Future Church Planning Taskforce Update
Purpose: To develop a three-year growth plan for our church
Process update:
- We’ve completed the Congregation Assessment Tool by Holy Cow Consulting and presented the results to the congregation in April.
- We’ve contracted with Holy Cow Consultant to resolve conflict identified in CAT during May.
- We will find out the results of interviews of selected congregation members in June. Then we’ll determine next steps in long range planning.
- At the same time, we are planning some education sessions for community members in September. More details about these sessions will be available in the July/August FYI.
Joint Elder/Deacon Get-Together, Wednesday, May 18
On the evening of May 18, the Deacons and Elders along with church staff got together for a light meal as we welcomed the incoming officers and recognized those who were ending their terms.
New Elders include: Nancy Cook, MJ Floreno, Eddie Matteson, and Colleen Tavor
New Deacons include: Sue Anderson, Sue Carlson, Georgia Roed, and Leslie Van Hamme
The elders held a short meeting to approve new summer hours:
As of June 1: Monday – Thursday, 9:30 – 4:00 pm; Closed Fridays
Holiday Office Closure: The church office and building will be closed on Monday, July 4 in observance of Independence Day.
!! August 2022 FYI Deadline: Friday, June 17 !!
Faith Reflection
Deacon Sue Dickson Carlson
My religious education was rather spotty. I was baptized at St. Christopher Episcopal Church in Detroit and attended some Sunday school, which I loved, at Franklin Community Church. But as my four younger brothers arrived in succession and all played baseball, our family’s church attendance became sporadic. In college, I visited a few Ann Arbor churches. However, it wasn’t until I started dating Dave, a man of deep faith, that worship became a regular part of my life. We were married at the First Presbyterian Church of Plymouth in 1981. After we moved to Farmington Hills and our son Daniel attended the excellent preschool here, we transferred our membership.
I became part of Presbyterian Women and immediately found a home. I enjoyed attending ACTS Circle in the old Knox House. I began to learn about Christianity, service, and leadership from many strong mentors. Irene Foster, Ruth McKinnon, Ruth France, Delores Kansman, and Shirley Kinsey come to mind, though there were many others. Other PW role models of mine are my contemporaries and younger women who had much more experience than I did. I so appreciate the nurturing from the inspiring women of this church.
Presbyterian Women has been very important to me for both friendships and faith building. As a late starter, I learned a lot of theology from the PW bible studies we’ve done over the years. (As a result, I’ve done much better on the Bible category on Jeopardy!) The pandemic has limited most of PW’s programs, but with the solid framework we have, I am optimistic that we will be able to reclaim our vitality as an organization. If you are a woman that might like to be part of a Circle this fall, please contact me or any PW member. Check the bulletin board in Knox Hall. As a drama lover, my favorite endeavor over the years at our church has been the Presbyterian Players Christmas plays. (I have also learned a lot from the lines in these plays.) After a two-year hiatus, we hope to have a performance this December. If you would like to be on stage or help with scenery or costumes, please let me or Pam Jusino know.
In a footrace against an early morning thunderstorm, a small band of volunteers helped get First Presbyterian grounds cleaned up from the autumn and winter. The biggest improvement came in the clearing of debris in the wooded portion of Cope Garden and dropping seven yards of new mulch underneath. In addition, a number of additional maintenance and improvement projects were taken on to help make the church building and grounds better for everyone. Thanks to Alvine Cooper, Karl Cressman, Chris Davis, Chris Ely, Jeff Ely, Paul Floreno, Rick Fuller, Jerry Howe, Ron Prieskorn and several members of Boy Scout Troop 179 for the (rain-soaked) effort.
Juneteenth Celebration in Farmington/Farmington Hills
The Story of Juneteenth
Commonly understood as a celebration of the news of the Emancipation Proclamation (January 1, 1863) finally reaching Texas two years after it was proclaimed (June 19, 1865) and became known as Jubilee Day or Juneteenth, short for June 19th. Come join the community celebration and meet your neighbors! Sponsored by First Presbyterian Church Farmington. Register through Eventbrite.
Volunteers Needed: We need volunteers to help for all three days of Juneteenth celebration: Friday evening movie night, Saturday 10am – 7pm, Sunday 2:00 – 5:30pm. Please contact Colleen Tavor if you can help for even a few hours on any day.
