Some articles from the February 2023 News and Information (FYI) have been omitted from this web version. Click here to get First Presbyterian Church’s News and information directly in your inbox.
Annual Meeting – Sunday, February 5
Link to 2022 Annual Report
The 2022 Annual Report has been emailed to members who have signed up through the church website to electronically receive the FYI newsletter, the annual report and other important church information (to sign up for the newsletter and electronic communications, simply go to The report is available via this link:
A limited number of print copies of the 2022 Annual Report will be available on Sunday Feb. 5 in the narthex or call the church office and we’ll arrange to get a copy to you.
March 2023 FYI Deadline: Friday, March 17
News from the Transitional Pastor Nominating Committee (TPNC)
The Transitional Pastor Nominating Committee (TPNC) was very busy in January making HR-related updates to the Transitional Pastor position description before passing it on to the Committee on Ministry (COM) at the Presbytery of Detroit. We are indebted to the invaluable expertise of Pat Plamondon, who added an HR perspective to the document. We also thank Matt Mataya as well for his review and the insights he provided.
We reported last month that church leaders, elders, and deacons are participating in three leadership trainings with Susan Czolgosz of Holy Cow! Consulting. The first one took place on December 3 and the second training will take place on Saturday, February 4. The third and last session is still to be scheduled.
Be sure to watch for updates on, what used to be, the Caregiving bulletin board. It is now a dedicated space to keep you informed on the latest developments on the search for a Transitional Pastor and later for a Permanent Pastor.
Please continue to pray for your church leaders as we go through the trainings and ask for God’s wisdom in decisions related to the future of FPCF. Please pray for the TPNC as we search for our Transitional Pastor, who will play an important role in our church as we move toward healing, a new pastor, and a new future.
At the Annual Meeting on February 5, we look forward to addressing any questions you may have: Colleen Tavor (Chair), Dorothy Tait (Secretary), Sally Kirsten, Marc Hemmye, and Michelle James (COM Liaison for the Presbytery).
Financial Update – Year-End 2022
Financial reports for this past year are complete.
Q: How did 2022 look financially?
A: We were not surprised that 2022 showed deficit spending, which means expenses exceeded pledges and general revenue. Our budget at the beginning of the year told us we would spend more than we brought in and would have to help cover the difference from our investments and savings.
Q: That is bad, correct?
A: We anticipated this as we set up the budget using some of the various church committee restricted funds to give those committees more working capital. But we held to austere spending. Therefore, we were pleasantly surprised that the deficit was not as large as anticipated. As we have mentioned to you every quarter, we all saw the cost of goods rise significantly, and we saw a stock market dropping rapidly. But the fourth quarter did see some improvement in our investments, recouping some of our losses.
Q: What does that mean for 2023?
A: This coming year will again be a very carefully controlled budget. We hope investments will continue to grow. We also know that pledges will not fully cover our expenses. Therefore, we must look for other sources of revenue. A point we have mentioned for the last 3-4 years.
Therefore, I want to share something profound with you: a story I intend to repeat at the Annual Meeting.
On Women’s Sunday, November 13th, I shared my reflection with you and talked about God Moments. I told how, at Samaritan Counseling Center, there were times in the summer when I could see that we did not have the funds to make payroll. And miraculously, a large check from a donor or a church would arrive in the nick of time. The Lord will provide!
I have thought about the need for God to provide here at FPCF these last few years. But I could clearly see that God would need to send a much larger check than Samaritan Counseling might receive. God would need to move the decimal point one more place to the right to help FPCF. (That means our needs are a 5-digit number, not a 4-digit number.)
Well, God did just that this past November! With the rental inquiry and subsequent leasing of space from Detroit Chin Baptist Church, we have substantially added revenue to our budget. It is still a deficit budget, but a much, much smaller deficit than previous years. Detroit Chin Baptist Church is the answers to our prayers, and we can share space without majorly upsetting our worship time and activities.
God is alive and well at FPCF! Truly a God Moment right here for us all to witness! Philippians 4:19: And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus.
Sally Kirsten, Chair of Operations
January 2023 Session Highlights
1. The Transitional Pastor Search Committee (TPSC) continues to meet weekly. They are working on the Job Description for the position as well as the rest of the documentation required to begin the search. Our Presbytery Committee on Ministry (COM) representative is helping to guide this committee through the process.
