May 2022 News and Information

Congregational Meeting

This is the second notice of a stated Congregational Meeting of the First Presbyterian Church of Farmington

The meeting will be held on Sunday, May 1, 2022, at 11:15 a.m. (after the Sunday worship and livestream) and will be conducted in person in Knox Fellowship and virtually via Zoom technology.

The purpose of the meeting will be to elect Elders for the various Classes and Deacons for the Class of 2025, three (3) At-Large Members to serve on the 2022-2023 Nominating Committee and three (3) members to serve on the 2022-2023 Financial Review Team.

The 2021-2022 Nominating Committee offers the following slate of candidates:

Board of Deacons, Class of 2025:  Sue Andrews, Sue Carlson, Georgia Roed, Leslie Van Hamme (three-year terms)

  • Session, Class of 2023: Lisa Hayes (one-year term)
  • Session, Class of 2024: Eddie Matteson (two-year term)
  • Session, Class of 2025:  Nancy Cook, MJ Floreno, Colleen Tavor (three-year terms)

The meeting will be accessible via Zoom technology through a PC (with video and voice) or by calling in via telephone. The documentation for the meeting along with instructions on how to participate in the meeting via Zoom follows. Biographies for the Elder and Deacon candidates are provided below and also will be published in the May 1 bulletin.

June 2022 FYI Deadline: Friday, May 20

Bios from Deacons and Elder Candidates – Class of 2023 – 2025

Deacon Candidates

Sue Andrews, Deacon, Class of 2025 (3-year term)

The first Presbyterian church I attend was at the University of Illinois. The only activity I participated in was singing in the choir. I was married in a Presbyterian church because my Congregational Church sanctuary was being remodeled. The next Presbyterian Church in my life was Southfield, where I was a member for 25 years and served as a Deacon, Trustee and Session member. During that time I also sang in the choir, played bells, led a youth bell choir, prepared meals for men’s club monthly meetings, planned mystery trips, led bible school, played on the ladies’ soft ball team and bowling league, and whatever else seemed like fun.

I moved my membership to Farmington in 2020 where I have happily been since. I played bells, sang in the choir and worked in the kitchen until my late husband Bill needed more of my time. COVID cut back on what was able to be done. I am hoping we can get back to normal and I can find more places to volunteer.

Sue Carlson, Deacon, Class of 2025 (3-year term)

Sue and her husband Dave joined the church in the 80s after their son Daniel had a positive experience at our preschool. Sue taught Sunday school and was director of Vacation Bible School for several years. She has been active in Presbyterian Women as a member of ACTS Circle and later Lydia Circle. She has been Circle leader, publicity director, Vice Moderator of Study and Spiritual Development, PW Vice Moderator, and PW Moderator. She has also been involved in PW at the Presbytery level and has been a liaison to Second Mile Center. She has served as an usher and liturgist. Her favorite accomplishment over the years has been as an actor and often co-producer of many plays, especially the PW Christmas plays.

Georgia Roed, Deacon, Class of 2025 (3-year term)

Georgia grew up in Detroit and attended Redford Presbyterian Church, just a block away from Redford High School. She was very involved in the church youth groups especially during High School under the direction of Dr. Albert A. Riddering. After college, she and her late husband Finn moved out to West Bloomfield, and Georgia attended First Presbyterian Church of Farmington Hills because it seemed very similar to Redford and she felt at home here; but her attendance was sporadic due to family health problems.

Eventually, Georgia became very involved in caregiving for Finn’s parents. (His mother was blind and had Parkinson’s, and his father had heart problems and emphysema.) Helen Thomas encouraged Georgia to become more active by coming to the Joy book discussion group and staying afterward for the bell choir rehearsal, and Helen invited her to join Deborah Circle. These activities were life-giving for Georgia. She began reading and studying the bible in earnest and became the discussion facilitator for Deborah Circle’s bible studies.

Leslie Van Hamme, Deacon, Class of 2025 (3-year term)

I have been a member of this church for 27 years. In fact, the first time I came to this church, I was six-days old. I was baptized and confirmed here. I also attended preschool here and I was very active in LOGOS, Middlers and Senior Highs. I really enjoyed the four mission trips I went on while being in Senior Highs. I am also currently the church childcare provider and have been since 2019.

