This remains a challenging time of extended Shelter in Place and Stay Safe at Home for the members and friends of The Church of the Open Hands, as well as our community and nation. To keep all community members safe, a reminder that First Pres has canceled all worship services, programs, and meetings (large and small) in the church building through at least May 28, based on the Governor’s most recent action. This print version of our FYI eNews will summarize upcoming opportunities for us to stay connected with one other as the Body of Christ during this crisis.
How to Receive News on Church Activities
With the extended cancellations of our worship services, programs and meetings at the church due to the coronavirus pandemic, the front page of our website ( as well as our Facebook page (FirstPresbyterianChurchofFarmington/posts) are now our primary ways of disseminating information between the weekly eNews emails being sent from the church office on Fridays. To ensure you receive the latest news from First Pres, you must add your email address to our electronic mailing list. You can do so easily on our website at Or please call the church office for assistance.
As a courtesy to our members and friends who do not have email/internet access, we have created this print edition of the FYI eNews to accompany our Capital Fund Campaign mailing. Please call the church office so we can confirm that print/mailing is the best way to reach you. Or call for help registering your email address to receive news electronically.
IMPORTANT CHURCH BUSINESS: The Congregational Meeting has been changed from Sunday, May 5, 2020, to Sunday, June 14, 2020, (if the stay-at-home restriction has been lifted by then). The envelope that contained this newsletter included a letter regarding our upcoming Capital Fund Campaign. Also included is a ballot seeking approval by our members of this much-needed Campaign along with an estimate of giving form for your prayerful consideration of your commitment to the Campaign. Thank you.
Sunday Morning Worship Podcasts will keep us worshipping together – at least electronically
Weekly the church’s Creative Arts Worship Team records the Sunday worship service in our beautiful but empty sanctuary. We look forward to this opportunity to worship together virtually, as we continue adapting to the changes around us. To feed your spiritual soul, we invite you to join us on Sundays for our worship podcast by clicking on the Sermon section of the church website time after 10 a.m. on Sunday: The podcast bulletins also are posted to the website at least one day prior so you can have early access to it at:
A Podcast Buddy Can Share Worship Podcasts with You via Phone
Sunday morning Adult Bible Study
Tom Neal and Rev. Craig Aue lead our Adult Bible Study featuring a live discussion of THE WIRED WORD using Zoom on Sundays at 9 am. This Sunday’s discussion is titled: Optimism Is a Faulty Human Setting During a Pandemic — But Gospel Hope Abides. You can join in via phone or computer. (If you are unfamiliar with Zoom, see the Zoom paragraph on page 4.)
The email version of this newsletter contains the link to join this zoom. You can also contact Tom Neal for details. (Using your computer pointer, you can go to the bottom of the screen and an information bar will pop up. In the lower left-hand corner, you will see a microphone. That is where you can mute or unmute your computer’s microphone.) Tom Neal is the designated techie, so call him in advance to gain access to the meeting. You also are welcome to stay on the line following the discussion to listen to our 10 a.m. worship podcast.
Stewardship Thank You!
We are so blessed that many of you have remained faithful with your giving during this time when the coronavirus crisis is preventing us from gathering in our beautiful sanctuary and church building. The Church of the Open Hands is continuing to support our partners in ministry and sustaining our church operations and its ministries. We are also grateful to those of you who have already signed up to give electronically to the church. Giving electronically is helping us weather whatever the COVID-19 storm brings. Completing a debit authorization form and mailing it to the church office can get you started. If you’re not ready to make a commitment to embrace online giving options, consider setting up something to get you through this difficult time.
Mailing in your contribution is also an option. In addition, if you prefer to stop by the church, please call first to make sure the staff is in. Use of your pledge envelope or any other envelopes can be dropped off or mailed. We trust this will make it somewhat less worrisome with fewer people handling your offering.
Support the 2020 CROP Hunger Walk!
The 35th Annual Farmington Area CROP Hunger Walk is Sunday, May 3 – 35 years of walking. 35 years of ending hunger together. You know what hunger looks like. You’ve seen it on local news stations and in the faces of kids around the world. It is long-lasting, and it is everywhere. But, with your help, so is our response to it.
Donations can be sent to the church (please make your check payable to CROP Hunger Walk) or to a specific walker or they can be made online using the link: Our church’s 2020 campaign/team name is “FirstPresFarmington”. So far, the virtual walkers on our team are Mitchell Cressman, Lorrie McVey, Don Schwartz and Dorothy Tait. Mitchell and Don have a friendly competition going again – Who will raise the most this year? It’s up to you! Thank you for your support!