2. As of January 24, 2023, we’ve received 83 Operations Pledges for 2023 for a total of $263,326.
COVID Protocols
Each month, Session has continued to review the COVID-19 conditions as well as the precautions and practices being followed in the church and around the community. After discussion and careful thought, Session voted to rescind the remaining COVID-19 protocols, effective February 1, 2023. A supply of masks and hand sanitizer will remain available in the building and people are welcome to continue to wear masks and follow COVID-19 social contact protocols if they choose.
COVID-19 or Flu Symptoms
Please be extra mindful of any symptoms that may be associated with sickness. Fever, sore throat, cough, shortness of breath, congestion, and fatigue are some of the early symptoms associated with many viruses spread in the community. Please be extra cautious and stay home if you are feeling under the weather or feeling any of the symptoms mentioned above.
Pastor Eddie Jusino has a new Call
We are happy to share the news that Pastor Eddie Jusino has received a new call. Effective February 15, 2023, he will be the Designated Pastor for Westminster Presbyterian Church in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware. FPCF wishes Pastor Eddie and Pam safe travels as they move to Delaware by the end of the January. Their new address is 24258 Zinfandel Lane #306, Lewes, DL 19958. Their cell phones are unchanged.
Please pay your 2023 Per Capita Apportionment
The Presbyterian Church is a “connectional” church where we interact through the Presbytery of Detroit, the Synod of the Covenant and the General Assembly. These councils are funded by the “Per Capita” on each of our active members. For 2023, the Per Capita amount is $36.00. We ask that you contribute $36 for each member of your household confirmation age and above to help offset this amount. Checks may be made payable to the First Presbyterian Church of Farmington; please note “Per Capita” on the memo line.
Leadership Development Workshop Rescheduled
The 2nd Leadership Development Workshop originally scheduled for Saturday, January 7, 2023, has been rescheduled to Saturday, February 4, 2023. The time and location will remain the same. Please plan to arrive between 9:00-9:15 a.m. for a bit of fellowship time before we settle down for a 9:30 a.m. start. The workshop is scheduled to end at 1:30 p.m. Another reminder will go out closer to the event. The 3rd workshop date is yet to be confirmed.
New Member Orientation – Saturday, February 11, 10:00 – 12 Noon
Several of you have expressed an interest in joining First Presbyterian Church of Farmington (FPCF) as a member. We’re pleased that you are interested in becoming a part of the Church of the Open Hands family and want to know how to make it official by joining this Body of Christ.
We are excited to announce that a New Membership Orientation Class will be held on Saturday, February 11, 10:00 am – 12:00 noon in Room 208/210. You’ll have an opportunity to hear the FPCF story and tell us yours. Please contact the church office by February 8 if you plan to attend (248-474-6170 or [email protected]).
Ash Wednesday — Imposition of Ashes is February 22 at 4:00 p.m.
At FPCF we continue the tradition of “Imposition of the Ashes” in a Taizé style of worship, placing ashes in the shape of the cross on the forehead and singing short meditative songs. The service is inspired by the Ecumenical Community of Taizé, France, which strives to be a ‘parable of reconciliation and community’ for the world by bringing people from various Christian traditions together through work, worship, and prayer.
About Taizé Music, “We have endeavored to make our prayer meditative, popular, accessible to all generations and as universal as possible … Sung prayer remains one of the strongest expressions of our search for God. Simple words, sung over and over, underscore the meditative quality of prayer; they express a basic truth which the mind quickly grasps and, as they are repeated, gradually penetrate the heart. In this way they lead to silence and resting in the Presence of God” (from Praying Together in Word and Song).
The ashes, a traditional symbol of penitence, remind us of our sinful human nature and our need to repent: “Remember that you are dust and to dust you shall return.”
Getting to Know Deacon Sue Andrews
I was asked to write about my lengthy journey to Farmington Presbyterian Church. Raised on a dairy farm in Illinois with no TV in the house until I was 8, I spent a lot of time outside appreciating nature. My first memories of church were in a small Congregational church where my mother was the organist. As I grew older, I sang in the choir, helped with Bible school, attended church camp and was active in the local youth group. My Sunday school teacher was a wonderful lady who made me think about what kind of a person I wanted to be.