I graduated from Northville High School in 2012 and attended Alma College, graduating with a Bachelor of Arts in History. I am a proud aunt to four nieces and six nephews, and I am also a very proud dog and cat mom. I enjoy reading, drawing, painting and playing the guitar.

This past fall I was hospitalized for six weeks with Guillain-Barre Syndrome, and I have been home in Novi since October, making a lot of progress. While I am recovering, I have received a lot of support, kind words and prayers from members of our church. Not only did that help me emotionally, but it encouraged me to want to become a Deacon because I want to help and support others the way everyone did for me.

Elder Candidates

Lisa Hayes, Elder, Class of 2023 (1-year term)

I’ve been a lifelong Presbyterian, serving on a Board of Deacons as a high school student at Pebble Hill Presbyterian Church, in Dewitt NY. After college, I moved from upstate NY to southern California, and attended a Presbyterian church near Lake Elsinore, CA. I met my husband and we had our first child, John, in southern California, and after living there about a decade, our family moved to Farmington Hills, and eventually joined First Presbyterian. I served as an Elder about a decade ago. Both of my younger children, Carl and Elizabeth attended the preschool at church, and all three kids were very active in Scout Troop 179. Believing that it ‘takes a village’, I still help out the Troop regularly. I’ve recently stepped down as President of the Band & Orchestra Boosters at North Farmington High School, and am pleased to be nominated as an Elder again.

Eddie Matteson, Elder, Class of 2024 (2-year term)

Eddie Matteson is a longtime member of First Presbyterian Church of Farmington.  He and his boys, Jake and Owen, were baptized together in 2013.  Eddie, his wife Becky and their family live in Farmington.

Eddie has served two terms as an Elder and on the Worship Team for 6 years; on the COVID-19 Re-opening Team.  He works as an usher and Greeter on Sundays, prepares and serves Communion, prepared and served many meals in Knox Hall, and helped with SOS (Lighthouse).

Nancy Cook, Elder, Class of 2025 (3-year term)

Born and raised in Canada, I attended the United Church of Canada where I taught Sunday school and played the organ. After graduating high school and business college in London, Ontario, I took a job at the U of M Brain Research Lab, where I met my husband, Dick. That’s when we came to First Presbyterian Church; I worked as the Church Secretary 1967 – 1969. I became a church member in 1969 and later taught Sunday school. Dick and I were Church School Superintendents. I have been involved in different circle groups for 55 years including serving recently as PW moderator.

In the Farmington School System, I was a volunteer member of the “Bucket Brigade” and the advisor for the high school Wrestling Cheerleader Boosters. Later I was employed at Cloverdale, Middlebelt, Forest and Longacre elementary schools. Now retired, I am a past president of the Farmington Xemplar Club and on their board. I am the Farmington representative on the Commission on Aging and a past president. I am a member of the Farmington Goodfellows, and the F/FH Optimist Club.

MJ Floreno, Elder, Class of 2025 (3-year term)

My maternal grandmother, having been born in Scotland, almost made the Presbyterian denomination a given in her large family.  My parents were married in the church and I was baptized in it also.

With my husband, Paul, I attended St. Paul’s Presbyterian Church in Livonia for many years; our membership was transferred to First Presbyterian Church of Farmington four years ago.

Some time was spent “church shopping” before we landed in this ministry. I couldn’t have found a more welcoming church family. I have participated in communion serving, liturgy and have helped where needed in other programs. I even made it to the top of the tree in a Christmas production. I have even found a way to incorporate baking and cooking, personal interests, into fellowship.

As a retired social worker I have enjoyed aspects of the church that involve others. Taking classes to increase my knowledge of the teachings of Christ and fellowship that allows me to hear about the faith journeys of fellow congregants. Becoming an elder, I believe, is the next step on my own journey and I look forward to it.

