Pathways to Reopening, A Report from Team C-19
The Reopening Task Force has been shortened to something easier to say. At a Worship Team Meeting, someone referred to us as Team C-19 and it stuck!
Thank you all who ventured forth to out-of-doors worship on September 6 and then quickly adapted to indoor worship on September 13 and September 20. There was nice weather for our outdoor service on September 27, when we worshipped in the parking lot. Everyone followed instructions and was courteous to others. We expected nothing more and our First Pres family shone with the love of God. Thank you!
Team C-19 is now working to get the church ready for worship and meetings indoors in October as we expect it will soon be too chilly for out-of-doors meetings. We can confirm that starting with our Oct. 4 World Communion Sunday, our Sunday worship will be indoors in the sanctuary.]
Thankfully, the electrostatic sprayer arrived a bit early, so we incorporated using it with COVID-19 room capacity formulas and are working to get all groups who want to meet inside accommodated. Sometimes a day change or time change for a group will be necessary. I am working with meeting leaders to coordinate so we do not add an additional burden to Karen’s already full workload. We regret that it adds an extra step for you and will make every effort to keep it simple while staying on the same page. You must still schedule building usage with Karen Spica for calendaring purposes. It is suggested you copy both Karen and me during the pandemic. That way calendaring and risk management will be in sync.
If I have not yet contacted you and you have a group that wants to resume meeting at the church, please contact me to discuss your needs and determine if/when it is possible to schedule a room for you.
Just a bit of a heads up from Lorrie McVey, Team C-19 leader:
- Masks and physical distancing are required in the church building at all times.
- Groups meeting will have to complete some sanitizing before departing the building (guidelines and training to be provided).
- The kitchen is closed until further notice. Allfood/beverage is on a BYO basis.
“A time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing” Ecclesiastes 3:5
Worship During COVID-19
Masks are required – Practice physical distancing
Use hand sanitizer – No congregational singing
- Keep at least one empty car space between parked cars
- Register attendance at the desk upon entering the building
- Follow Usher’s instructions for seating
- Offerings may be left in the offering box as you exit the sanctuary
- Wait for Usher to dismiss at the end of service
- One person or family group in the restroom at a time
Offerings and Tithes
- Place in offering box
- Mail to the church
- Complete a Debit authorization form (download on website or contact the church office)
- Electronic online checking to create a recurring check issue via ACH at your bank
What in-building, in-person church worship looks like
Welcome Greeters/Ushers will be wearing yellow masks for easy identification.
When worshipping indoors, there is limited indoor seating capacity in the sanctuary (56) and social distance seating is required. However, we are no longer requiring you to make a reservation to attend Sunday service.
Upon arrival, park leaving an empty parking space between you and the next car.
You must have your mask on before exiting your vehicle.
Attenders are required to wear a face covering during worship and while in the building and to apply hand sanitizer upon entry. If you do not have one, we will provide masks at the Registration desk.
For in-building worship, a Welcome Usher wearing a yellow mask will seat attendees to ensure that there is 6 feet between each household.
The services are “touch free” except for a bulletin which will be at the Registration desk for you to pick up when you arrive and check in.
There will be no congregational singing until further notice.
Collection containers will be located in the narthex. Offering and additional prayer requests can be dropped into these containers before or after the service.
Dismissal following the service will be directed by the Ushers who will start from the rear of the sanctuary.
Bottled water is available by the drinking fountains near Knox Hall. Do not use the drinking fountains.
Restrooms are restricted to one person at a time with the exception that residential family units may enter as a group, if desired, and individuals requiring assistance may have their designated care provider assist them.
In attending Sunday’s service, I am acknowledging that I understand the information listed below and that I agree to follow the protocols listed below.
- I will wear a face covering while in the church building.
- I will use hand sanitizer upon entering the church building.
I will allow the ushers to seat me upon entering the worship center and to dismiss me at the conclusion of service.
- I will maintain proper hygiene and social distancing while in the church building.
- I will not worship at First Pres if I have been exposed to anyone with COVID-19 during the last 14 days.
- I will not worship at First Pres if I:
- Have a fever
- Have ongoing coughing or sneezing
- Have a sore throat
- Am experiencing shortness of breath
Events, Meetings during the Pandemic
Planning is Essential
Team C-19 has determined appropriate room occupancy limits for this stage of the COVID-19 pandemic and communicated with group and team leaders within the church to establish a plan to permit those wanting to meet in person to safely do so as long as COVID-19 safety protocols are followed. Each group will be responsible for sanitation as outlined in communications sent to them. Many groups have elected to maintain contact via Zoom calls for the time being.
Special Events will be considered on a case by case basis. If you are hoping to hold a special event please contact the office with the date, time, number of people and purpose of the event. The office will pass the request to Team C-19 where determination as to whether the event may be held at the church will be made. Keep in mind there are many things which may affect our decision including, but not limited to, others scheduled to use the building, the level of COVID-19 activity in our state/county/community, if the event is one determined to fit within the church COVID-19 guidelines and any number of other currently know, or as yet unknown variables Special Events will be considered on a case by case basis.
