Our Leadership

Elders, Deacons, & Financial Officers






The Presbyterian church enjoys a representative form of church government. This means our leadership is made up of staff members as well as elected members of the congregation.

Meet some of our leaders.


The governing board of the church is called the Session, and is made up of the Pastor and up to 12 members of the congregation who are elected as Elders. Elders, or Ruling Elders as they are also known, serve for a three-year term. The terms are staggered, with up to four elders elected each year.

The Elders provide the leadership for church committees that manage the operation and maintenance of the church. Committee members come from the congregation and do not have to be Elders. Learn more about Presbyterian church government.

At First Pres, the Session normally meets on the third Wednesday of each month.

Current Members of Session

 Clerk of Session: Dorothy Tait

Class of 2025

Nancy Cook
MJ Floreno
Colleen Tavor

Class of 2026

Alvine Cooper
Anne Fuller 
Randy Edwards 

Class of 2027

Karl Cressman
Jim Tubbs
Martha Countegan


We also elect members to serve of the board of deacons. The deacons’ function is one of sympathy, witness, and service after the example of Jesus Christ.  Like elders, deacons serve a three-year term.
Being a Deacon is a great way to serve God and the church. Deacons lead the congregation in care-giving, reaching out to friends and members in need, such as those grieving or suffering from an illness or surgery. As the hands and heart of the church, Deacons enjoy an opportunity for fellowship and spiritual growth.

Current Board of Deacons

Class of 2025

Sue Andrews
Sue Carlson
Georgia Roed
Dan DeSloover
Laurel Scott

Class of 2026

Deb Anderson
Lauren Haas-Lewis
Garren Lewis
Pat Plamondon

Class of 2027

Jeff deGrasse
Vickie Najjar
Betty Reynolds
Leslie Black

Financial Secretary & Treasurer

Two important volunteers handle the church contributions and the church expenses.
Jerry Sheel

Jerry Sheel

Financial Secreatry

Sue Cooper

Sue Cooper


First Presbyterian Church of Farmington

church of the open hands in script

26165 Farmington Road
Farmington Hills, MI 48334
[email protected]


Welcoming All
Sharing Christ
Serving Others