Colleen Tavor, Elder, Class of 2025 (3-year term)

I started attending FPCF about 5 years ago and was taken in by your hospitality and warmth. You’ve given me a church home and I hope that I have given to you in return. I’ve been an elder for three years and have signed up for three more. I look forward to exploring, with you, our next steps as a faith community. I’m originally a Yooper but have lived in a variety of places, including Israel for 15 years. After my husband passed, I returned to the U.S. to be closer to my family in the Lansing area. As a profession, it’s been very rewarding to be a Licensed Professional Counselor with a private practice in Southfield, specializing in trauma. I believe I’m right where God wants me to be and it doesn’t get better than that.

Instructions for Accessing the Virtual Church Congregational Meeting

The following instructions are for the Congregational Meeting, which is to be conducted on Sunday, May 1, 2022 at 11:15 a.m. both in person in Knox Fellowship and virtually via Zoom technology.

Laptop/Desktop PC/Smart Phone:

  1. Go to the Zoom website: In order for the meeting to start on time, start at least 10 minutes early.
  2. If you have already downloaded Zoom on the device, log in.
  3. If you have not used Zoom before, then download and run Zoom when the message comes up.
  4. Meeting ID and password have been sent via email.
  5. You will be placed in the waiting room until the Moderator or Technical Assistant validates your access and allows you in.
  6. Participants should mute their microphones when not speaking to reduce background noise. Laptop and smartphone users may mute and unmute themselves by clicking on the microphone or telephone icon on their screen. Microphones will be automatically muted when joining the meeting.
  7. To be recognized by the Moderator, click on “Participants” at the bottom center of the screen and “raise hand”. If this does not work, type “raise hand” in the chat function.


  1. In order for the meeting to start on time, dial into the phone number at least 10 minutes before the start of the meeting.
  2. Meeting ID and passwords have been sent via email.
  3. Participants should mute their phones when not speaking to reduce background noise. Dial-in participants may use *6 to mute and unmute.
  4. To be recognized by the Moderator, dial-in participants may use *9 to raise a hand.

If you have any questions or difficulties, please contact the church office at 248-474-6170 on Sunday morning for assistance.

Your Session at Work – April 20, 2022

The FPCF Session met on April 20, 2022 and discussed and approved the following items:

  • A Congregational Meeting is scheduled for Sunday, May 1, 2022, after the Worship Service with the purpose to approve nominations of officers for the church (Deacons and Elders), the Nominating Committee for 2022-2023 and the financial review team for 2022-2023. The Nominating Committee reported that there are candidates for all open Deacon and Elder positions in preparation for this meeting.
  • Letters of Transfer from two different churches – ten individuals transferring over to FPCF and one transferring out – were received and approved.
  • Nine members were approved to be removed from the church rolls resulting from a lack of participation prior to January 1, 2019. This is an annual review process that is performed to keep the membership rolls current.
  • The COVID-19 Protocols are reviewed at each Session meeting along with the current COVID-19 conditions and Oakland County directives. Based on current conditions, the decision was made to return to the original maximum room occupancies for the Sanctuary, Mission Cove, Narthex, Knox Hall and all second-floor rooms, effective 5/1/22. All other existing COVID-19 Protocols will remain in place.
  • In person worship has been expanding. It was reported that there were 81 people in attendance at the April 3, 2022 Communion Worship Service, 92 on Palm Sunday and 143 on Easter Sunday!
  • A new member orientation class is scheduled for Saturday, May 7, 2022 to provide information about FPCF and how to become a member. Interested individuals may contact the Church Office for more information.
  • As a follow-up step to the CAT Survey, a consultant will be engaged from Worklife Consulting to help identify and resolve conflict to improve the health of the church community.
  • Pastor Eddie performed many pastoral calls and visits with congregational members, including shut-ins. He completed the Lenten Bible Study, provided spiritual direction as requested, conducted a pastoral emergency, attended several church and community committee and presbytery meetings, and prepared and presided over the activities leading up to and including Holy Week.
  • Home communion visits are conducted the first Sunday of the month for those unable to physically attend church. If anyone is interested in a visit, please contact the church office.
  • The new Office Administrative Assistant, Amanda May Schreiber, started on Monday, April 18, 2022, to replace Karen Spica, who is retiring at the end of April.