Youth United 2022 Summer Experience August 9 – 11, at CARES
Youth United will celebrate our 5th year as an intergenerational and interfaith experience! This year’s camp will be held August 9-11 at CARES. The teens need our help with one of this year’s projects — collecting personal care items (not eligible for purchase with SNAP) for CARES’ guests.
We need soap, shampoo, deodorant, tooth paste, toothbrush.
There is also a huge need for diapers (all sizes, but especially size 6) and Baby Wipes.
Please deposit items in the big tub marked YOUTH UNITED/CARES in the narthex or Mission Cove. We will be collecting from now until the end of July.
Would you like to VOLUNTEER at Youth United? Do you know a TEEN that might like to attend? Just contact Karen Linnell or Laura Hedgecock.
Rebuilding Together
On Saturday, April 30th FPCF members: Sue Andrews, Karl Cressman, Paul Floreno, Rick Fuller, Tom Neal, Paul Spica, and Ron Prieskorn and members of Northville’s Presbyterian Church converged on a house in Southfield on behalf of Rebuilding Together.
The work was primarily exterior such as: front porch repair, garage door aligning, changing the lighting in the garage, repair and cleaning of the gutters, mulching the flower beds and more. Your Mission Ministry Team contributes $1,500 each year to Rebuilding Together.
Many thanks to these members who gave up part of their Saturday to enhance this homeowner’s property.
DAR Community Service Award to Tom and Cathy Neal
Three Flags Chapter DAR held their Good Citizens Luncheon in Knox Fellowship Hall on Saturday, April 30. This event honors student essay winners, outstanding high school seniors, outstanding Sea Cadets, other outstanding youth, and community service volunteers.
The DAR Community Service Award is a way to recognize the unpaid voluntary community service of individuals and organizations. It is a way to honor those who contribute to the community in an outstanding manner through voluntary heroic, civic, benevolent service, or by organizing or participating in community activities. This year Three Flags Chapter honored Tom and Cathy Neal with this award.
We know how active Tom and Cathy are around our church; but they are also very active in the Farmington/Farmington Hills community. At church they lead and “get their hands dirty” with Rebuilding Together, making the church vegetable garden happen, from plowing to lining up volunteers, to planting, to delivering the produce to the food bank in Pontiac. Tom led the Men’s Breakfast Group in building Beds for Kids, and building a play structure at Second Mile Center. Tom has been very active over the years chairing numerous events and programs through Presbytery of Detroit also.
Cathy has volunteered at the Craft Fair hosted here at FPCF, is a member of the Mission Team, and she has “sewn up a storm” making face masks during the pandemic. She has sewn and distributed over 1,400 masks throughout events in our community.
Both Tom and Cathy are instrumental in the F/FH Optimist Club, both having served as officers of the organization. They work tirelessly for the organization, which partners with the Farmington Public Schools to teach children leadership skills and ways to better their community and their world. Cathy also leads one of the Junior Optimist Clubs.
Please congratulate and thank Tom and Cathy for all they do to make our community and FPCF a better place.
Renewing Your Faith with PW
Attention Presbyterian Women who would like to renew your faith this summer in the company of your PW sisters. Join us for “Hope Renewed -New Visions Imagined” July 29-30, 2022 at the First Presbyterian Church of Dearborn. This is the PW/Synod of the Covenant Gathering.
The featured speaker will be the Rev. Dr. Carol M. Bechtel, author of the 2022-2023 PW Bible Study, “Celebrating Sabbath: Accepting God’s Gift of Rest and Delight.” Other leaders will include Charon Barconey, the Associate Executive Director of the Presbytery of Detroit, Susan Jackson Dowd, PW Executive Director, and Rev. Kathy Reeves, PW National Moderator.
The hours are Friday, July 29 from 4-8 p.m. and Saturday, July 30 from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. You may attend one day (at a prorated rate) or both. Before July 1, registration for both days is $90, which includes all workshops as well as dinner Friday and lunch Saturday.
If you would like more information, check the PW bulletin board, or call Sue Carlson.
Birthday Offering of Presbyterian Women
For 100 years, Presbyterian Women’s Birthday Offering has helped fund mission projects that improve lives. It gives women a tangible way to celebrate the blessings in their lives.
