Church of the Open Hands- Staying Connected During the COVID-19 Emergency
Things are drastically different since we last physically worshipped together. Our staff and Session and volunteers are making ongoing adjustments, constantly looking for ways for us to stay connected.
We want to share some news and inform you on how to stay abreast of our changing situation, so please read this whole email.
How to Check for News on Church Activities
The homepage of this website The front page of our website ( and our Facebook page (FirstPresbyterianChurchofFarmington/posts) will be our primary way of disseminating new information between e-blasts from the church office.
If you would like to add an email address to our electronic mailing list, you can do so at
Sunday Mornings Together – at least electronically
As we collectively to battle the COVID 19 and follow the authorities’ suggestions to Shelter in Place and Stay Safe at Home, we are continuing to explore new ways to keep our church family, as the Body of Christ, worshipping together. Thanks to the church’s Creative Arts Worship Team, we can look forward to worshipping together, as we continue adapting to the changes around us. To feed your spiritual soul, we invite you to join us for worship podcasts online and our Sunday morning Adult Bible Study using The Wired Word and ZOOM technology.
Worship Podcasts
The Creative Arts Worship Team has recorded an audio version of key elements of our Sunday, April 19 worship, which includes a shortened version of Pastor Eddie’s reflection. You can listen any time after 10 a.m. on Sunday at
As you listen, please view our worship bulletin for each service at to follow along with prayers, scripture and music. (We know how much our church family loves to sing together!). HERE is the link to the April 19 podcast bulletin.
Sunday morning Adult Bible Study
Tom Neal and Rev. Craig Aue lead our Adult Bible Study featuring a discussion of THE WIRED WORD using Zoom on Sundays at 9 am. You can join in via phone or computer. (Zoom connection details were sent via email, but are not listed on the website for security reasons.)
The meeting starts at 9:00 a.m., but please come online a few minutes early to make sure you connect properly.
(Using your computer pointer, you can go to the bottom of the screen and an information bar will pop up. On the lower left-hand corner, you will see a microphone. That is where you can mute or unmute your computer’s microphone.)
Tom Neal is the designated techie, so call him if you can’t access the meeting. Feel free to stay on the line to listen to our 10 a.m. worship podcast.
Stewardship Reminder
The ministry of the Church of the Open Hands will continue to support our partners in ministry and, more so than ever, we need you to please remain faithful in sustaining our church and its ministries. Families and children in our schools and community need our presence. If you have already signed up to give electronically to the church, thank you. Your early choice to give electronically is helping us weather whatever the COVID-19 storm brings. Completing the attached form and sending it to the church office can get you started
If you’re not ready to make a commitment to embrace online giving options, consider setting up something to get you through this difficult time.
Mailing in your contribution is also an option. In addition, if you prefer to stop by the church, please call first to make sure staff is in. Use of your pledge envelope or any other envelopes can be dropped off or mailed. We trust this will make it somewhat less worrisome with fewer people handling your offering.
Support the 2020 CROP Hunger Walk!
The 35th Annual Farmington Area CROP Hunger Walk is Sunday, May 3. Each year, CROP Hunger Walkers raise money for local and global hunger programs. This year is no different! Except COVID-19 has upended our day-to-day routines and literally separated us; and as important as we know the CROP Hunger Walk family (and the people we serve) is to your congregation, now is a time that we all must take care of our families in our homes. Even though we will not be walking in person, we are still walking and raising money – just in a new way: join us in support of our virtual walk! You can help end hunger and poverty around the block and around the world by supporting our walkers and supporting the Farmington/Farmington Hills/West Bloomfield CROP Hunger Walk.
Donations can be made online at by first registering your information and then in the Search box ” (in the upper right corner)click on Find Campaign, Walk or Team the type in “FirstPresFarmington. Confirmed “virtual” walkers on our team are Mitchell Cressman, Lorrie McVey, Don Schwartz and Dorothy Tait.
Since our team is unable to collect donations at the church as we would typically do, we prayerfully ask you to please mail in your donation to the church office ASAP. Don’t forget about this great opportunity to connect with other Virtual CROP Hunger Walkers on Sunday, May 3!
