Staying Connected During the COVID-19 Emergency and Holy Week

Things continue to change in our Covid-19 world and our staff and volunteers are constantly looking for ways for ways for us to stay connected. Please read this whole email, so you’ll know all the upcoming opportunities to stay connected to each other as the Body of Christ during this crisis.

We want to share some news and inform you on how to stay abreast of our changing situation, so please read this whole email.

How to Check for News on Church Activities

The front page of our website ( and our Facebook page ( will be our primary way of disseminating new information between e-blasts from the church office.

If you would like to add an email address to our electronic mailing list, you can do so at

Sunday Mornings Together – at least electronically

As we collectively to battle the COVID 19 and follow the authorities’ suggestions to Shelter in Place and Stay Safe at Home, we are continuing to explore new ways to keep our church family, as the Body of Christ, worshipping together.  To feed your spiritual soul, we invite you to join us for worship podcasts online and our Sunday morning Adult Bible Study using The Wired Word and ZOOM technology.

Upcoming Worship Podcasts available at

The Creative Arts Worship Team has recorded an audio version of key elements of our Palm Sunday, April 5 worship, including a shortened version of Pastor Eddie’s reflection. You can listen any time after 10 am on Sunday at
As you listen, please view our worship bulletin for each service at to follow along with prayers, scripture, and music.

No Computer to Listen to the Podcast? Dial in to the Adult Bible Study zoom meeting and stay on the line.Tom Neal will play the podcast through his computer.

No Palms? No Problem

Our April 5 (Palm Sunday) podcast will go live at 10 am, the time of our normal worship. Here’s how we’ll do the joyful palm processional while we’re apart. (This idea comes from the Presbyterian Outlook.)

Before we gather, search your house/yard for something to use as your designated palm branch. It could be anything ~ a spatula, long feathers, artificial flowers, a colorful scarf, your favorite boa, a garden flag – something you can wave. Then snap a selfie of yourself waving your “Palm.”  Send your image to Lorrie McVey via Facebook or email and she’ll make a collage of us with our joyful Sunday Palms. It will be shared on FB, the website and printed for display in the church when we join together and celebrate our reunion in the coming days/weeks/months.

On Sunday Morning as we all sign into the podcast for Palm Sunday service want it be wonderful to imagine all of us waving our improvised palms to celebrate the glorious entry for our Savior!

Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday Podcasts

We also will also post Maundy Thursday (April 9 at 7:30 pm) and Good Friday (April 10 at 12 noon) podcasts at the times those services were scheduled. Again, these will be posted on our website at There will also be links of the front page of the church website.

If you would like to have someone call you so you can listen to the podcast via telephone, contact Karen Spica and she’ll arrange a podcast buddy to connect you.

On Easter Sunday (April 12 at 10 am), we will worship together again via podcast to celebrate the resurrection of our Lord.

Note: During our Maundy Thursday and Easter morning worship services, we will celebrate Holy Communion. Have a piece of bread and some juice at the ready as Pastor Eddie leads us.

Sunday morning Adult Bible Study

Tom Neal and Rev. Craig Aue are leading an Adult discussion of the The Wired Word using Zoom on Sundays at 9 am. You can join in via phone or computer. (If you are unfamiliar with Zoom, see the Zoom paragraph below.)

April 5 Topic: ‘Being the Church’ During the Pandemic. (Click here for a discussion guide or paste this link in your browser:

Zoom Meeting ID: 797 710 577  (This will be the same id for every week from here on out.)
If you’re joining with a computer, use this direct link:

If you are dialing in with a voice-phone, use (929) 205 6099 or (312) 626 6799. When prompted, enter the meeting ID 821 214 339 using your keypad.

The meeting starts at 9:00 a.m., but please come online a few minutes early to make sure you connect properly. (Using your computer pointer, you can go to the bottom of the screen and an information bar will pop up. On the lower left-hand corner, you will see a microphone. That is where you can mute or unmute your computer’s microphone.) Tom Neal is the designated techie, so call him if you’re can’t access the meeting.

If you want to stay on the call (or join in late) to listen to the podcast together, we’ve solved our technical problems from last week!

Holy Week Lectionary Readings on Facebook

Starting on Monday, April 6, Pam Jusino will be on Facebook live at 10 am each day to share a daily lectionary reading!  Just come to our Facebook page to listen in.

FPCF Creative Arts Worship Team in action:

A special thank you to the church’s Creative Arts Worship Team, pictured below during this week’s recording session.

Randy Wright (foreground at the sound board), vocalist/sound technician; From right to left: Shari Fiore, organist/pianist; Pam Jusino, liturgist/vocalist; Kris Kehrer, vocalist; Dr. Jerry Custer, minister of music; and Sharon York, vocalist. Not pictured: The Rev. Eddie Jusino, Senior Pastor

Other “Gathering” Opportunities

We have the capability to schedule other meetings and “gatherings” via Zoom. Youth United, our Session, our Adult Bible Study and our Preschool have already taken advantage of this. Please let Karen Spica or Laura Hedgecock know if you’d like to do this.

