in 2021.

Joyful Tidings from Advent Deliveries

Advent Celebration Bags were delivered on Nov. 29 by Kim Kucharski and Leslie Van Hamme to families with children. Included were Advent devotional materials plus additional family-oriented seasonal items including a Lego Advent wreath. Kim and Leslie visited with the families (outdoors, wearing masks and socially distanced) as they delivered off the bags.

Advent Care Bags were delivered by church members to 45 people including those on the Deacons’ TLC list plus others identified by the Deacons and Pastoral Care team. Included were Advent devotional materials plus additional seasonal items to stimulate the five senses of recipients.

Christmas Zoom

Each Sunday in Advent, Kim Kucharski shared a lesson and lit a candle of the advent wreath. On the fourth Advent Sunday, it was so fun to see some of our families on a Christmas zoom. We talked about the advent theme love and watched a video clip of the shepherds getting the news of Jesus being born. We sang “Jingle Bells”, chatted about Christmas and shared our favorite Christmas decoration. I miss seeing those faces and wishing FPCF children a “Merry Christmas” was another Advent light!

Preschool News

Starting January 11, the Farmington Presbyterian Preschool resumed offering in-person preschool AND virtual learning options for our 24 families. We enjoyed being back to school in-person exploring, socializing, and learning. We wear masks, but fortunately to a 3-year-old this is just what being three includes. Children are resilient and this year our staff is so adaptable. We’re blessed with an engaged preschool board, a talented staff, caring families and a generous church. We have opened 2021-2022 enrollment for our current families, and we are anticipating the new school year celebrating a more typical preschool experience!



Calvin East Gift Bags

Calvin East Gift Bags provided hygiene kits and additional items to 24 children in 9 families who participate in the tutoring program at Calvin East Pressbyterian Church in Detroit. Ann Collins-Carey and Kim and Steve Kucharski participated in the “trunk to trunk” gift pickup on Dec 16. We were welcomed in the snowstorm by Andre. We contributed by helping receiving deliveries, wishing new friends “Merry Christmas” and receiving our own homemade sweet potato pie.

A note from Andree at Calvin to Kim Kucharski: “I can’t say thank you enough for working with us at Calvin as we celebrated this event in community with our neighbors and friends. You and Ann and Deb and First Farmington are wonderful.”

PW Hat and Mitten Tree

Every year Presbyterian Women and the congregation as a whole generously support the annual Hat & Mitten drive, which benefits the children of our community. Because of COVID-19 and the closing of church to in-person worship, we had to rethink how to handle this event. In spite of the pandemic, we were very successful at collecting hats, mittens, socks and underwear for children and adults.  We devised contactless drop-off of items at church (either placed in a box outside the building, placed on the Hat & Mitten Tree in the Narthex, or calling by for at-home pick up). 
Church members came through most generously!  We thank you so much!  The total value of the 607 items donated was $2,730.
Hats, mittens, socks and underwear were shared with three organizations this year:  Neighborhood House, Second Mile Center, and Heartfelt Families of Farmington. Neighborhood House received the majority of the items, which they will distribute to needy families in the Farmington, Farmington Hills community.   Heartfelt Families also distributes locally. And each year hats and mittens are also added to the gift bags prepared by church members and given to selected children through the Second Mile Center.

Random Chats of Kindness

Shining Light during the Epiphany Season
“Once the decorations come down, where do you notice the Christmas lights still shining? Today, take a few moments to notice and remember the people, places and experiences where you are continuing to see Christmas light.” — from the Epiphany devotional at

Take it a step further to remember the people, places and experiences that filled your life before the pandemic hit. Who did you sit with during in-person worship services on Sunday morning? Who did you greet before and after the service? Who did you sit with during our Fellowship time? Who did you see at Bible studies and other events in the life of the church? And who is missing from any of the Zoom video gatherings that you now attend?

When was the last time you chatted with them? If it’s been a while, please give them a call and/or send them a card or a note and find out how they’re doing during this challenging pandemic season.

Christian Educators Virtual Event, Feb. 4-6, 2021

The Association of Presbyterian Educators (APCE) invites all involved in any type of educational ministry to embark on a 3-day, “Anything But Ordinary Time” virtual adventure like never before! Rather than the usual face-to-face gathering, attendees will instead have a closer-than-front-row seat to every plenary speaker, preacher, musician, and workshop leader. These trailblazers will inform, inspire, and challenge us to:
  • Create and build community through technology;
  • Grow in how we lead through the strength of diversity; and
  • Build hope for the church, for our ministries, and for ourselves.

Whether you are a seasoned educator/pastor, inquiring student, or a parent teaching from home for the first time, we will all walk away from our screens with a renewed sense that we are the church and God is with us no matter what.

Cost to register is $100 to participate in the livestream event, with scholarships available if this is a financial burden. If you would like more information, please contact Kim Kucharski. In addition to her ‘real-time’ participation, Kim will have online access to the full content for three months after the event. She plans to host Zoom sessions to share what she learns with anyone who is interested.