FPCF Men’s Group is Gathering Virtually
Just like we were at Leo’s, let’s talk. The Tuesday morning Men’s group, which usually meets weekly for breakfast at Leo’s, is meeting virtually so all can stay home but stay connected. To take part in the group’s meeting via Zoom, contact resident techie Tom Neal or Rob Kirsten for detail on how to join in this “virtual” gathering and reconnect.
Other “Gathering” Opportunities
We have the capability to schedule other meetings and “gatherings” via Zoom. Youth United, our Session, our Adult Bible Study and our Preschool have already taken advantage of this. Please let Karen Spica or Laura Hedgecock know if you’d like to do this.
Our Communications Team has been posting scripture, jokes, news, and whatever else they think will help us get through this crisis together. If you’re a Facebook user, be sure to take part of the conversation. It helps connect those that are reading along. Here’s our Facebook page: And don’t forget to end your posts of comments with: #ChurchOfTheOpenHands .
Regarding Zoom
Zoom meetings allow you to connect by computer, tablet, smart phone, or even a land-line voice only phone.
If you connect via computer, you will see your classmates on your screen. Your computer’s camera will let other people see you only if you have it enabled.
For those joining a meeting for the first time, Zoom will prompt you to download and install their software.
If you’re using a smart phone or tablet, you will need to download the Zoom meeting app from your app store.
When you first “join the meeting,” Zoom will offer to help you check your microphone and speakers to eliminate any problems before you start.
If you’re not feeling comfortable, try watching a zoom tutorial in advance. There are several at
Session Meeting Highlights
Here are some highlights from the April 15 Session Meeting:
- A motion to amend the Church Bylaws to allow for electronic Congregational and Session Meetings was passed.
- A motion to move the Congregational Meeting from May 3, 2020 to June 14, 2020 was passed.
- The Nominating Committee is still looking to fill three Elder positions. All the other open Elder and Deacon positions have been filled.
- While we are unable to gather together for worship, we are fortunate that our members and friends are mailing in their pledges and offerings, which so far is keeping cash flow current with expenses.
- Even though the congregation cannot meet in person now, the Session would like to move forward to obtain approval of a Capital Improvement Campaign. A letter will be mailed out to the congregation soon with details consisting of two parts:
- Obtaining a low-interest loan to fund the completion of six major projects around the church and
- Kicking off a multi-year capital funds campaign to pay off the current higher interest building loan and help meet operational expenses.
- The recent Podcasts for Sunday Worship and other Easter Week activities were well attended.
- A discussion was started on how handle life in the church once the stay-at-home restrictions are lifted. Examples of topics to be further discussed are:
- Documenting what and how things will be done (staggered approach, full open, fellowship hour, etc.)
- Cleaning out the kitchen and other areas
- Potentially having a supply of masks and gloves available
- When to allow groups back into the church (church groups, Scouts, etc.)
- Should Podcasts and/or online readings be continued?
Worship Matters
Click HERE to view the latest issue of Worship Matters, which comes to you each month from the Worship Ministry Team of the Church of the Open Hands, the First Presbyterian Church of Farmington, and Dr. Jerry Custer, Minister of Music.
Caring for One Another
We thank all of you who are reaching out to one another via phone calls, emails, Facebook, and Skype offering encouragement and help. What a wonderful witness to the body of Christ! If you like a call or need assistance, just call the church office and leave a message. We’re happy to help.
Beyond our understanding are the cold unearthly sounds and almost
lightless world of the ocean floor, a world where silhouettes and shadows
drift in the twilight or night-dark waters. And who can command the storm
swell and thunder, the mad rage of the wind-swept seas?
Only Thou, oh Lord.
And who to us gifted all zephyrs and soft airs, the ease or lull of waves and
the call of gulls at dusk, the delight of porpoise and dolphin as they disport
in the evening seas? Who kindles my child heart with joy and wonder, and
made all life kin?
Thou, oh Lord and God of Majesty. Oh Thou, our gentle father.
© Richard Spurgeon