The 2022 Birthday Offering recipients are: Mission at the Eastward (MATE), Mccleary House Transitional Housing, missionattheeastward.org, Iglesia Presbiteriano de Lares, Puerto Rico, Jesus Feed the Five Thousand, facebook.com/iglesia.lares.
To contribute a Birthday Offering:
- By check, June – September, mail to: Anne Fuller, 11330 Hastings Point Rd, Middleville, MI 49333
- In cash: drop off at church in an envelope marked “PW – Birthday Offering.”
Thank you, PW, for all that you do!
Church Gardens on the Hill Plans 2022
Garden names are to honor those in the past who have participated in the Adult Mission Group of our church.
4’ X 20’ Newly enclosed garden in honor of Frank Hibbard; Planting Squash and Eggplant
4’ X 8’ enclosed garden; in honor of Mimi and Phil Cramer; Planting 4-Burpless cucumbers, Yellow/White onions
4’ X 4’ enclosed garden in honor of Reta Mosshamer, early pioneer with a mission heart; planting Green Peppers
(2) 4’ X 8’ raised, enclosed gardens, In honor of Pastor Sue Ellis Melrose, Sue Andrews, Sue Hibbard
Planting in Sue 1: Planting in 24-Jade bush beans, 1-Red Pontiac Potatoes, 1-French Fingerling Potatoes
Planting in Sue 2: Planted tomatoes: 8-Early Girl, 2-Beefstake, 2-Tomato Grape, 2-Celebrity, 2-Arkansas Traveler, 2-Better Boy, 2-Papa Joe
Church Garden Watering Team
Sunday open
Monday Sharon Cressman, Nancy Prieskorn
Tuesday need help
Wednesday Robin Nall
Thursday Nancy Cook
Friday Eddie Matteson
Saturday Don Schwartz
Thank you all for being a part of our hunger outreach program. With our Rain Collection System, it is easy to water all the gardens.
We like to assign two people to each day of the week. If you can’t make it, please arrange someone from our substitute list to handle that day. You might also recruit a second person to share the day every other week if you don’t have a current one listed.
We need to keep the soil damp so the crop will grow. Unless it rains good, you will need to water. See Tom if you have questions, problems, or suggestions. Also, please help keep weeds under control if possible.
Chris & Emily Davis
Charlene Diehl
Sally Kirsten
$800 Grant from MSU for Garden-to-Table Connection for Preschool
Georgia Roed received an $800 grant from Michigan State University and she has put it to amazing use! First, Georgia wrote the grant, followed through with all the paperwork, planning, attendance at all the required meetings, and purchase of needed gardening equipment and supplies. She have led the preschoolers in their experiences with the butterfly garden, learning about bulbs, planting Daffodils and Scilla, releasing milk weed seeds, starting “Forget-Me-Nots” in our indoor seed starter bought with grant money.
We will be expanding the Butterfly Waystation to include a food garden just outside of the double doors of the exploration room. The children will be helping with creating this new extension and using their child-sized rakes, hoes, shovels, and wheelbarrow bought with grant money.
One of the main reasons for this grant is that MSU wants us to make the garden-to-table connection with the children. They have given these grants to all ages from preschool to high school. The grant was originally supposed to be $2,100 but they had so many schools apply that they reduced the amount to $800 so they could give out grants to more schools. Even though the amount of money was reduced, it has been most valuable being advised and counseled by MSU. In 2020 MSU started off our grant program with a once a week Zoom for five weeks on the Secret Life of Trees filmed from Tollgate and especially designed for our preschool at FPCF. It was a wonderful experience for the teachers, parents and children who participated from home on Zoom.
Amazing work, Georgia!
New Elders and Deacons installed
Pastor Eddie Jusino and Clerk of Session Dorothy Tait (far right) conduct the installation ceremony on May 15 for (from left), Elder Eddie Matteson, Deacon Nancy Cook, Elder Colleen Tavor, Deacon Sue Carlson, Elder Lisa Hayes and for Deacons Leslie Van Hamme, Sue Andrews and Georgia Roed. Unable to attend: Elder MJ Floreno.
Cereal for Summer
Our snap! crackle! and pop! is back for the summer! Once again, we will collect cereal for hungry children.
Bring your donation to church until June 26 and look for the “Cereal” bin in the Narthex. Let’s give the kids a greaaaat summer!