Our Communications Team has been posting scripture, jokes, news, and whatever else they think will help us get through this crisis together. If you’re a Facebook user, be sure to take part of the conversation. It helps connect those that are reading along. Here’s our Facebook page:  And don’t forget to end your posts of comments with: #TheChurchOfTheOpenHands .

Caring for One Another

We thank all of you who are reaching out to one another via phone calls, emails, Facebook, and Skype offering encouragement and help. What a wonderful witness to the body of Christ! If you like a call or need assistance, just call the church office and leave a message. We’re happy to help.

Coming soon:
In the next days, we’ll have a form that will allow people to submit prayer requests to our prayer chain from the front page of our website.

Stewardship Reminder

The ministry of the Church of the Open Hands will continue to support our partners in ministry and, more so than ever, we need you to please remain faithful in sustaining our church and its ministries. Families and children in our schools and community need our presence.  If you have already signed up to give electronically to the church, thank you. Your early choice to give electronically is helping us weather whatever the COVID-19 storm brings. Completing our debit authorization form and sending it to the church office can get you started.

If you’re not ready to make a commitment to embrace online giving options, consider setting up something to get you through this difficult time. Mailing in your contribution is also an option. In addition, if you prefer to stop by the church, please call first to make sure staff is in. Use of your pledge envelope or any other envelopes can be dropped off or mailed. We trust this will make it somewhat less worrisome with less people handling your offering.

A call to gratitude at Easter

It may be a hard time to feel gratitude, with all that is going on in the world. But we can still feel grateful to God for all that we have and feel the joy of Easter even in this troubled season. As Easter approaches, we are reminded of our long-standing tradition of the One Great Hour of Sharing Special Offering.

This year, the bible inspiration is from Isaiah 58: “You shall be called repairers of the breach.” Wow! What an apt message when the whole world has suffered a breach caused by something invisible to the eye yet so deadly. We are all called to stand up to this virus and at the same time called to stand with Presbyterians around the globe to fight hunger and disasters and invest in development of underserved communities.

The COVID-19 pandemic will eventually be overcome but hunger and disasters will always be with us.  Please send your contribution to the church office writing OGHS on the memo line of your check. Details for giving online or by texting are in the accompanying bulletin insert. Go to to see the missions our church supports.

What Can I Do to Help our Community?

Even when we are scared for our own health and safety, it is natural to want to help those who are more in need. Please see the attached list of agencies supported by the mission of our church. Any of these agencies would be grateful for your help.  May we suggest two of them? CARES of Farmington Hills and Lighthouse (of Pontiac – formerly SOS) both can be found online and are set up to receive your donation by credit card. Normal operations have been altered to protect the safety of both volunteers and clients so monetary donations are especially appreciated.

CARES of Farmington/Farmington Hills serves hundreds of area families each month. More than 80 volunteers help to run the check in/check out, warehouse, hot lunch, and clothing boutique. Currently, due to the Clovid-19 pandemic, operations have been streamlined into a drive-up food only operation. First Presbyterian (as well as other houses of worship) has been asked to have a team of volunteers at the ready in the event the current volunteers need assistance in bagging/boxing packages of food. There is no guarantee we will be needed, but I would like to get about 8-10 people on our team. Previous experience not needed! Please send me an email or call if interested. Thanks! Nancy Prieskorn

Regarding Zoom

Zoom meetings allow you to connect by computer, tablet, smart phone, or even a land-line voice only phone. After their first meeting, most people say, “I didn’t realize it would be THAT easy!”

If you connect via computer, you will see your classmates on your screen. Your computer’s camera will let other people see you only if you have it enabled.

For those joining a meeting for the first time, Zoom will prompt you to download and install their software. (Zoom has released a security update this week, so don’t be surprised if you’re asked to run a quick update.)

If you’re using a smart phone or tablet, you will need to download the Zoom meeting app from your app store. When you first “join the meeting,” Zoom will offer to help you check your microphone and speakers to eliminate any problems before you start.
Try watching a zoom tutorial in advance if you’re not sure about the technology. There are several at

Final Word from Pastor Eddie

We miss everyone dearly. Please keep safe and feel free to contact me, Pastor Aue or Office Manager Karen Spica if you have a pastoral need, a prayer concern or just want to chat. The best way to reach us is via our cell numbers listed in the directory, as church staff is not currently maintaining regular office hours. While it is clear that we won’t be able to return to our beautiful sanctuary by Easter, we will celebrate Easter together when we can return for worship at the Church of the Open Hands, whenever that might be. May God continue to bless you and keep you in His grace.

Peace & Grace,

A Prayer of Thankfulness for Times of Struggle
God, Sometimes life gets me down and I find it hard to see things to be thankful for. Open my eyes to see the gifts you’ve given me in my life. I’m going to start by thanking you for loving me enough to come to earth and die so we can live together forever. Amen.
“Give thanks in all circumstances;
for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”
1 Thess. 5:18
This content was adapted from “5 Ways to Be Thankful When Life Isn’t Perfect” by Wendy van Eyck.