If you are hoping to hold a special event please contact the office with the date, time, number of people and purpose of the event. The office will pass the request to Team C-19 where determination as to whether the event may be held at the church will be made. Keep in mind there are many things which may affect our decision including, but not limited to, others scheduled to use the building, the level of COVID-19 activity in our state/county/community, if the event is one determined to fit within the church COVID-19 guidelines and any number of other currently know, or as yet unknown variables.
If you want to know if your group is planning on meeting in-building, please call or email your group leader as they will have that information readily available (i.e. ACTS contact Marcia Van Hamme, Session contact Dorothy Tait … and so on). Please do not call the office for this information as your team/group leader will have the answer.
The kitchen is closed until further notice. All building requests, as in the past, must go through the church office.
~ Team C-19
Lorrie McVey, Sally Kirsten, Kim Kucharski, Eddie Matteson, Ron Prieskorn, Karen Spica
Preschool is open with distance learning
The children at Farmington Presbyterian Preschool are learning from home in September and in October because we typically follow Farmington Public Schools for school closings. The teachers are offering weekly supplies and video lessons Monday through Thursday. We know the importance of connection, so the teachers are including Zoom meetings and small pod playdates as we transition to in-person learning.
FPP is looking forward to our reopening in November; the board has confidence in the added precautions (masking, limiting classroom size, changing routines, enhanced cleaning protocol) arranged. Not all families may be interested in the in-person learning so we will continue to offer the virtual learning, as well. FPP thanks the First Presbyterian Church for providing a safe place to learn. The preschool teachers and board are working extra hard at creating an adaptable, safe, fun, nurturing environment!
Preschoolers learning from home:
Mission Committee: Loving Our Neighbors (Matthew 25)
The Mission Committee Statement on Black Lives Matter
Our Black Lives Matter banner went up on FPCF property at the beginning of August. The decision to do this was considered, voted on, and passed by first, the Mission Committee, and then Session.
We understand that some congregants are struggling with the sign in front of our church, worrying that it expresses support of the Black Lives Matter organization. That is not the case. Thousands of churches across our country have erected Black Lives Matter banners, not as a show of support in any way for the organization but rather to stand in solidarity with our Black brothers and sisters who are suffering the inequities of systemic racism. The Farmington community has a strong history of taking an anti-slavery stand and was part of the Underground Railroad. Presbyterians have a history of standing for what’s right, even when it’s not popular. We are called upon now to take a stand as well.
Some may wonder why we can’t just say “All Lives Matter”? Our founding fathers also wrote that “All men are created equal.” We should remember that this call for equality did not include their enslaved individuals, their wives, sisters, and daughters. Those rights had to be fought for to be expanded. Yes, all lives do matter, but these days, we need to be reminded that includes Black lives. Remembering the parable of the lost sheep (Luke 15:3-7), Jesus was not telling us that the 1 was more important than the 99, but that right now, there was 1 who needed help.
We would like to hear your point of view. If you would like to take part in a small group discussion on this topic, please contact the church office at [email protected] or call 248-474-6170. We would love to talk with you as brothers and sisters in Christ united in love for one another and our community.
September 22 was International Peace Day, which is the time when we put up our display of peace signs and religious symbols. The signs will be displayed until World Communion and Peacemaking Offering Sunday on October 4.The Mission Team
October is Peacemaking Month
In God’s house, there are people of every background. In God’s house, there are people of every race, age and gender. In God’s house, people who are different from each other in almost every way live together and seek ways to bring about Christ’s peace in every part of our lives. We speak out and claim the truth in Second Thessalonians, “May the God of peace himself give you peace at all times in all ways.”
Please join in the Please and Global Witness Offering which will be collected during the month of October. Write “Peace” on the memo line of your check. Drop your check in the offering receptacle after worship or mail to the church office.
Together we are building God’s Household of Peace. By giving to the Peace & Global Witness Offering; we work to share Christ’s peace with one another, beyond our doors, beyond our community and across boundaries. Together we are building God’s house where everyone is welcome; where all can find compassion, peace and justice.
25% of this offering stays within our community to support peacemaking and reconciliation in our own community. 25% will go to our mid council, joining with other congregations in our area to support peacemaking work in our region. 50% supports the work for peace and reconciliation being done by Presbyterians across the globe.
Thank you for your generous giving.
For 15 years, First Presbyterian’s marquee mission event has been our week-long hosting of Lighthouse (formerly South Oakland Shelter) — our opportunity to host three dozen men, women and children and provide accommodations, food, transportation and basic amenity. Like so many other events, Lighthouse has been forced to modify its operations for the safety of its staff, volunteers and clients.
To that end, First Presbyterian will NOT be acting as an overnight host location for Lighthouse in January 2021. We WILL, however, continue to support this worthwhile and important ministry from Jan. 24-31.
Here are some ways your help is needed:
• FINANCIAL: Lighthouse typically provides temporary shelter in classrooms at participating places of worship. Since COVID-19 prevention makes this setup impractical, guests have been housed at an Auburn Hills motel. It costs $180 per week, on average, to house one person for a week. At an average of 35 guests per week, First Pres would need to contribute $6,300.
