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For your study, research and enjoyment, there are several categories of online resources including

Bible Browsers

  • PC(USA) Lectionary  Suggested scripture readings for each day from the PC(USA).  Please note that PC (USA) offers two distinct lectionaries are provided on this page: the two-year Daily Lectionary from the Book of Common Worship and the three-year Revised Common Lectionary (RCL) for Sundays and festivals.
  • Oremus    An online search engine for books and verse of the Bible. Includes the New Revised Standard Version which we normally use for worship and study.
  • Bible Gateway  An online search engine for passages in the Bible. Includes many versions in English and other languages.
  • The One Year Bible Online  This subsidiary of the Bible Gateway is an online resource for anyone who wants to read the entire Bible in one year. Simply choose your start date and you’re good to go.

Devotional Readings

  •  d365  A devotional site for teens co-sponsored by the Episcopal Church, Presbyterian Church USA and The Cooperative Baptist Fellowship.
  • Upper Room  Daily reading and devotional from Upper Room Ministries of the United Methodist Church
  •  Just Living  Guide for couples and families on practicing faith in the little decisions of everyday; living simply so that others can simply live.  This online resource is part of PC(USA)’s “Enough for Everyone” initiative.
  • Forward Day by Day  A free devotional online resource published by Forward Movement, an official agency of the Episcopal Church.

Current Interest Online Resources


Presbyterian Church (USA) Stance on LBGTQ+ Issues

Overture 11-12, On Affirming and Celebrating the Full Dignity and Humanity of People of All Gender Identities: 

Standing in the conviction that all people are created in the image of God and that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is good news for all people, the 223rd General Assembly (2018) affirms its commitment to the full welcome, acceptance, and inclusion of transgender people, people who identify as gender non-binary, and people of all gender identities within the full life of the church and the world. The assembly affirms the full dignity and the full humanity of transgender people, their full inclusion in all human rights, and their giftedness for service. The assembly affirms the church’s obligation to stand for the right of people of all gender identities to live free from discrimination, violence, and every form of injustice.

Making these affirmations, the assembly acknowledges that the church has fallen short of these commitments and obligations. In the world and in the church, transgender people too often experience and suffer discrimination and violence. The church has failed to understand fully and to celebrate adequately the full spectrum of gender embodied in God’s creation. As a result, we have participated in systemic and targeted discrimination against transgender people, and we have been complicit in violence against them. The assembly affirms the scriptural obligation to work for justice for all God’s children, and particularly here to work for justice for people of all gender identities. We have fallen short of this obligation, and—by the grace of God—commit ourselves to do better.

Read more



Facing Racism: A Vision of the Intercultural Community Churchwide Antiracism Policy states,

Racism is the opposite of what God intends for humanity. It is the rejection of the other, which is entirely contrary to the Word of God incarnate in Jesus Christ. Racism is a lie about our fellow human beings, for it says that some are less than others. Because of our biblical understanding of who God is and what God intends for humanity, the PC(USA) must stand against, speak against and work against racism.

Read more and access antiracism resources

The Presbyterian Mission Agency, listed below, also offers social justice resources. 



Online Current Event Reading

  • Guideposts   True stories of hope, faith, personal growth and positive thinking, plus inspiring quotes, daily devotionals and prayers for every need.
  • Presbyterians Today    Official magazine of the PCUSA with articles of interest to those in the pews. Limited articles available on-line. Print subscription information available.

Church-Related Disaster Relief Agencies

  • Church World Service   Ecumenical relief agency through whom Presbyterians often coordinate. Find directions for emergency hygiene and other kits distributed by CWS. Coordinator of CROP Walks.

Counseling and Self-Help

The Samaritan Counseling Center of South East Michigan offers pastoral counseling and psycho-therapy.
PC (USA) Seal notates online resources of the Presbyterian Church USA

Presbyterian Related Websites & Online Resources


Fair Trade Websites

  • Equal Exchange – fairly traded coffee, tea, chocolate and other snacks; a trading partner of the Presbyterian Coffee Project
  • SerrvSustainable crafts and foods to change lives

First Presbyterian Church of Farmington

church of the open hands in script

26165 Farmington Road
Farmington Hills, MI 48334
[email protected]


Welcoming All
Sharing Christ
Serving Others


We are called…

  • To welcome all people to worship the triune God with us.
  • To give of our time, talent and treasures in mission to strengthen our relationship with Christ.
  • To grow in faith by studying, discerning and teaching God’s Word for our daily lives and for the life of the church.