PC(USA) NEXT Church Virtual National Gathering


A FREE Live-Streamed Gathering March 5-7, 2021

NEXT Church is a network of leaders — church members, ruling elders, youth leaders, educators, pastors, seminarians and professors — across the Presbyterian Church (USA) who believe the church of the future will be more relational, more diverse, more collaborative, more hopeful and more agile. The network provides hopeful space for robust conversations about the theology, culture, and the practice of ministry, support strong, faithful leadership in a time of adaptive change, and encourage collaboration and creativity across congregations and geographies. They foster conversation about how to follow Christ in our particular day and age, a movement seeking to strengthen the relational fabric of the PC(USA) so that congregations are strong and healthy enough to be a sustained, effective, faithful and moral voice that is engaged in the transformation of our communities toward the common good.

NEXT Church hosts a national gathering each year and the 2021 gathering looks to be the best one yet! The events is steeped in our reality right now – COVID-19, a pandemic of racism in the United States, political upheaval and economic distress – and the recognition that things need to change for the good of us all.

“What if people like you and me could gather together from all over the world, from all kinds of different churches and denominations, from all different walks of life? What if church leaders and members (YOU, not just your pastor) could connect with other church leaders and members to learn together, be inspired by one another, and be challenged to grow? What if we gathered together in such a way that inspired us to act so the Church and the world were never the same again?” (

There is NO COST to participate in the live-stream event, and EVERYONE is encouraged to participate as schedules permit. If you would like more information, please contact Deb Jackson Lum. In addition to real-time participation, Deb will have access to the full content after the event. A series of Zoom sessions will be scheduled so that participants can share what they’ve learned with anyone who is interested.

Online Giving via PayPal is now available on our website

Even if you live far away, you can now make a one-time or memorial gift to the church via PayPal, which provides secure processing of your credit card.

Because First Presbyterian incurs a small fee from PayPal (2.2% + $0.30 per transaction), we recommend an epayment through your checking account or a check made out to First Presbyterian Church of Farmington for recurring payments or large gifts.

If you’re making a memorial donation, please email [email protected] to make sure it’s properly attributed.

Go to our Online Donation Page (

Offering Envelopes available

Those who have used numbered offering envelopes in 2020 automatically have 2021 envelopes reserved for them.. If you did NOT use envelopes in 2020, but DO wish to have them for 2021, please do one of the following:
  • Contact Financial Secretary Jerry Scheel via the church office at 248-474-6170 to make your request known.

Numbered envelopes facilitate the speed and accuracy of the data entry process for our offering counters, so we do encourage you to use envelopes if you contribute manually on a regular basis. The box of envelopes includes an envelope for every week as well as one for our special offerings and per capita payments.

We also encourage the use of monthly electronic debit for offerings. If you wish to submit your offering electronically from your bank account monthly, please call Jerry Scheel to have the forms sent to you. If you have any questions, please contact Jerry Scheel or call the church office.


2021 Worship Flower sign-up available

Please consider giving flowers in memory of a loved one or to recognize a special occasion such as a birthday or anniversary or to the glory of God. An arrangement is $24 and enhances our videotaped worship services. More than one arrangement may be ordered for any Sunday and will be displayed on plant stands near the pulpit during the videocasts. Please order through the church office at least one week in advance. You may ask to have the flowers delivered to you after the worship service is recorded or request to have them delivered to one of our homebound members. The sign-up sheet is available on the kiosk in the area outside Knox Fellowship Hall or call the church office at 248-474-6170.

Congregational Concerns

We keep in our prayers

We withhold our prayer requests in our e-version for privacy reasons. Our prayers go out for those who are grieving, suffering, homebound, and serving in the military or as first responders.

Thank you notes

To the Staff and Member of the Church of the Open Hands: I can’t thank you enough for the Advent bag – it was a wonderful surprise with so many appropriate items. I will think of you all as I use them. I am especially thankful as for the past several years I have been off the scene and yet have been included in your remembrance. I send many thanks and my love to our congregation.  Peace, Ruth Allaben

Dear Church, It was a very unexpected and nice surprise to receive the Advent Bag. I enjoyed and used it all. I appreciate your thinking of me. I miss church very much. I hope we can get together soon. Thank you to everyone who worked on this. It really brightened my day. I wish you a “Happy New Year.”  Nan Flint

Thanks to all my church family and Acts Circle friend for the many cards I received marking my 90th birthday. What a delight to open each card – a way for me to celebrate my special day with so many of you. Your kind words are deeply appreciated.   Joanne Boyd

Dear Friends, Thank you for all your cards, thoughts and prayers while I’ve been recovering from surgery. There’s still a way to go until I’m back to my normal. Thank you again.  Shalom, Jan Sell

Have SO enjoyed the podcasts – the crew is terrific! Please keep up the good work!!  Nancy Pardonnet

Office requests assistance

We could use assistance in getting offering envelopes delivered to our faithful, supportive members and friends. We also will likely need help distributing copies of the 2020 annual reports. Please contact the office if you are available to assist with either project.

Also the kitchenette in the Library is a need of a microwave to replace the broken one uses by the office staff. If you have one you can spare, please call the church office at 248-474-6170 and we’ll gladly arrange a pickup.


  The First Presbyterian Church of Farmington
The Church of the Open Hands
wishes you and yours all the best in 2021!