• TRANSPORTATION: Our volunteers normally provide morning and evening rides for our guests. These days, Lighthouse is asking for Lyft / Uber / gasoline gift cards for clients to manage their own rides.
• MEAL DISTRIBUTION: Lighthouse meals need to be prepared by non-volunteers in a commercial kitchen. Volunteers will be needed, though, to pack and distribute nearly 1400 food boxes per week.
More information is forthcoming. For now, please check out these links to learn more about how you can help:×288×286
Trunk-to-Trunk Pantry Collection on October 17
Our new friends at Covenant Presbyterian run a pantry in Southfield and, to support them, the Mission Committee is inviting you to participate in a trunk-to-trunk food collection on Saturday, October 17 from noon until 3:00 p.m. in the 1st Presbyterian Church parking lot. We’ll take groceries from your trunk, put them into our trunks and deliver to Covenant’s pantry where 40-50 families are served every week! Join us for this worthy – and hands-free cause! Please see the list below to know what they need to supply the weekly food boxes for their clients. Feel free to share this list with friends and family! Bring as few or as many of the items on the list to our parking lot on Oct. 17 from noon-3:00. Any questions? Call Nancy Prieskorn.
Covenant Food Pantry Items
1 Box of Cereal
1 Can of Fruit
2 Cans of Veggies
2 Cans of Soup
1 Can & 1 Powder milk (to=1 Gallon-of Milk)
1 Box of Tuna Helper
2 Cans of Tuna Fish
1 Large Can of Chicken
1 Box of Dry Macaroni or Spaghetti
1 Package of Dry Beans
1 Can of Pork & Beans
1 Box of Rice
1 Box of Instant Potatoes
2 Packs of Ramen Noodles
1 Box of Mac & Cheese
1 Jar of Peanut Butter
1 Jar of Jelly
1 Box of Pancake Mix
1 Bottle of Syrup
1 Roll of Toilet Paper
1 Roll of Paper Towel
1 Bottle of Dish Washing Detergent
1 Bar of Soap
Adult Study Zoom Meetings now on Saturday evenings
Please join us for The Wired Word, an adult curriculum focused on current events that meets weekly via Zoom. The group has now changed its Zoom meeting date from Sunday mornings to Saturdays at 5:00 p.m. This allows folks to participate in greeting and serving as ushers for our Sunday in-person worship services. Contact Tom Neal, Craig Aue or the church office for details on how to join the Zoom gathering and to receive the email with the weekly study plan.
Worship Podcasts will continue
In addition to our Sunday 10:00 a.m. worship service in the sanctuary, we are continuing our podcast services. On Sundays at 10:00 a.m. our Sunday podcasts are posted to the website. This service, to be led by Pastor Eddie and the Creative Worship & Arts Team, will help us find joy in our current situation. The podcast bulletins are posted on the website on the day prior; the podcasts and bulletins remain on the website for your later listening and reference.
Also, for additional spiritual enrichment, please see the daily lectionary readings posted on our home page at:
Session Highlights from Sept 2020
The Church Session continues to meet to thoughtfully and prayerfully identify and work to meet the needs of the congregation. The following are highlights from the September 16, 2020 meeting:
- Protocols prepared by Team C-19 following a comprehensive study of the CDC, Michigan and Insurance advisories will be in effect.
- Out-of-doors, in-person worship began September 6, 2020 at 10:00 a.m., weather permitting.
- As Fall progresses and as weather dictates, worship will move indoors.
- Team C-19 will order a return to virtual worship if COVID activity in Michigan deems this advisable.
- Church building use will resume on a controlled restricted schedule after the electrostatic sprayer arrives and the Property Committee reports appropriate training in its use has been completed.
- Limited “special” circumstances for building use prior to the arrival of the electrostatic sprayer will be reviewed by Team C-19 and approved if there is confirmed essential need and published FP COVID-19 protocols can be maintained.
- The Mission Ministry reported that FPCF will not be hosting Lighthouse in January 2021, due to COVID-19. They are awaiting details on how the congregation can support Lighthouse in other ways.
- Pastor Eddie reported the FPCF and Covenant Church from Southfield will be meeting for a series of joint Vespers Services at 4:30-5:30 p.m. on the following Sundays: September 6, September 20 and September 27, 2020 to see what opportunities and commonalities may exist between the two churches. These Vespers will be held outside and will alternate between the two locations. The first joint Vespers was held on August 30 at FPCF.
- The Communications & Technology Committee reported they are moving forward quickly toward having the capability for live streaming, recording and uploading of Worship Services.
Congregational Concerns
We keep in our prayers
Our individual prayers are not listed in the e-version of our newsletter to protect the privacy of our members.
Giving Thanks
Reminder: How to Check for News on Church Activities
The front page of our website ( and our Facebook page (FirstPresbyterianChurchofFarmington/posts) will be our primary way of disseminating new information between e-blasts from the church office.
If you would like to add an email address to our electronic mailing list, you can do so at