I attended Knox College ( a Presbyterian college) where I was required to attend weekly convocations and I heard many thought-provoking speakers. I transferred to the University of Illinois my junior year, attended the campus Presbyterian church and sang in the choir. During the summers of my college life I was a church camp counselor. There were ministers on the staff who encouraged me on my faith journey.
While at Southfield Presbyterian Church, I was a deacon, trustee and an elder. I ran Bible School for several years, directed youth bells and played in the adult bell choir, spent hours in the church kitchen and did whatever else came up.
The outcome of all of this is a great appreciation for the world in which we live. God’s creation never stops amazing me in its complexities, diversities and ever healing processes. I hope I have been able to spread a little love, compassion and understanding to those who need it as I have interacted with them!
Nominating Committee Continues its Work
The Nominating Committee began its search for the next class of Elders and Deacons in January. This year, more than ever, new church leaders are needed to help guide us through the transition between pastors.
We want to follow last year’s protocol of asking our members to nominate congregation members (seeking the nominee’s permission) or nominating yourself, if you feel called to serve.
Please consider lay leaders, who can discern God’s voice and see where God is at work in our church and our community, and to lead us into the future God is creating for us and through us. To help you recognize spiritual gifts in yourself and others, the Nominating Committee would like to encourage you to please read and reflect on the following Scripture passages: Romans 12:9-21 1 Corinthians 12: 1-11.
Nomination forms and descriptions of the roles of Elder and Deacon will be available in the Narthex and in the church office. Or they may be sent to you electronically, if requested. If you have questions, you may contact Nominating Committee Co-Chairs Sally Kirsten or Colleen Tavor.
Multicultural Multiracial Community Council Issues Statement Condemning Rise in Antisemitic Acts
The Farmington/Farmington Hills Multicultural/Multiracial Community Council (MCMR) is proud to represent the rich diversity of our welcoming community. Home to the Zekelman Holocaust Center, ours is a community that leads efforts to teach the perils of hatred and discrimination grounded in history. As such, we concur with a recent statement released by the US Holocaust Museum:
“Though condemnation for recent antisemitic acts has come from many quarters, episodic outrage is insufficient. Leaders and citizens must consistently condemn such sentiments and work toward addressing their root causes. The Holocaust teaches that hatred can easily infect a society – in Nazi Germany, it started with Jews but did not end with them. All Americans who value a free, just, and pluralistic society should see these alarming trends as a threat to each of us.”
While vigilant to the alarming increase of antisemitism nationally, we have thus far been spared any major incidents of such hatred. Yet, the nearby Jewish communities of West Bloomfield and Bloomfield Township have been the target of such hatred as realized by antisemitic threats leveled against both Jewish individuals and institutions.
MCMR stands united with our Jewish friends in neighboring communities, and within our own community. Our law enforcement officers, schools, government bodies, non-profits, business, faith, and other community leaders are of one voice in rejecting this age-old bigotry. We urge every member of our community to stand with us in pushing back against antisemitism, racism, Islamaphobia, LGBTQ+ hatred, sexism, agism, and discrimination against the disabled. Here, in Farmington and Farmington Hills, we reject hatred in any form. An affront to any one group is an affront to us all.
(If you see something, say something! Please report incidents of antisemitism or hatred targeting anyone in our community to both the police and the Antidefamation League
About MCMR
Established in 1994, MCMR exists to represent the interests and concerns of Farmington and the Hills residents by fostering an environment where residents feel safe, welcome, and respected in their city, schools, businesses, and neighborhoods. Through its diverse membership representing faith-based organizations, non-profits, large agencies, businesses, and individuals, MCMR interacts with leaders of City Government, the Police and Fire Departments, School Board, Library, and the broader community. It works to foster a climate of acceptance, inclusivity, and responsiveness where topics of mutual interest, as well as issues of concern, can be shared with both public officials and neighbors in the spirit of promoting a welcoming environment for all.