Financial Update: First Quarter, 2022

With the completion of the first quarter of 2022, the Operations Committee wants to bring you an  up-to-date financial picture. But we are asking ourselves “How can we make this interesting, understandable, and relevant?” To that end, Chris Davis took a look at the numbers and put the information into a fresher mode. Would you agree? Is it more understandable? We would appreciate your feedback.

Q: How did the first quarter go, from a financial perspective?

A: We took in around $156,000 in receipts and had about $100,000 in expenses.

Q: That sounds great! Spending $56,000 less than what you brought in is good, right?

A: Yes…but there’s more to it than that. To balance the 2022 budget, Session approved moving about $27,000 from four restricted savings accounts used for Nurture, Mission, Worship and Memorials, which effectively means the church paid itself. Looking at it from that perspective, First Presbyterian is in the black by closer to $29,000.

Q: Anything else to know about these numbers?

A: Two big things, actually.  First, the March income v. expense numbers weren’t quite as rosy. In that 31-day span, expenses exceeded revenue by $18,000. (Inflation is clearly having an effect.) Second, the end of March represents one-quarter of the total fiscal year. In a perfect world, with income spread evenly throughout the year, that should translate to 25 percent of the annual revenues received. In our case, we’ve actually taken in over 40 percent of our annual pledge total already. We are keeping our eye on this one and remain on the lookout for additional revenue streams

The Capital Campaign Update

Q: What’s new with the Capital Campaign?

A: We are a little over halfway through the campaign. It is a 3-year campaign, with a pledge total of $160,574. We have already received almost 75 percent of that money from our members. (Plus, some extra giving — more than $5,000 more.) That is very good. The amount of giving is well ahead of schedule.

Q:Have we spent all the money?

A: Yes and no. We completed the most major and necessary projects in 2021, such as the new roof, LED lighting, some furnace replacements. (The current remaining pledge balance is about $45,000.) As receipts continue to come in, they are held in a restricted account to meet other major building repairs or issues that come up.

We thank everyone again for your generosity and support! The Operations Committee

Why I Came, Why I Stayed, Why I’m Still Here

Elder Chris Davis

They had to carry me in to join First Presbyterian.


I arrived into this world on a nasty mid-November evening and a few months later was a crying, fidgety sight to behold as my parents lugged me through the front doors of First Presbyterian in a carrier and presented me for baptism. (Fast-forward 48 years, and some would probably say I’m still a crying, fidgety sight to behold.)

I suppose I’m like a lot of people — First Prez was my parents’ church, so naturally, I came along for the ride. And within it I found a sense of friendship and belonging that meant a great deal to me. As I matured from a stroller to a bicycle and later to a car, I expanded my horizons and found myself involved in all facets of church life, from autumn cleanup dates to senior high mission trips and everything in-between. I went from being the guy chaperones told to Hey — knock it off to being a chaperone who told others to Hey — knock it off!

I found a home here, and it felt…right.

Today, I’m a husband and fur-baby dad — a long way from the kid who ran face-first into the cinder block wall of the Multipurpose Room at age seven (Please…don’t ask.). I feel good about being in a position where I can offer leadership and vision for a new generation of First Prezzers. My hope is that they will get as much from the experience at 26165 Farmington Road as I did, and that the changing seasons give a sense of renewal for everyone.

Meet Amanda May Schreiber, our New Office Administrative Assistant

Amanda May Schreiber Office Administrative Assistant StaffHello, my name is Amanda May Schreiber and I’m excited to be your new Office Assistant! I’m thrilled to be part of the First Presbyterian team and can’t wait to meet all of you.

Originally from St. Clair, I graduated from Oakland University with a bachelor’s degree in Music and minor in psychology. I previously spent years as a program coordinator at Salvation Army community centers in Pontiac and Dearborn Heights. After my husband Ryan and I married in 2017, we moved to Farmington Hills and love living here with our sons, Luke and Alistair. “Lukey” attends preschool here at FPP and loves all of his teachers and new friends! We also have a senior dog named Bartok and a cat named Batman.





