Significant Milestones in Life’s Journey

A Christian wedding ceremony is a worship service in which God is praised, your commitment to each other is celebrated, and God’s blessing on your life together is joyfully anticipated. Your decision for a church ceremony implies that you desire more than a civil ceremony.
A church wedding presupposes your faith, commitment, and focus on God. Marriage brings a significant change in your lives and marks the beginning of a new spiritual adventure.
Our pastor will want to meet with both of you before your wedding date is finalized on the church calendar to choose the most fitting Christian ceremony for this sacred commitment.
For more information or to speak with our pastor call 248-474-6170.
Funerals and Memorial Services
We believe that the bereaved should be upheld by the Christian community. The pastor, staff, and members of First Presbyterian are here to extend concern and sympathy and assist in making arrangements. The Board of Deacons will provide a reception for the family and friends of a church member, if desired. Receptions are held immediately following the funeral/memorial service.

Please call the pastor when a loved one is critically ill or has died. Our pastor will want to support you by offering prayer and counsel. The pastor will also help you determine an appropriate time for a funeral or memorial service and assist you in its planning.
Funeral or Memorial Service?
At a funeral, the body of the loved one is present in a casket; at a memorial service, the body is not present. Presbyterians believe that internment, cremation and donation for medical purposes are equally acceptable. The choice between a funeral and a memorial service is a matter of personal preference.
A funeral or memorial is a worship service. It is a witness to God’s love for all people, a love which strengthens and supports even in the midst of grief. Emphasis is placed on the reading of scripture and the declaration of hope. Words about the life of the one who has died and thanks to God for that life are also included. Prayers for the family and friends of the deceased are intrinsic to this service.
In the event a casket is present, it will be closed during the worship service so that attention may be directed to God alone. The casket will be covered with a white pall. If the deceased is a veteran, a tri-folded flag may be placed on a stand beside the casket. A single portrait may be displayed on a stand in the sanctuary and flowers may be arranged in appropriate locations.
Normally, a brief committal service is held at the graveside immediately following a funeral service. Ashes may be buried or scattered.
Edge Taylor Cope Memorial Garden
Outside of Knox Fellowship Hall is a memorial garden which contains the ashes of many of our loved ones. This garden is maintained with loving care. You may prearrange internment of your ashes in the garden.
More Information to help you is in our attached document Planning Guide for Funeral and Memorial Services.
First Presbyterian Church of Farmington
We are called…
To welcome all people to worship the triune God with us.
To give of our time, talent and treasures in mission to strengthen our relationship with Christ.
To grow in faith by studying, discerning and teaching God’s Word for our daily lives and for the life of the church.
(248) 474-6170
[email protected]