Learn to Save a Life
Automatic External Defibrilators (AEDs) are tools with the ability to save a life … but they’re only effective if people know how to use them. You’ll have a chance to learn on Sunday, March 12 at 11:30 a.m., when we’ll get a 90-minute course on the use of the AED and related live-saving techniques. The class will meet in Room 208-210. (Please note: completion of this class does not certify a participant in CPR or any other first aid technique, but rather gets you familiar with the device and how to use it when seconds count.) You can sign up with the following link: There’s a limit of 15 participants to the class. Questions? Contact Chris Davis.
PW Second Mile Center Christmas Outreach
Presbyterian Women once again organized a Christmas gift bag project to benefit the children of Second Mile Center. This year, 16 XL bags were donated, a new high from our church members. Each bag contained an outfit, socks and underwear, a hat and gloves, toys, a gift card, and more. Recently each donor received a thank you note from Ruth Azar at the Center.
New Meeting Place and Date for PW Phoenix Group
The Phoenix Group has met in various members’ homes for the monthly Bible study on the second Tuesday of every month at 7:00 p.m., well, for decades. But we’re a group of women who embrace change and we decided to do something different. To better accommodate schedules and travel, the Phoenix Group will be meeting on the THIRD Tuesday of every month (instead of the second Tuesday) and we’ll meet at the church, in the Garden Room / Parlor on the second floor (instead of members’ homes) at 10:30 a.m. After the Bible study, we plan to go out to a local restaurant for lunch and fellowship. You are welcome to join us!
If you are interested in joining this dynamic group of women, please contact Nancy Cook or Anne Sebesta.
1st Quarter Collection for Mission: Hygiene Products
Knowing that people are having a very difficult time stretching their budgets to cover living costs and knowing that many necessary items cannot be purchased with a Bridge card, your Mission group will be accepting donations of regular-sized hygiene items during the months of January, February and March. We are using this extended period of three months so that you may look for items on sale or use coupons to help with cost effectiveness.
Any non-expired hygiene item is accepted but items most in need include body wash, shampoo, deodorant, shaving lotion, diapers (large sizes), pull-ups, body lotion, etc. Look for the plastic bin labeled: 1st Quarter Mission Collection through the end of March. Thank you for supporting Mission and helping those in need!
A New Church Partnership!
First Presbyterian Church of Farmington is the new home of Detroit Chin Baptist Church. The congregation has decided to enter into a long-term agreement with First Pres and is using the Sanctuary, Knox Fellowship Hall and various classrooms on Friday and Sunday evenings from 5:00 – 9:00 p.m. Detroit Chin was founded by several refugees from Myanmar and was previously using rented space at another Farmington-area church before setting sights on First Pres.
You can learn more about Detroit Chin on its Facebook page ( Please welcome our new guests and partners to the Church of The Open Hands.
Room Reservations at FPCF
We are pleased that there is a lot of activity at FPCF, but that means if you need a room for your activity, it is important that you request a room reservation in plenty of time and not assume that it will be available.
If you would like to reserve a room at FPCF:
- Contact the office ([email protected])
- Provide the date, time, duration of meeting and which room you desire
- Copy Chris Ely on the message so he will know to adjust heating or AC
We are thankful that our building is being put to good use!
Mission Ministry Support of CARES All Year
Cost for food CARES buys for their pantry is increasing for them just as it is for your own grocery cart while the number of guests they serve is growing daily. Your Mission Group invites you to participate with us in a yearlong project to help CARES feed our hungry neighbors. We will have the plastic CARES bin out and available (in the Narthex or the Mission Cove) for all of 2023. At the beginning of each month, we will publish in the bulletin a “suggested item” that would be particularly appreciated at CARES. You may challenge yourself to participate each month, once a quarter or as the spirit moves you. Please know any contributions (even those not on the suggested list) are appreciated. Remember, CARES can NOT use any food that has expired.
In January we “suggest” a protein item such as: tuna or other fish, chicken, cooked bacon, canned stew, crunchy peanut butter, beans, nuts, etc.
Thank you for joining us in this new endeavor!
Activities and Opportunities
The Social Justice Book Club is Starting a New Book!

Please join us for this significant reading. Contact Deb Hemmye or Colleen Tavor for more information. We meet via Zoom on the last Monday of each month. Next meeting: Monday, January 30, 7:00 pm.