2022 Crop Hunger Walk is Sunday, May 1, 1:00 p.m.

Walk, Give, Change the world. The 2022 Farmington/Farmington Hills/West Bloomfield CROP WALK is coming and is your chance to help end hunger one step at a time. The need is even greater this year. Church World Services (CWS) is based in Moldova and is supporting local organizations and households to meet the immediate needs of Ukrainian refugees who are fleeing their own country with little to nothing. And that is on top of everything they are doing in so many different areas of the work to help people build sustainable water and food sources.

The friendly competition continues between Mitchell Cressman and Don Schwartz – Who will bring in the most donations? Our Farmington/FH/WB Crop Walk is one of the leading walks in the country.

Donations can be made online, given directly to one of the walkers, or sent into the church (make checks payable to CWS CROP Hunger Walk).  The online link is: and then search for our team “First Presbyterian of Farmington”. If donating online, you will need to register first before donating to the church team or to a specific walker.  Please contact Dorothy Tait ([email protected]) if you are interested in walking. The walk will be held on the Oakland Community College (OCC) grounds this year.

FPCF COVID-19 PROTOCOLS – Effective 5/1/22

Session met on April 20, 2022 and revised the FPCF COVID-19 Protocols as follows. The item marked with an asterisk (*) are new updates.

COVID-19 Restrictions:

  • Masking recommended.
  • The Contact Tracing Log used when entering the building is discontinued and the Friendship Register reinstated for Worship Services.
  • Furniture and worship enhancing materials (Bibles, hymnals, prayer requests, etc. may return to normal locations.
  • Resume original maximum room occupancies for the Sanctuary, Narthex, Knox Hall and all second-floor rooms as of May 1, 2022*.
  • Electrostatic Spray when room is expected to be used again within 48 hours is discontinued.
  • Congregational Singing permitted softly with mask recommended.
  • Chancel choir may return with restrictions. Choir members are required to provide proof of COCID-19 vaccination.
  • Worship Ensemble limit increased from 8 to 12.
  • Prepackaged Communion Elements with be used.
  • Kitchen – selected use with sanitation protocols.
  • Kitchen open to make coffee only (sanitation protocols apply).
  • Coffee Hour permitted in Knox Hall (masks recommended except when eating/drinking).
  • Drinking fountain use restored.

Existing restrictions for the Family and Children Wing will remain in place.

8 Habits of Evangelism (from Presbyterian Missions) identifies and explores eight habits of faith, which invite the reader on a journey into the love of God, the lives of our neighbors, and the transformation of creation. As we become more like Christ, we are a people of radical inclusion, generosity, and justice. Through our worship, sacraments, community, prayer, and teaching, lives are being formed and transformed in ways that are the visible and audible signs of the reign of God. The community of faith is designed to be the seen, heard, and experienced as a representation of God’s reign and peace.

The Presbyterian Missions invites you to take this journey.

Renewing Your Faith with PW

Attention Presbyterian Women who would like to renew your faith this summer in the company of your PW sisters. Join us for “Hope Renewed-New Visions Imagined” July 29-30, 2022 at the First Presbyterian Church of Dearborn. This is the PW/Synod of the Covenant Gathering.

The featured speaker will be the Rev. Dr. Carol M. Bechtel, author of the 2022-2023 PW Bible Study, “Celebrating Sabbath: Accepting God’s Gift of Rest and Delight.” Other leaders will include Charon Barconey, the Associate Executive Director of the Presbytery of Detroit, Susan Jackson Dowd, PW Executive Director, and Rev. Kathy Reeves, PW National Moderator.

The hours are Friday, July 29 from 4-8 p.m. and Saturday, July 30 from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. You may attend one day (at a prorated rate) or both. Before July 1, registration for both days I $90, which includes all workshops as well as dinner Friday and lunch Saturday.

If you would like more information, check the PW bulletin board, or call Sue Carlson.