Ruth Ellis Center Fundraiser Concert at FPCF on June 25
Celebrating African American Music Through the Ages
The Ruth Ellis Story
Baritone Jerrold Lee, along with the Waddles Jazz group, Christian Love Praise Team and Hope City Praise Team will shine a light on the Ruth Ellis Center by performing spirituals, jazz and gospel favorites!
The Ruth Ellis Center is a Detroit area social services agency that serves the needs of runaway, homeless and at-risk LGBTQ youth. Among their services are a drop-in center, Street Outreach Program, foster home, and Health and Wellness Center.
The center is named after activist Ruth Ellis, in honor of her contributions to the African American LGBTQ community as early as the 1930s.
The concert will be held on Saturday, June 25, 2022 at 7pm. The location is First Presbyterian Church of Farmington (Michigan). 26165 Farmington Rd. Farmington Hills, Michigan 48067. Tickets are $25 donation.
New Member Orientation held Saturday, May 7
Karl Cressman, Nurture Ministry Team Chair, hosted a new member orientation at FPCF on May 7. He was assisted by Pastor Eddie, Tom Neal, Dorothy Tait, and Colleen Tavor. Nine people attended the orientation: Kari Gorman, Chuck & Myra Hoover, Garren Lewis, Shirley Morse, Leah Moir, Robinson (Robin) Nall, Jim Tubbs and Alexander (Alex) Waun.
They were welcomed into membership during worship on Sunday, May 22. Be sure to give them a warm welcome when you see them!
Note: See the emailed (or USPS) version of this newsletter for contact information and short bios on our new members.
The next new member orientation will be held on Saturday, August 27, 10:00 – 11:30am, Room 208/210.
Stephen Ministry Looking for New Leaders
Stephen Ministry is looking for new leaders! What do Stephen Leaders do? They train new Stephen Ministers, talk to possible care receivers and provide ongoing supervision for Stephen Ministers. You don’t have to be a trained Stephen Minister to be a Stephen Leader. The two roles involve different tasks, gifts and skills, so people who have no experience as Stephen Ministers can make excellent Stephen Leaders.
Training for Stephen Leaders takes place through the organization’s headquarters in St. Louis. The training is delivered over Zoom and consists of 10 sessions of 2-½ hours each, held twice weekly over five weeks or once weekly over ten weeks. It is offered with the option of morning, afternoon or evening sessions. First Presbyterian will cover the cost of the training.
Think you might be interested? Please talk to Helen Thomas or Lois Caito for more information!
First Pres blessed with Family Baptism
A family baptism was celebrated at First Presbyterian on Sunday, March 27. Harper Mae Goltz and her uncle Jordan Zachary Goltz were welcomed into the Covenant during the service officiated by Pastor Eddie Jusino. In the photo above, Pastor Eddie performs the Act of Baptism on Jordan as 22-month-old Harper and her parents Jared and Angela Goltz look on, accompanied by Angela’s sister Amanda Kain and David Goltz, Jordan and Jared’s father.
The Wired Word – Applying the Bible to the Headlines – Join us!
Consider joining our Adult Discussion Class as we apply the Bible to stories in the headlines. It makes for some lively, interesting, and insightful discussions among friends. The class is led by Tom Neal and Rev. Craig Aue. We meet on Sunday mornings from 9:00 – 10:00 a.m. You can attend in person in Room 208/210 or by Zoom. Contact Tom Neal for more details and the Zoom link. Many of us join early just to chat and catch up. Please join us! All are welcome!
What are QR codes? How do you use them? Why are they in my bulletin?
QR (Quick Response) codes are boxes with graphics that contain information, much like a bar code. Most of the time, QR codes contain a link to the URL of a webpage.
They are ubiquitous on print materials because anyone with a smart phone can use their camera to scan the code, making it very easy for mobile users to access anything from a restaurant’s menu to a bridal registry.
For instance the QR code on the recent insert from Presbyterian Disaster Assistance took donors to https://pma.pcusa.org/donate/make-a-gift/gift-info/DR000156/.
Instead of having to enter that long link with my clumsy thumbs, I used my iPhone’s camera. A little message popped up, confirming that the code was sending me to PCUSA.org. I tapped that link and my browser opened to the PCUSA.org donation page set aside for Ukrainian relief.