You may also be interested in viewing a six-part series on The 1619 Project that will premiere on Hulu on Thursday, January 26.
The JOY Study Group Will Study the Gospel of Mark
The JOY study group, Jesus, Others and You, will begin a 10-week session on the Gospel of Mark. We will be meeting on Tuesday evenings on Zoom, from 7:00 p.m. to about 8:15 each week. We will be using a study guide written by N. T. Wright, a well-known Biblical scholar. Each week we’ll prepare for the discussion with about 1 hour of self-study ahead of the gathering. The study guide provides a set of thoughtful questions to understand the text and the context in our time.
Give this a try! If you are new to Bible study, or would like to return to Bible study, this is a great entry point. Mark is thought to be the first gospel written and is known for moving quickly through many aspects of Jesus’ life and His interactions with many different people. There is much to discover in these pages together!
The study guides are $12 or less, and Sharon Cressman can order you a book if you let us know you would like to participate. If you have any questions, please contact: Karl Cressman.
The Wired Word
An Adult Curriculum – Join our Bible study Sundays at 9:00 a.m. An advance copy of the weekly lesson is sent to each of the class members and friends requesting a copy. The class meets in Room 208/210. Every week there is a new topic selected by The Wired Word staff based on current events and ideas. These meaningful discussions are a great way to share and get to know church members. Sign up by sending your name and email to Tom Neal at [email protected].
When is the next “Games Gathering” at First Pres?
Watch Sunday bulletins for specifics
Calling All Ringers and Singers
Have you had a burning desire to ring a handbell or sing somewhere other than just in the shower? Well, we have a place for you, and no experience is necessary! On Thursday evenings starting January 5, 2023, the Choral Bell Handbell Choir and Chancel choir will resume their weekly Thursday evening rehearsals. For our first year, the handbell choir did an outstanding job of ringing for the church (and we had a lot of fun doing it). They will meet at 6:00-7:00 p.m. in Room 209. And the anchor of the church, our Chancel Choir, meets from 7:30-9:00 p.m. in the sanctuary Hope to see you there!
2023 Worship Flower sign-up available

Church-Wide Prayer
A powerful tool in a church is not necessarily a program, a special service, a booklet or a flashy presentation. It’s a group of people who live what they say they believe. It’s worshiping Jesus, loving each other and caring for the community. In other words, a healthy church.
The following prayer has been suggested to be used as a church-wide prayer for groups, committees, meetings, or any gathering of church members. The Session is suggesting that First Presbyterian Church of Farmington members and friends unite in prayer often as we review, reflect and revitalize our church life. There is power when a church gathers together to pray.
Dear Lord,
We ask for your blessings on the congregation of the First Presbyterian Church of Farmington. We ask that you expand our opportunities to minister to our neighbors, both known and unknown, and to spread the good news of your Son our Savior Jesus Christ. We ask that your hand be on us as we go forth on the path that you would have us be on, that you protect us and keep us from evil and that we, in turn, do no harm to anyone. Bless us, Lord, bless us indeed! Help us to remember that nothing can happen here without you and without our willing hearts and our open hands. Guide us through this time of reflection and revitalization of our church. We thank you for your loving presence with us each day. Amen.
Adapted for First Presbyterian Church of Farmington from a prayer used by Orchard Lake Methodist Church provided by Ginny Hubble
Kudos and Thank yous
Congratulations to Calvin Malisow who has earned the Scout rank of Star, the third-highest rank, which is awarded for actively serving in your unit in a position of responsibility for at least four months, performed at least six hours of community service, and earned six merit badges; he also has recently earned merit badges in Chess and Citizenship in the World.
Congratulations also to Georgia Roed who earned her Master Gardener certification from Michigan State University Extension, a journey that took her four years of hard work to complete classes learning basic horticultural principles and environmentally sound gardening practices. First Pres has been fortunate to be the beneficiary of many of the 40+ hours of volunteer service requirement Georgia needed to perform.

Dave’s funeral service on January 7 was officiated by Rev. Craig Aue. Sue would like to thank everyone who attended and those who helped with the printed program, music, ushering, set-up, serving, and clean-up.