Next Church

You are invited to gather with leaders from across the Church to reconnect, to rest, to reimagine, to be restored, and to consider what needs to be restored. May 16-1 9, 2022, Go to:

Virtual options start at $49.00, includes livestream + recordings

Save the Date: Spring Clean-Up on Saturday, May 21

Save the date! The Property Committee will be having its Spring Clean-up on Saturday, May 21. A full list of projects and specifics will be announced soon, but please pencil this date onto your calendars for this annual opportunity to spruce up FPCF building and grounds.

Questions? Call Chris Davis.


New Member Orientation coming May 7

The last couple years have been … different. We’ve weathered the storm and are still here…and growing! Many of you have expressed an interest in joining First Presbyterian Church of Farmington as a member. We’re pleased that you have become a part of the Church of the Open Hands family and may now want to make it official by joining our membership. You are so very welcome!

We’re excited to announce that a new membership orientation class is set for Saturday, May 7, at 10:00 a.m.-12 noon in Room 208/210. You’ll have an opportunity to hear the FPCF story and tell us yours. Contact the church office if you plan to attend (248-474-6170 or [email protected] so we can have plenty of refreshments. Interested but unable to attend? We’re planning another one for later in the year.

What are QR codes? How do you use them? Why are they in my bulletin?

QR (Quick Response) codes are boxes with graphics that contain information, much like a bar code. Most of the time, QR codes contain a link to the URL of a webpage.

They are ubiquitous on print materials because anyone with a smart phone can use their camera to scan the code, making it very easy for mobile users to access anything from a restaurant’s menu to a bridal registry.

For instance the QR code on the recent insert from Presbyterian Disaster Assistance took donors to

Instead of having to enter that long link with my clumsy thumbs, I used my iPhone’s camera.  A little message popped up, confirming that the code was sending me to I tapped that link and my browser opened to the donation page set aside for Ukrainian relief.

QR codes are a way for us to be inclusive of people who prefer to donate electronically.  (Note: Any QR codes First Pres uses will be accompanied by text explaining their purpose.)

Want to try a QR code?

The one to the right takes you to the homepage of our website.

No donation required.

Soul Stretch Yoga – Join Us!

ReNEW your mind body, and spirit this spring in what Jesus said…repent, follow me, be happy, shine, reconcile, don’t lust, keep your word, turn the other cheek, go above and beyond…

We hope you’ll carve out this season to join in the practice of stilling, listening and embodying. Yoga can help clear a clutter-free space in our minds and hearts to do just this. Come, listen to Jesus with us!

For indoors, all you need to join Soul Stretch is:

  • a little quiet space in your house
  • a Wi-Fi connection
  • a yoga mat

Registration is open now. Click to choose the package that works best for you.

Stephen Ministry Looking for New Leaders

Stephen Ministry is looking for new leaders!  What do Stephen Leaders do? They train new Stephen Ministers, talk to possible care receivers and provide ongoing supervision for Stephen Ministers. You don’t have to be a trained Stephen Minister to be a Stephen Leader. The two roles involve different tasks, gifts and skills, so people who have no experience as Stephen Ministers can make excellent Stephen Leaders.

Training for Stephen Leaders takes place through the organization’s headquarters in St. Louis. The training is delivered over Zoom and consists of 10 sessions of 2-½ hours each, held twice weekly over five weeks or once weekly over ten weeks. It is offered with the option of morning, afternoon or evening sessions. First Presbyterian will cover the cost of the training.

Think you might be interested? Please talk to Helen Thomas or Lois Caito for more information!

2022 offering envelopes

Those who have used numbered envelopes in 2021 will automatically receive envelopes for 2022. If you have NOT used envelopes this year, but DO wish to have them for next year, please do one of the following:

  • Contact Jerry Scheel at 248-859-4753 or by email at [email protected].
  • Contact the church office at 248-474-6170 to make your request known.

Numbered envelopes facilitate the speed and accuracy of the data entry process for our offering counters, so we do encourage you to use envelopes if you contribute manually on a regular basis.

We also encourage the use of electronic debit. If you wish to submit your pledge electronically from your bank account monthly, please call Jerry Scheel, Financial Secretary, to have the forms mailed to you. If you have any questions, please contact Jerry Scheel or call the church office at (248) 474-6170.

