Worship at First Pres
Join us each Sunday at 10:00 a.m. Worship with us via our Livestream Watch Worship videos on YouTube
Join us for worship at 10:00 am each Sunday.
God calls us to worship, not only at church, but especially at church. Join us as we come together in unity and praise. We strive to be a vibrant and vital witness in our community and endeavor to send worshipers home with a smile of hope and new energy to serve Christ and do God’s work in the world.
What to Expect in our Worship Services
Sit anywhere you like and participate as much or as little as you feel comfortable with. We sing hymns from a variety of styles and origins, ranging from old familiar tunes to recent compositions. Our music is lead by our Chancel Choir and accompanied by our beautiful grand piano and Reuter/Rogers pipe organ. Though we often stand for hymns and responses, we do not use kneeling benches.
Our facility is barrier-free, with wheelchair seating in the front and back of the sanctuary. We use a projection screen but also have regular and large print bulletins, hymnals and Bibles (New Revised Standard Version) for all to use. We have devices to help the hearing impaired — just ask an usher as you enter our sanctuary.
Throughout the year, particularly during Advent, Christmas, Lent and Easter, there are special or multiple services. You’ll find these listed on our Calendar page.
Watch Recent Worship Services
March 2, 2025 Worship Service | First Presbyterian Church of Farmington, Michigan
February 23, 2025 Worship Service | First Presbyterian Church of Farmington, Michigan
February 16, 2025 Worship Service | First Presbyterian Church of Farmington, Michigan
February 9, 2025 Worship Service | First Presbyterian Church of Farmington, Michigan
February 2, 2025 Worship Service | First Presbyterian Church of Farmington, Michigan
January 26, 2025 Worship Service | First Presbyterian Church of Farmington, Michigan
Children in Worship
We believe that children belong in worship, because faith is “caught” not “taught.” What better way for children to know what faith is all about than to be a full part of a faith community.
Children give adults the gifts of trust, awe, and new viewpoints. Adults share wisdom, experience and acceptance.
We have worship bags for young children at the back of the sanctuary.
All baptized Christians, regardless of denomination, are welcome at the Lord’s Table.
Communion is celebrated on the first Sunday of each month and elements (gluten-free bread and juice) are normally distributed in the pews. On the few occasions when communion is served at the front of the sanctuary, those unable to come forward are served in their seats.
Our Music
Christian music is an avenue to serve God with hearts and minds and voices. No matter who you are, there is always room in the music program of this church for you!
During Sunday worship, we present beautiful anthems to God and lead the congregation as they praise God with hymns and responses. We sing music from ages past as well as recently composed music.
Shari Fiore, our talented organist, pianist, and music director (pictured below) welcomes singers from any age (starting at high school) and any music background. We rehearse in our barrier-free sanctuary and are happy to make any accommodations needed for disabilities.
Our grand piano and Reuter/Rogers hybrid pipe-digital organ (with 34 flamed copper pipes, three tiered keyboard and 72 stops), as well as frequent guest musicians, accompany us as we lead the congregation in worship.
From September to June, we rehearse during the week (see our calendar page for day and time). We also gather at 9:15 am each Sunday to exercise our voices and run through the music for that day’s worship. During the summer, we gather at 9:00 am on Sunday morning to rehearse the worship anthem.
Short-term Music Opportunities
Not sure your schedule can accommodate room for a regular rehearsal commitment, but still want to make music for the Lord? No problem! It is also possible to join the choir for a church holiday season, such as Easter, Advent, or Christmas, or just join our summer choir, which does not practice during the week.
What not to wear
There’s not a “what not to wear” at First Presbyterian; the gathering of believers is much more important to us than how those believers dress. Most adults wear anything from business casual to Sunday best. Anything your child or youth would wear to school will work here.
We also have resources to help you understand First Presbyterian Church of Farmington’s policies and practices are for Baptisms, Funerals and Weddings.
First Presbyterian Church of Farmington
26165 Farmington Road
Farmington Hills, MI 48334
[email protected]
Welcoming All
Sharing Christ
Serving Others
We are called…
- To welcome all people to worship the triune God with us.
- To give of our time, talent and treasures in mission to strengthen our relationship with Christ.
- To grow in faith by studying, discerning and teaching God’s Word for our daily lives and for the life of the church.