QR codes are a way for us to be inclusive of people who prefer to donate electronically. (Note: Any QR codes First Pres uses will be accompanied by text explaining their purpose.)
Want to try a QR code?
The one to the right takes you to the homepage of our website.
No donation required.
Soul Stretch Yoga – Join Us!
ReNEW your mind body, and spirit this spring in what Jesus said…repent, follow me, be happy, shine, reconcile, don’t lust, keep your word, turn the other cheek, go above and beyond…
We hope you’ll carve out this season to join in the practice of stilling, listening and embodying. Yoga can help clear a clutter-free space in our minds and hearts to do just this. Come, listen to Jesus with us!
For indoors, all you need to join Soul Stretch is:
- a little quiet space in your house
- a Wi-Fi connection
- a yoga mat
Registration is open now. Click to choose the package that works best for you.
Social Justice Book Club Meeting In Person for First Time
The Social Justice Book Study group began in September 2020 and, so far, we’ve read four books together: Waking Up White by Debby Irving, How to be an Antiracist by Ibram Kendi, How the Word is Passed by Clint Smith, and our just-completed Caste by Isabel Wilkerson. Members of the group live in Tennessee, Pennsylvania, and as far away as India!

On Monday evening, May 23, the members who live locally gathered at the Grand Tavern in Farmington to enjoy a dinner and drinks together, many of us meeting each other face-to-face for the first time. As you can see from the smiling faces and raised glasses, we had a great time!
Please join us when we start reading another book, still to be determined, in September!\
Join us for Coffee and Treats after In-Person Worship
We’d love to have you join us for Hospitality Time after our worship service in Knox Hall!
We’d love to see you back in church!
But if you can’t join us in person, watch our livestream.
You can also find the link to watch our livestream on our home page or on our worship services page. (If you miss the live service, you can also find the on-demand videos you can watch through YouTube.
Note: There may be a delay of one to several hours before YouTube posts the video.
2022 Worship Flower sign-up available
Please consider giving flowers in memory of a loved one or to recognize a special occasion such as a birthday or anniversary or to the glory of God. An arrangement is $24.50 and enhances our in-person and videotaped worship services. Your arrangement will be displayed on plant stands near the pulpit during the service and will be acknowledged in the Sunday worship bulletin. Please sign up on the flower calendar on the kiosk or order through the church office. You may take home the flowers after the service, ask to have the flowers delivered to you or request to have them delivered to one of our homebound members.
2022 offering envelopes
Those who have used numbered envelopes in 2021 will automatically receive envelopes for 2022. If you have NOT used envelopes this year, but DO wish to have them for next year, please do one of the following:
- Contact Jerry Scheel
- Contact the church office at 248-474-6170 to make your request known.
Numbered envelopes facilitate the speed and accuracy of the data entry process for our offering counters, so we do encourage you to use envelopes if you contribute manually on a regular basis.
We also encourage the use of electronic debit. If you wish to submit your pledge electronically from your bank account monthly, please call Jerry Scheel, Financial Secretary, to have the forms mailed to you. If you have any questions, please contact Jerry Scheel or call the church office at (248) 474-6170.
FPCF COVID-19 PROTOCOLS – Effective 5/1/22
Session met on April 20, 2022 and revised the FPCF COVID-19 Protocols as follows. The item marked with an asterisk (*) are new updates.
COVID-19 Restrictions:
- Masking recommended.
- The Contact Tracing Log used when entering the building is discontinued and the Friendship Register reinstated for Worship Services.
- Furniture and worship enhancing materials (Bibles, hymnals, prayer requests, etc. may return to normal locations.
- Resume original maximum room occupancies for the Sanctuary, Narthex, Knox Hall and all second-floor rooms as of May 1, 2022*.
- Electrostatic Spray when room is expected to be used again within 48 hours is discontinued.
- Congregational Singing permitted softly with mask recommended.
- Chancel choir may return with restrictions. Choir members are required to provide proof of COCID-19 vaccination.
- Worship Ensemble limit increased from 8 to 12.
- Prepackaged Communion Elements with be used.
- Kitchen – selected use with sanitation protocols.
- Kitchen open to make coffee only (sanitation protocols apply).
- Coffee Hour permitted in Knox Hall (masks recommended except when eating/drinking).
- Drinking fountain use restored.
Existing restrictions for the Family and Children Wing will remain in place.