The Wired Word – Applying the Bible to the Headlines – Join us!

Consider joining our Adult Discussion Class as we apply the Bible to stories in the headlines. It makes for some lively, interesting, and insightful discussions among friends. The class is led by Tom Neal and Rev. Craig Aue. We meet on Sunday mornings from 9:00 – 10:00 am. You can attend in person in Room 208/210 or by Zoom. Contact Tom Neal for more details and the Zoom link. Many of us join early just to chat and catch up. Please join us! All are welcome!

Join us for Coffee and Treats after In-Person Worship

We’d love to have you join us for Hospitality Time after our worship service in Knox Hall!

We’d love to see you back in church!

But if you can’t join us in person, watch our livestream. 

You can also find the link to watch our livestream on our home page or on our worship services page. (If you miss the live service, you can also find the on-demand videos you can watch through YouTube.

Note: There may be a delay of one to several hours before YouTube posts the video.

Congregational Concerns

Thank you notes

“Thank you from all of us at Freedom House for your donation and long-time support. Your partnership saves lives and keeps families together. I couldn’t be more proud or honored.” Deb Drennan, CEO

“Thank all of you for the clothes that you gave us. They have gone to families that truly needed them.” Cathy DeLeb, Heartfelt Harvest

“Thank you for your generous donation to Operation Common Good and Farmington Youth Assistance. With your help, we were able to support approximately 200 students in our community.”

“The CARES organization gratefully acknowledges your very generous donation and support. Please know the contribution will be used to further our mission to meet the needs of our community.”

“We rely on our donors, volunteers, and community partners so much, which is why your donation is truly appreciated.” Baldwin Center

“With your help, we are becoming a beacon of hope for more families in our community. On behalf of the Lighthouse MI family and all those we serve, thank you for your generous support. Because of your support, we are able to provide food, shelter, and support services to our neighbors struggling in Oakland County.” Kellie MacAloon, Lighthouse

“We thank you for your financial support, donations, volunteer time, and your generosity of spirit. Thanks to your generous gifts, Open Door has been able to expand its offerings to those in our community.”

“Thank you for your generous gift to the Marion Medical Mission. 100% of your donation will be used as designated. Thank you for being part of the solution. When we pray, we move our feet.”

“Because of your gift for Disaster Relief-International Refugee Programs, many amazing people of God, worldwide and throughout the U.S., have been able to rebuild their lives, support their neighbors, volunteer in recovery, and exhibit resurrection life by building peace and working toward the restoration of broken communities in the wake of floods, tornado, and mass displacement due to war. Thank you in the name of suffering and risen Lord.”

I want to say thank you to my church family and let you know very grateful I am for your prayers and cards. You have really sustained me during this challenging time for me and for my husband Michael. Your concern has been a comfort and blessing to us both.   Gwen Tomkow

To my dear church family: Thank you, thank you for the wonderful retirement party you gave me and all of your well wishes. I’m reminding you that First Pres remains my home church (my parents brought the family here back in 1965) and I’ll continue to be a part of this loving family for many years to come. I appreciate your kind words and generous support during my time on the church staff and am grateful for the opportunity to be of service to this wonderful congregation. ~Blessings, Karen (Stewart) Spica

Preschool seeks a part-time preschool teacher for Fall:

Farmington Presbyterian Preschool Logo

Farmington Presbyterian Preschool is hiring a part-time preschool teacher for the Fall. We are looking for an experienced early childhood educator who is friendly, kind, creative, engaging and a collaborator! Please email the preschool of your interest at [email protected].

Holiday Office Closure:

The church office and building will be closed on Monday, May 31 in observance of Memorial Day.

Happy Mother’s Day

A Mother’s Prayer For You

I said a Mother’s Day prayer for you

to thank the Lord above

for blessing me with a lifetime

of your tenderhearted love.

I thanked God for the caring

you’ve shown me through the years,

for the closeness we’ve enjoyed

in time of laughter and of tears.

And so, I thank you from the heart

for all you’ve done for me

and I bless the Lord for giving me

the best mother there could be!

~ Anon.