Do not consider entering the building if any of the below conditions are true:

  • You are ill or have an above normal temperature.
  • You have a medical condition that limits your ability wear a mask at all times when in the building.
  • You, or someone you have been exposed to within the last 14 days, have been diagnosed with COVID-19.
  • You, or someone living with you, have been diagnosed with COVID-19 until you are able to report to the office that you, or those living with you, have a medically determined “all clear” status.

Anyone entering the church building must comply with the following every time they enter the building until the pandemic is over: 

  • Sign the Contact Tracing Log at the entrance door (We must be able to identify everyone who has been in the building including the date and time they were there to alert you to possible COVID-19 exposure should the need arise).
  • Use hand sanitizer
  • Wear a mask at all times in the building
  • Physically distance
  • Complete your business in a timely manner and depart the building