FPCF Men’s Group and Friends Gathering Virtually
Just like when we were at Leo’s, let’s talk. The Tuesday morning Men’s Group, which usually meets weekly for breakfast at Leo’s, is meeting virtually so all can stay safely at home but stay connected. To take part in the group’s meeting via Zoom, contact resident technie Tom Neal or Rob Kirsten for detail on how to join in this “virtual” gathering and reconnect.
“Less Stuff, More Life” Webinar Series at 1 pm Wednesdays thru May 27
The decluttering seminar originally announced in March has morphed into an interesting 7-part series taking place through May 27 via Zoom. Each session stands on its own so feel free to join us for any and all of the last four sessions.
According to Heidi Roed, owner of Life Easier LLC and Georgia Roed’s daughter, this isn’t your standard decluttering workshop. It’s about going “back to having more life in general, ideas for family gatherings and participation, minimalism, being part of the community, etc. It’s about the tradeoff between getting rid of stuff in order to get more life out of life.” Read Heidi’s syllabus for all seven sessions: Life Easier – Less Stuff-More Life Presentation Series.
You can join via your computer to listen and see the slides or listen on your telephone. Currently, we anticipate using the same ID and password for all these meetings. If Zoom requires further updates that change that, we will let you know. To get the log-in information, contact the church office.
Wellness Techniques for Coping with COVID-19
May is Mental Health Awareness month so our own church member and Certified Clinical Trauma Professional Colleen Tavor has offered to share mind and body techniques that quickly and effectively address the stress, anxiety, and depression we feel in these challenging times.
This is a free, two-part series presented via Zoom as a community service of #churchoftheopenhands. The first session on Monday, May 11 will focus on body techniques and the second session on Monday, May 18 will focus on mind techniques. These are simple techniques that anyone can do to help calm the mind and body. Each session will last for one hour.
To register, sign up on Eventbrite at or call the church office. Community members also are welcome!
Other “Gathering” Opportunities
We have the capability to schedule other meetings and “gatherings” via Zoom. Youth United, Session, our Adult Bible Study and the Preschool have already taken advantage of this. JOY! Study is meeting weekly meetings via Zoom, as are a couple of PW Circles and even our choir. Let Karen Spica or Laura Hedgecock know if you’d like to do this.
Our Outreach on Facebook
Over the last several weeks, we hope you have been enjoying Pam Jusino, Kim Kucharski and most recently Pastor Eddie on Facebook Live in the mornings sharing a daily lectionary reading and morning prayers! It’s been a very popular addition to our Facebook page, and we thank them for their inspired reading as a wonderful way to bless us and start our day.
Next up is Sue Carlson, who is always an inspiring presenter. We invite you to our Facebook page to listen in at 9:00 a.m. or anytime thereafter at: We are looking for volunteers who would like to learn to use Facebook Live (it’s really quite easy!) and offer a daily lectionary reading and prayer to our Facebook friends. Contact the office if you’d like to explore this opportunity to spiritually enrich our devoted social media following.
Members of our Communications Team have been posting scripture, jokes, news, and whatever else they think will help us get through this crisis together. If you are a Facebook user, be sure to take part of the conversation. It helps connect those that are reading along. Here’s our Facebook page: And don’t forget to end your posts or comments with: #churchoftheopenhands.
Submit an Online Prayer Request
Besides notifying the church office, you now can submit a prayer request on our website. There’s a prominent box on our home page with a form to easily share your concern or joy that would benefit from prayers from your church family.
Regarding Zoom
Zoom meetings allow you to connect by computer, tablet, smartphone or even a land-line voice-only phone. If you connect via computer, you will see your fellow participants on your screen. Your computer’s camera will let other people see you only if you have it enabled. For those joining a meeting for the first time, Zoom will prompt you to download and install their software. If you’re using a smartphone or tablet, you will need to download the Zoom meeting app from your app store. When you first “join the meeting,” Zoom will offer to help you check your microphone and speakers to eliminate any problems before you start. If you’re not feeling comfortable, try watching a zoom tutorial in advance. There are several at
Caring for One Another
Keep safe and have a blessed day!
Note: Prayer concerns omitted from the web-version of this newsletter for privacy reasons.